Chapter 99 Medusa: I figured it out
Medusa frowned and looked Yun Yun up and down, making Yun Yun feel a little nervous.

Yun Yun was very firm and certain. Before today, she and Queen Medusa had never met.

However, Medusa's attitude towards her made Yun Yun a little nervous for no reason.

"Your name is Yun Yun, the suzerain of the Misty Cloud Sect?" Medusa looked at Yun Yun and asked.

"Yes, Her Majesty Queen Medusa." Yun Yun replied.

"What is your relationship with Xiao Xue, the prince of my snake-human race?"

Medusa's eyes were fixed, and her voice suddenly became cold, changing from the previous charming.

In just an instant, she changed from a beautiful snake who charmed all living beings to an iron-blooded empress of the snake-human race.

Although she didn't release her coercion, the aura of superiority that she unconsciously radiated from her body also caught everyone on Jia Ma's side by surprise.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became a little tense.

Everyone on Jia Ma's side looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes, obviously they didn't know what happened.

Except for Hai Bodong who subconsciously hid aside, this was also the first time they saw Queen Medusa's majestic side.

The current Medusa is obviously different from just now.

If we talk about the Medusa just now, the charm, elegance and kindness in her temperament are like a cover that wraps her;

So the current Medusa does not have this cover.

As we all know, without a condom, it is a very dangerous thing.

And Queen Medusa is no exception.

While the people on Jia Ma's side became vigilant, Medusa fixed her beautiful eyes on Yun Yun, waiting for her reply.

When she just thought that the little guy in her bedroom might have had some past with this woman named Yun Yun.

In an instant, a burst of anger that came from nowhere rushed straight into Medusa's mind.

Fortunately, Medusa's determination was extraordinary, and she didn't lose her composure on the spot, making any unwise move to release her fighting spirit.

Behind Medusa, the leaders of the Eight Great Snakes lowered their heads, watching their noses, noses, and hearts, as if they were eight floating specimens.

They even covered their ears with vindictiveness, neither listening nor speaking.

After all, they are very familiar with Queen Medusa's personality.

If they dared to eavesdrop on Her Lady Queen's gossip, they might really be made into specimens.

So, although I am very curious about the relationship between Her Lady Queen and Her Royal Highness the Prince.

The few of them were still very decisive, and chose to be hungry between eating melons and eating feasts.

Medusa is actually a very rational person, there are very few things that can make her express her emotions on her face.

It is precisely because of this that even though she is burning with anger at the moment, she is very clear about the reason for her emotions.

——Xiao Xue was regarded by her as a taboo.

A property that is not allowed to be touched by others and is only for oneself!

And the reason, Medusa herself is clear:
Even though she had not known Xiao Xue for long, there were even some accidents between the two of them.

And that accident was also caused by her subconsciously when she lost her mind.

Therefore, when alone, Medusa would often find reasons to excuse herself.

——It was just an accident, she had no other feelings for that little fellow Xiao Xue, just to protect the snake-human race.

Even, she didn't need to try to please Xiao Xue.

After all, it is too difficult to make Xiao Xue a member of the Snake-Human Race, and there is not much possibility of success.

Therefore, she only needs to temporarily deceive other people, and by the way, ensure that Xiao Xue's life is safe.

In a few years, after I break through Dou Zun, I will take the snake people to a certain place in the mainland, and the snake people will basically be safe.

When the time comes, don't care about her, Xiao Xue.

As long as the position of the snake people is not exposed, even if she dies outside, it has nothing to do with me.

Perhaps, this is the best solution.

In this way, there is no need for him to have any feelings for a human being he has just met.

It is very unwise to gamble the fate of the entire ethnic group towards a relationship with almost no future.

Medusa is not just herself, she carries a group and an empire on her shoulders.

That's why Medusa hesitated.

However, when she thought of some possibilities, her heart suddenly became empty.

All the previous thoughts also lost their meaning in an instant.

Touching is touching, what happens is what happens.

She Medusa is not a scumbag, on the contrary, she has been a very conservative woman for so many years.

