Kryptonians: Man of Steel

Chapter 642: Pass 5 levels and kill 6 generals, kill the scarecrow first!

Chapter 642: After passing five levels and killing six generals, kill the scarecrow first!

The Scarecrow's eyes widened in horror. He originally thought that under the cover of fear gas, he would be the winner of this contest. However, he was wrong, very wrong.

The scarecrow fell to the ground, his heart beating violently, and the area where he was shot was bleeding profusely, staining his clothes red. He couldn't believe that this man named Luther could stay awake with five times the normal dose of fear gas, let alone hit himself accurately.

Five times the fear gas of a normal person, it is a dose that is enough to make anyone lose their mind in extreme panic, or even scare them to death. However, Luther was like an emotionless machine. There was no fear in his eyes, only indifference and determination.

"How is this possible..." the Scarecrow muttered, his voice full of desperation.

Luther didn't answer him, but silently raised his gun and pointed it at the scarecrow's head. There was no trace of mercy in his eyes, only ruthlessness and determination towards the enemy.

"Go to hell with your fear and play with devils and demons." Luther's voice was cold and firm, as if coming from the depths of hell.

"Bang!" There was a gunshot, and the scarecrow's head exploded instantly, causing blood to splash everywhere. His eyes were filled with fear and unwillingness, but he eventually fell into endless darkness.

He turned and walked away, leaving behind only the Scarecrow's cooling body and the poisonous fear that filled the air.

Luther was unstoppable all the way, passing five levels and killing six generals.

Criminals are often killed by violent psychopaths for no apparent reason while planning their escape. These mentally ill people can't tell the difference between friend and foe, and behave strangely, making it difficult for people to guard against them.

The criminals also took this opportunity to plan their escape plan. They knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

These patients have completely lost their minds and their behavior is completely unpredictable. They may attack anyone out of the blue, or they may kill each other.

Their presence makes this madhouse more dangerous and terrifying.

Every note is full of madness and despair, as if telling their inner pain and struggle.

The Scarecrow's death was like a boulder dropped into calm waters, instantly causing an uproar in Arkham Asylum. This land, which was originally filled with chaos and violence, was now like being swept by strong winds and huge waves, falling into complete madness.

Their screams, roars, laughter and cries mingle together to form a horrific and cacophonous symphony. The sound echoed in the night sky, making people shudder.

They collude with each other and take advantage of the chaos in the asylum to try to find a way out of here. Their eyes shone with cunning and greed, as if they had seen the dawn of freedom.

The lunatics imprisoned in the lunatic asylum seemed to be summoned by some mysterious force and began to run around like wild horses that were unbridled and uncontrollable.

However, their plan was destined to fail. Because deep in this madhouse, there is an even more terrifying existence - the mentally ill.

They frantically destroyed everything that could be destroyed, including walls, doors, windows, and furniture. Under their hands, the entire lunatic asylum seemed to be in ruins.

Their existence makes this madhouse like a huge trap that may swallow up anyone who dares to step into it at any time.

At this time, several helicopters were circling over Arkham Asylum.

These helicopters were flown by reporters from Gotham City. They used searchlights to capture the most real and terrifying aspect of this asylum.

Their cameras were focused on the chaotic scene below, and they kept shooting, hoping to capture some shocking images to attract the audience's attention. The light of the searchlight illuminated this chaotic land, making everything seem so real and cruel. Under the illumination of the light, the faces of the madmen appeared more distorted and ferocious, while the eyes of the criminals appeared more cunning and greedy.

The reporters' helicopters were circling, and their cameras followed Luther closely, recording his every movement and expression.

Their voices spread throughout Gotham City through live broadcast, allowing citizens to see the heroic appearance of the Bright Knight.

"Look, that's our Knight of Light, he's bravely facing those madmen and criminals!"

"He's awesome and makes us feel safe every time!"

"I believe he will succeed, he is our hero!"

The citizens were talking one after another, and their hearts were filled with admiration and trust for the Terminator. They believe that as long as he is around, Gotham City will be able to maintain peace and tranquility.

However, some have expressed concerns and doubts about the Terminator's actions.

"Although the Terminator is powerful, the lunatics and psychopaths in Arkham Asylum are no joke. Can he really handle it?"

"And I heard that this invasion was premeditated. A large number of gang forces joined forces with external gangs to get rid of the Terminator."

"Yeah, I've heard that too. They seem to have prepared some secret weapons specifically for dealing with Terminators."

Although these discussions are not loud, they are like an undercurrent, quietly surging in the hearts of the citizens.

Their worries and doubts about the Terminator also reflect their deep concerns about the madness and evil of Arkham Asylum.

At this time, Batman was hiding in a hidden corner, silently watching everything going on in Arkham Asylum. Wearing a black tights and a trademark mask on his face, he seemed to blend into the darkness.

His eyes were as sharp as a falcon, staring closely at the crazy criminals and mentally ill people through the cracks in the window.

He turned a deaf ear to the citizens' comments about him, and his heart was filled with complicated emotions. He originally planned to take action personally, go deep into Arkham Asylum, and catch all the criminals.

However, the appearance of the Terminator disrupted his plan.

He knows the strength and ability of the Terminator and believes that he can complete this task. However, he still couldn't let go. He was deeply worried and worried about the madness and evil of Arkham Asylum.

He stood up and walked out of his hiding place.

He knew that he couldn't just sit back and do nothing. He had to take action to save more people from the Terminator, and he could not continue to let the Terminator kill him.

He took a deep breath, arranged his equipment, and prepared to face the upcoming challenge.

(End of this chapter)

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