Chapter 83 Evolution Begins

It took Xiao Xue two days to refine all the other pills that aided Medusa's evolution.

During this process, she also added a small amount of bone spirit cold fire crystals to these pills.

Adding a small amount of bone spirit cold fire is hoping to get rid of the cold blood in Medusa's body and relieve Ahri's pressure.

Although Bone Spirit Lenghuo ranks No.11, it is still a bit high for the current Medusa.

However, if it's just a small amount of crystallization, with her monster body, she can still bear it.

Using the Bone Spirit Lenghuo, which has two attributes of extreme heat and extreme cold, to dispel the yin and cold blood, can be regarded as a professional counterpart.

At least, it is more suitable than the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire with fire and wood attributes.

And the fewer tasks left for Ahri, the easier it will be for Ahri, and the greater the success rate of Medusa's evolution.

After everything was tidied up, Xiao Xue took the prepared elixir and went to the temple to find Medusa.

At the entrance of the temple, Hua She'er, Yue Mei and other snake people stood around the gate respectfully, saluting to Xiao Xue.

"Master Xiao Xue."*N
Several other leaders of the Snakeman Tribe at the Douwang level also bowed aside, without a trace of their original arrogance.

Although Xiao Xue is a human being, but...she gave too much.

These tribal leaders, each of them has a Dou Ling Pill and some other pills, which are used to assist in cultivation.

What's more, whether Queen Medusa can evolve successfully depends entirely on Xiao Xue.

Now, Xiao Xue's status among the snake people is second only to Queen Medusa.

Even Mobas, who has the worst temper among the snake people, always smiles when he sees Xiao Xue.

Xiao Xue nodded casually, let Hua She'er lead the way, and then directly stepped into the temple.

She has been living in a bedroom next to the temple.

This temple, when Medusa brought her here, she entered it once, and went out soon, so naturally she didn't know the way.

After all, to put it bluntly, the entire temple is Medusa's bedroom.

In the temple, apart from the maids and guards, there will be no other outsiders. (Draw key points, to test)
It's not bad for her to live alone next to the temple.

Being able to live next to the temple is the ultimate dream of many snake people.

The area of ​​the temple is quite large, and there are countless maid guards in it.

The maids of Dou Shi and Da Dou Shi, and the Medusa Snake Guards of Dou Ling, when they saw Xiao Xue and Hua She'er, they all hurriedly saluted.

Along the way, encountering fewer and fewer snake people, Xiao Xue followed Hua She'er and walked in silence for about 10 minutes before her sight suddenly opened up.

A magnificent bedroom appeared in front of Xiao Xue.

In the bedroom, a small clear lake is in the center, like an island, surrounded by sparkling water.

All kinds of beautiful plants were arranged around the lake, and a huge bed was placed in the deepest part of the bedroom.

A purple snake tail squirmed slowly on the bed.

"My Lady Queen!" Hua She'er lowered her head and saluted respectfully.

At this time, Queen Medusa was wearing a set of luxurious purple brocade nightdress, wrapping her graceful body in it.

Under the looming nightdress, there is a plump and hot exquisite figure. She just lay there, but she released the enchanting temptation.

Under Medusa's purple nightdress, a section of purple snake tail was exposed, sweeping lazily, releasing a wild and strange style.

Such a Medusa is definitely a stunner that makes people fascinated, a beauty that makes people want to hug and possess when they see it.

She and Xiao Xue are two extremes, one is naturally charming and tempts all beings;

Although the other is charming, but also cold, it will make ordinary people feel ashamed.

"No wonder Queen Medusa's fame spread throughout several empires. This is indeed a well-deserved reputation." Xiao Xue thought in her heart.

Especially that lazily lying on the bed, with the snake's tail swaying lightly, it is even more itchy.

So the next moment, Xiao Xue...

Throw a jade bottle in the past.

"This is the elixir I prepared for you. If you trust me, take it here and I will protect you."

"When you are almost refined, I will use the beast spirit fire to help you evolve."

Medusa caught the jade bottle casually, opened it, poured out two pills with white pill lines, and sniffed it lightly.

For the current Xiao Xue, the Po Zong Pill of the pinnacle of the sixth rank is still quite reluctant.

After all, to be honest, she just successfully refined a sixth-grade elixir once.

What's more, the medicinal materials of Po Zong Dan are not complete.

Therefore, she had no intention of refining Pozong Pill.

The Po Zong Pill just increases the probability of breaking through the Dou Zong. For Medusa, there is a better choice.

Xiao Xue replaced one or two medicinal plants on the basis of the fifth-grade Ancestral Return Pill, and added a small amount of Bone Spirit Lenghuo.

Then, this special "Po Zong Dan" is completed.

Po Zong Dan - Medusa special edition.

"Hua Snake, go down." Medusa put away the pill in her hand and said lightly.

"Yes, Her Lady Queen."

After Hua She'er withdrew, only Xiao Xue and Medusa were left in the bedroom.

Medusa raised her long and narrow eyes, and looked at Xiao Xue——

This little guy who was only in his teens, stayed in the Snake People Race for about a month, and he broke through from a one-star Dou Ling to a three-star.

Moreover, her medicine refining technique has also been completely stabilized at the sixth-grade realm.

For this point, Medusa who has been following Xiao Xue is very clear.

This kind of talent made Medusa extremely envious, even... jealous.

The time she wasted at the peak of the Douhuang was longer than the two Xiao Xues.

Even if she had half of Xiao Xue's talent, she wouldn't let the snake-human race end up in such a situation.

Medusa took a deep breath, calmed herself down, got up from the bed, and looked at Xiao Xue.

She didn't doubt that Xiao Xue would do anything with the pill, because it was unnecessary.

Relying on Xiao Xue's strength and hole cards, it's easy to take down the snake-human race.

If she really wanted to be unfavorable to the snake people, then there was no need to refine pills for the snake people's Dou Wang and other snake people.

Medusa is a smart person, she knows what to do when.

What she needs to do now is to adjust the state to the best, and then evolve successfully in one fell swoop.

"Evolution must be accompanied by great pain, but no matter what, don't stop until my old body is reduced to ashes and a new body is condensed."

While talking, Medusa slowly got off the bed, took Xiao Xue, and walked to a nearby bathtub.

The bath was filled with crystal clear water, and the surface of the water was covered with white mist, but it was not a hot spring, but a cold spring.

Medusa turned her head to look at Xiao Xue, "Bingling Hanquan, our family still has a lot in stock, and this is only a small part."

"As long as I can successfully evolve, the snake people will promise you nothing less."

"And I myself owe you a favor."

Hearing what Medusa said, Xiao Xue nodded, "I see, let's start."

Medusa stopped talking nonsense, walked to the bath, and slowly unbuttoned her nightgown with her jade hands.

Immediately, a perfect jade body that looked like a masterpiece version of heaven was exposed to the air.

Medusa entered the bath, threw two pills into her mouth, and formed a strange seal on her hands.

"God bless my snake people."

The evolution of Medusa is officially launched!
[I'm back, today is the first two chapters, tomorrow is evolution (main text) + Spirit Snake Cave Exploration (extra)]

(End of this chapter)

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