If something that should not be touched moves, there is a price to pay.

And she touched something that shouldn't be touched, and she should also take corresponding responsibilities.

If she doesn't even have this responsibility, then she is not worthy to be the empress of the snake empire.

more importantly--

Deep down in her heart, she did not reject Xiao Xue.

Medusa's suggestion to the elders to "make Xiao Xue her own" is actually not unacceptable.

On the contrary, she approves.

No matter in terms of talent, strength, background, and the benefits she can bring to the snake people, and Xiao Xue's other conditions;
From any point of view, Xiao Xue is the best choice for the Queen.

And, as ridiculous as it sounds.

But after what happened that day, Medusa faintly felt that there seemed to be a soul resonance between her and that little guy.

As for why this happened, Medusa couldn't explain it either.

She can only speculate that this is because when the accident happened, her soul had just evolved into a sky-swallowing python, and it was still unstable.

And Xiao Xue was implicated, which made the souls of the two have a certain connection.

Soul resonance is one thing, and at the same time, if she and Xiao Xue can succeed in this matter, the benefits it will bring to the snake people and themselves will be immeasurable.

The only thing Medusa worries about is how to do this.

However, the Seven-Colored Heaven Swallowing Python can become a Dou Zun lying down, and if the chance is sufficient, it may not be impossible to break through to Dou Sheng.

Even if Xiao Xue has a talent against the sky, and a background of an eighth-rank alchemist, she is actually not far behind Medusa.

So... you deserve it!

That little guy belongs to my king, and no one else is qualified!
Now, Medusa has figured it out, just wait for Xiao Xue to figure it out.

Warcraft has a strong sense of territory, and once it is determined that it is its own property, it will not allow other people to intervene.

Especially when the opponent is still not as strong as himself.

Medusa looked straight at Yun Yun, as if she wanted to see something from her face.

Yun Yun felt that she was being targeted by a poisonous snake.

It seemed that once she said something wrong, the sharp teeth of the other party would immediately penetrate her throat.

Yun Yun choked for a moment, she didn't understand what Medusa meant.

But as the suzerain of Yunlanzong, she has seen some things in the world.

No matter what, she wouldn't be stared speechless by Medusa's stare.

After all, now is a critical period for the alliance. Under normal circumstances, neither party in the negotiation will make a move.

After a pause, Yun Yun still opened her mouth to answer, "It's just a coincidence."

see once?
Just met once, and the relationship between the two of you is already good enough to wear an inner armor? !
Did you lie to the snake? !
Medusa frowned, but finally did not ask.

Because now, after all, the alliance is still the most important thing. If there are some questions, it is better to ask the little guy directly after returning to save trouble.

They have plenty of time to get to know each other slowly.

At least, for the next few years.

The most important thing now is to settle the alliance matters, and then start the next "experience".

If one wanted to gain the approval of Xiao Xue from the forces behind her, one must have sufficient strength.

In Dou Qi Continent, strength is the right to speak.

If she can become a pinnacle Dou Zun, or even a Dou Sheng, then nothing can hinder her from being with the little guy.

Even if Xiao Xue's teacher is the peak Dou Zun, it won't work!
Medusa nodded casually, accepting Yun Yun's statement and shedding light on this topic.

Then, Medusa spoke the words she had prepared long ago:
"Xiao Xue, the prince of our Snakeman Empire, is currently recuperating in seclusion, and it is not convenient to come here for the time being."

"If you need to prove her this okay?"

As Medusa spoke, she took out a black token engraved with the word "soul".

Looking at the token in Medusa's hand, everyone on Jia Ma's side looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what way Medusa was.

Compared to the confusion of the people on Jia Ma's side, another force in the dark was surprised when they saw the token in Medusa's hand.

Not far away, seeing the token in Medusa's hand, a black mist condensed slightly, and then smiled lowly:
"Jie Jie Jie, interesting, interesting!"

"Queen Medusa, who is famous in the Northwest Continent, is actually a member of my Soul Palace! Interesting!"

(End of this chapter)

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