Chapter 8 On the Use of Juqi Powder

a few days later.

Xiao Yan came to Xiao Xue to borrow money.

In the past three years of desolation, apart from his father, only his younger sister had a better relationship with him, and he couldn't explain to his father what he suddenly wanted a large sum of money for.

Therefore, he could only come to Xiao Xue.

"Why, does brother really need money?" Xiao Xue asked with her head tilted.

"Well, I need to buy something, but I still lack a little..." Xiao Yan scratched his head in embarrassment.

Xiao Xue also understood at the moment, it seems that Yao Lao has also awakened, and her cheap brother has also hooked up with Yao Lao.

So now, her cheap brother is naturally making money to buy medicinal materials, so that Yao Lao can refine the "foundation building spirit liquid" for him.

Alchemist is naturally a revered profession, even the lowest-level Qi Gathering Powder is worth tens of thousands of gold coins.

However, refining medicine requires capital.

Naturally, medicinal materials are not free, especially the "Foundation Establishment Essence Liquid" prepared by Yao Lao, the materials needed are all very expensive.

Xiao Yan was "desperate", so he came to Xiao Xue to borrow money.

"Brother, are you stupid?" Xiao Xue held his forehead, "Nalan Yanran, didn't you leave a Qi Gathering Powder for you?"

"You auctioned that thing, don't you still need money?"

The value of one Qi Gathering Powder is definitely enough for Xiao Yan to buy all the medicinal materials used within one year, as well as the raw materials of Qi Gathering Powder.

And the Qi Gathering Powder refined by Yao Lao's hands will only be more effective than the one refined by Furukawa.

Under Xiao Yan's explanation, Xiao Xue also understood that the Qi Gathering Powder is not in Xiao Yan's hands now.

After Nalan Yanran and others left, the senior members of the Xiao family gathered in the meeting hall again to discuss family affairs.

After Xiao Zhan communicated with the three elders, the resources in the family also tilted towards Xiao Yan again.

However, the Qi Gathering Powder was confiscated and used as a gift for the next generation of fighters in the family.

"Wait!" After figuring out the situation, Xiao Xuesu waved his hand and turned around to leave the door.

After Xiao Xue went out, an old voice suddenly sounded in Xiao Yan's mind, "A 14-year-old five-star fighter with soul power in the mid-mortal realm."

"Your sister, it's not easy."

"If it wasn't for fighting qi being of the water attribute, she couldn't become a pharmacist, her upper limit would only be higher."

Facing such a piece of jade like Xiao Xue, even the well-informed Yao Lao couldn't help but feel a little moved.

"Middle stage of the Mortal Realm? Is it very strong?" Xiao Yan asked curiously.

"Well, now that we've come to this point, let me tell you about the division of the soul realm." Yao Lao said.

"In the middle stage of Mortal Realm, it doesn't sound like much, but for a fighter, it's a bit too strong."

"The soul realm is divided into four levels: mortal realm, spirit realm, heaven realm, and emperor realm, and each realm is divided into low, middle, high, and great perfection."

"Take a pharmacist who specializes in soul power as an example. For a pharmacist, from the first-rank pharmacist to the seventh-rank pharmacist, they are all mortal souls."

"As for the eighth-grade elixir, the pharmacist needs to use his own soul power to infuse it."

"That is to say, if the soul realm has not broken through to the spirit realm, no matter how advanced your medicine refining skills are, you will not be able to refine the eighth-grade pill."

"As for the ninth-grade elixir, the spiritual intelligence is no different from that of ordinary human beings. This is almost equivalent to creating a new life, which requires the mighty power of the soul in the heavenly realm to do so."

"As for the soul of the imperial realm, it has been a legend for many years. Even I have never heard of anyone breaking through to this level."

"Perhaps some old monsters from ancient races can reach this level."

Hearing Yao Lao's words, Xiao Yan's pupils shrank suddenly.

That is to say, the so-called Pill King Guhe is just a mortal soul!

