Chapter 488: Divide the Void Fire

"...Forget it, let's go back first - after refining the Emperor Fire of the Void Swallowing Flame, maybe we can locate it in the Soul Realm."

"When the time comes, we can just attack him before Soul Emperor comes out of seclusion."

After making the decision, Gu Yuan and Xiao Xuan tore apart the space and left.

As for Lei Ying and Yan Jin, when Gu Yuan and Emperor Hun Tian were fighting each other, they originally planned to contain Void Swallowing Yan.

Although you may not be able to stop it, you still have to have that attitude.

After seeing Xiao Xuan suddenly come out, the two of them did not hesitate at all and retreated thousands of miles away.

After all, even Xiao Xuan showed up, so there was no need for them to take action. It was better to stand far away to avoid being accidentally affected.

When they saw the "Void Swallowing Flame" being "conquered" by the Xiao clan, and the Soul Emperor being forced to "self-destruct" and cut off his tail to escape, the two of them also took a breath of air.

At the same time, the two of them could only feel happy that they had sided with the Xiao Gu clan in the first place.

In fact, before, seeing that Xiao Xue and Xiao Yan were too talented, and that the ancient clan also had a divine bloodline, they had the idea of ​​seeking skin from the soul clan and the tiger.

After all, when Gu Xun'er and others reach the peak of Nine-Star Dou Sage, the Xiao Gu clan will still be one family. There is no reason not to gather all the ancient jade and try to challenge Dou Emperor.

As for the Yan Clan and the Thunder Clan, there is no younger generation who can compare with Xiao Xue, Gu Xun'er and others, and even the clan leader is not a Nine-Star Fighting Saint.

When the time comes, several Nine-Star Fighting Saints from across the street come to ask for ancient jade, will they give it to you or not?

Therefore, it is also a way to check and balance with the Xiao Gu and Xiao Gu clans with the Hun clan as the leader - as long as they can't collect the ancient jade and do not have the Dou Emperor, the Xiao Gu clan will not be able to defeat them and the Hun clan.

After all, the territory of every ancient race is the mark left by the ability to summon the ancient fighting emperor.

A mark like Yao Shi Ling is just that, but if someone knocks on the door, the Dou Emperor mark retained by the Yan Clan and Thunder Clan is also enough to drink a pot of Nine Star Dou Sheng.

Coupled with the strength of the Soul Clan's two Nine-Star Fighting Saints, it may really be able to check and balance the Xiao Gu Alliance for a long time.

But now, Lei Ying and Yan Jin are extremely grateful for their original decision.

If he had followed the Soul Clan back then, he would have been happy - Xiao Xuan was actually resurrected, and no one could stop such a powerful person except the Soul Emperor.

If they were really hostile, the two of them, coupled with the Void Swallowing Flame, would only die later against Xiao Xuan.

Now, the Ancient Clan has the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire, and the Xiao Clan has the "Void Swallowing Flame", which is even more irresistible.

Therefore, there was no hostility, and they had an embrace, and they even broke through the Nine-Star Fighting Saint. The two of them got a big advantage.

Lei Ying rolled his eyes, "Brother Lei, are the two daughters of the Xiao clan and the Gu clan not married yet?"

Yan Jin nodded, then was stunned, as if he understood something.

"Yes, and although Xiao Yan of the Xiao clan has married, he is not from an ancient race. His talent is average. It takes a lot of effort to break through to the semi-saint level..."

To them, this "intelligence" is not a secret at all.

When a wise man speaks, he will stop talking.

As for whether they can successfully arrange a marriage, or marry the younger generation to the Xiaogu depends on their own abilities.

If you can't fight for the inheritance of Emperor Dou, saving the country through curves is not impossible.

If the Xiaogu clan can produce a Dou Emperor in the future, then as long as one can be squeezed in, it will be a profit.

Even if it is a "brother-in-law" or a "concubine", it is not a loss...


Tomb of Heaven.

Xiao Yan, Xiao Xue and others are currently dealing with the Emperor's Fire, which swallows the flames of nothingness.

This sub-fire also contains a lot of origins. The living dead possessing the peak of Yi Ming and Eight Stars can burst into nine-star combat power. If the fire-devouring Emperor Huo and the "old body" abandoned by the Soul Emperor really exploded, they might be able to severely damage Gu Yuan.

But since it didn't explode, it could only be "wasted".

Xiao Yan and Xiao Xue joined forces to separate the source of the emperor's fire from the living dead.

Then, Xiao Yan directly refined the living dead into puppets, and injected a variety of strange fires into them to create a "backup hidden energy source."

The power of the fire lotus fused with four or five strange fires is heaven-level, and the power of the explosion will skyrocket as the number of strange fires increases.

Xiao Yan, who seals different strange fires in different locations on the puppet and then "explodes" with one click when needed, would not even dare to forcefully attack the Void Swallowing Flame when it hits his face, so the Soul Emperor must treat it with caution.

Of course, he is the Soul Emperor at the peak of the Nine-Star Fighting Saint, not the Half-Emperor Soul Emperor.

The Soul Clan was going to use it to blow them up, so Xiao Yan sent back a bomb. He was very good at "reciprocity".

Then, Xiao Xue divided the Tianzi Fire, whose energy fluctuated to the level of the Eight-Star Dou Sage, into two groups of the Earthly Fire, whose energy fluctuated at the Seven Stars, and several ordinary sub-fires whose energy fluctuated around the Half-Saint.

There are two groups of earth fire, one for Xiao Yan and one for Gu Xun'er.

The reason for this is because first of all, the gap between each star between Dou Sheng is too big, especially in the later stage of Dou Sheng.

The Void Swallowing Flame is by no means a strange fire that has gained a false reputation. After refining the Golden Emperor's Burning Sky Flame, the Eight Desolations Destruction Flame and the Red Lotus Karmic Fire, Xiao Yan's current strange fire is not even weaker than the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire.

But facing the Emperor's Fire, whose origin was in the Eight-Star Dou Sheng, he still felt a lot of pressure.

Xiao Yan, who only has the Seven-Star Dou Sage, may not be able to absorb this void-devouring fire-devouring Emperor's Fire, but the Seven-Star Earth's Fire is not a big problem.

Secondly, the Nihility Swallowing Flame was born in nothingness. It has no form to be found and no form to grasp. It is a rather strange existence that has the ability to swallow all things.

Compared with "flame", it is more like a black hole that swallows everything.

Therefore, in theory, any attribute can try to refine the Void Swallowing Flame, just like she can refine the Hai Xin Yan and Nalan Yanran can refine the Nine Nether Wind Flame.

Although Gu Xun'er didn't have the Burning Jue, he could still use the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire to directly devour the Earthly Fire to gain an improvement.

For the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, the space power of the Void Devouring Flame is not something difficult to deal with. Only this devouring power is the key to suppressing the power of purification.

If he could swallow a piece of earth fire, Gu Xun'er's strength would definitely reach a higher level, and he could even directly use it to attack the Nine-Star Fighting Saint.

As for the ordinary Zihuo, they are for Zi Yan, Little Medical Fairy and others - Xiao Xue has always been exposed to rain and dew.

The devouring power of the Void Swallowing Flame can make cultivation more effective with half the effort.

The reason why I gave Xiao Yan and Gu Xun'er the fire is because one of them is the [protagonist] and will definitely be useful in the final battle;

The purpose of giving Gu Xun'er the fire was to allow her to try to attack the Nine-Star Fighting Saint.

For others, it is enough to have the source of fire and gain the power of devouring for the time being, and we will talk about the rest later.

Xiao Yan went to retreat, and the refining land became popular. Gu Xun'er was also preparing to retreat, but she had to take Xiao Xue with her.

The reason is that she does not have the special skills of Xiao Yan, and Xiao Xue's Pure Lotus Demon Water can suppress the Earth Fire of the Void Swallowing Flame.

This abacus almost jumped to his face - ever since Xiao Xuan and Gu Yuan agreed, Gu Xun'er didn't betray anyone anymore.

However, although Gu Xun'er is already an eight-star fighting saint, this is after all a seven-star earth fire. Without Fenjue, balance is indeed not safe.

Therefore, Xiao Xue did not refuse Gu Xun'er's "invitation".

By the way, she called up the little medical fairy who had been absent for a long time. After all, the little medical fairy also used strange fire to swallow sub-fire. Although her sub-fire was much less difficult, it was right to be cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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