In the middle stage of Mortal Realm, what level is it?Fighter?Big Fighter?

A certain drug once again felt the unevenness of this world.

Yao Laozai regretted that Xiao Xue could not become a pharmacist, Xiao Yan fell into autism, and the two fell silent for a while.

Not long after, Xiao Xue took the rich woman Xiao Xun'er and Ju Qi away and returned.

Xiao Yan: 0-o?

Xiao Xun'er is currently the only one in the Xiao family who has a nine-level Dou Qi, and with her status, it is not easy to get a Qi Gathering Powder.

"Let's go, first go to the auction house to say hello, and then go to Fangshi." Xiao Xue said.

Naturally, the auction of Qi Gathering Powder cannot be completed on the same day. Only by allowing the auction house to prepare and publicize for a period of time can it be sold at a high price.

Therefore, Xiao Xue also brought Xiao Xun'er, a rich little woman, and planned to visit Fangshi by the way.

"Let's go, sister Xue'er, cousin Xiao Yan." Xiao Xun'er said, holding Xiao Xue's arm, and walked out first.

There is only one word difference between "Cousin Xiao Yan" and "Brother Xiao Yan" in the original book, and the gap can be described as a world of difference.

However, Xiao Xue subconsciously ignored it, and Xiao Yan, who has always been called "cousin", naturally did not respond.

Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Xun'er who was very close to his sister but a little distant to him, shook his head helplessly, and followed the two of them.


The Mittel Auction House, the largest auction place in Utan City, also belongs to the richest family in the Jia Ma Empire: the Mittel Family.

In the Jama Empire, when it comes to wealth, the Mittel family is probably second to none.

The Mittel family has a long history and has developed in the Jama Empire for hundreds of years, and the relationship can be described as intricate.

And according to some gossip, this extremely wealthy family seems to have a close relationship with the royal family of the Jia Ma Empire.

In the empire, the Mittel family, the Nalan family, and the Intel family are known as the Big Three of Jia Ma.

The three major families have a presence in the empire's business circles, military circles, etc., and their influence is not insignificant.

Therefore, with the strong background of the Mittel family as the background, no one would dare to take their ideas no matter how coveted the profits of the auction house.

Xiao Yan was wearing a black robe, and Xiao Xue and Xiao Xun'er were wearing white robes. Under the watchful eyes of several armed guards at the door, they walked straight into the auction without stopping.

As soon as you enter the auction house, the hot feeling is like being stripped away from your body, and the cool feeling makes people feel a strange feeling of duality between the inside and the outside.

Their gazes swept across the resplendent and spacious hall, and the three of them walked towards the side room. On the door of the room, there were three big characters of "Treasure Appreciation Room" printed in glittering gold.

Xiao Xue and others opened the door and entered. The room was quite empty, only a middle-aged man was sitting on a chair by the table, bored.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed, the middle-aged man raised his head, looked at the three figures wrapped in robes, and frowned indistinctly.

Immediately, a professional smile quickly appeared on his face: "Three distinguished guests, are you planning to appraise treasures?"

"Well, let's auction something." Under the white robe, a voice of Yujie came out lightly, and it turned out to be Xiao Xue's voice.

Hearing Xiao Xue's voice, Xiao Xun'er's heart felt a little itchy inexplicably, as if being scratched by a kitten.

She suddenly wanted to hear what kind of style it would be when this voice begged for mercy?
The next moment, she was awakened by her own thoughts again, and shook her head hastily, shaking some thoughts out of her mind.

how come?How could she have such a ridiculous idea?

Xiao Xun'er was at war between heaven and man in his mind, Xiao Yan remained silent at the side, while Xiao Xue took two steps forward, took out the jade box from her bosom, and gently placed it on the table.

"This is?" The middle-aged man carefully picked up the jade box, opened it and looked at it, his expression changed slightly, "Qi Gathering Powder?!"

(End of this chapter)

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