Kryptonians: Man of Steel

Chapter 696: Trapping people to death without paying for their lives

Chapter 696: Trapping people to death without paying for their lives
It has to be said that Constantine's ability to deceive and kidnap is truly outstanding. Every treasure he carries is full of stories and legends.

Unlike traditional magicians who wield wands and wear robes, Constantine rarely cast spells himself. Years of adventure experience have taught him that although the power of magic is powerful, it often comes with unpredictable costs.

Therefore, he prefers to use his wisdom, strategies, and the props he carefully collected to solve problems.

If possible, he prefers to use trickery, reasoning, investigation, bargaining, and deception to solve problems.

When faced with a crisis, he always runs around, mobilizing friends and even enemies to act together.

For strangers, he prefers to persuade, induce, or even coax. For friends, he often asks them to repay the favors they owed.

Faced with the surging demons, Constantine did not panic.

In his hand he held a silver cross, a treasure he got by chance.

This cross was blessed by an archbishop during the Crusades and possesses great divine power. Constantine melted it into a finger tiger, which is not only full of impact but also easy to carry.

He wielded the Silver Finger Tiger and punched the demons one after another. Each attack was accompanied by demonic screams and dissipating black smoke.

Even if the piece of holy cloth was blown away by the wind, does this mean that his body control has been greatly reduced due to lung cancer?

This holy water was obtained by him from the exorcists of the Holy See. It was blessed by the Archbishop and the choir every day and was of extremely high purity.

Constantine's heart was filled with regret and anger.

Constantine has always regarded it as a life-saving straw, and he will never use it lightly unless it is a last resort.


He secretly cursed himself "Fake", and then had to take out his treasure to deal with the crisis at hand.

He collected magical books and props from all over the world, but most of them were stored in the storage room of his friend Chas, and he didn't carry many with him.

Constantine didn't want to admit this. He widened his eyes and looked around for the thrown away finger tiger.

While he fought bravely to kill the enemy and waved his fists at the surging demons, he began to think about how to divert the disaster to the east.

Due to excessive force, the silver finger tiger in his hand was thrown away. Constantine's eyes widened and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He carefully took out a glass bottle, which contained holy water that he had collected for many years.

However, just as Constantine was fighting with all his might, an accident happened.


However, in this chaotic night, the little finger tiger had already disappeared into the darkness.

He lost his balance and threw himself forward. The small bottle in his hand also fell out of his hand and fell to the ground hard.

However, just as he was about to use the holy water, his feet suddenly slipped.

Constantine exclaimed, he couldn't believe that he would make such a stupid mistake tonight.

Constantine roared angrily, and he watched helplessly as the holy water he had treasured for many years slipped from his hands and shattered on the hard ground.

That nearly fifty-year-old inventory was wiped out before his eyes. He was filled with despair and anger, as if the whole world was against him.

"Bichi, my holy water!" Constantine shouted desperately.

Luther smiled broadly after seeing Constantine cry like a fart who had his toes stubbed.

As for whether something will happen to Constantine.

It's just that there are no props. How could something happen to Constantine? Besides, this kind of scum will die when he dies.

Luther clearly remembers how powerful Constantine was in the original plot. In the comics, Constantine used magic to strengthen his body and was even able to block Darkseid's full blow!
Although that Darkseid might be a clone.

He can also become invisible through sigils, making it impossible for the First Fallen to discover him.

That was a first-time fallen person, so outrageous.

Of course, the First Fallen was most likely just a trap.

Nothing will happen to Angela, anyway, those demons need Angela alive.

The whole thing is actually very simple.

Manmeng, a prince in hell and a direct descendant of Satan, has been looking for an opportunity to come to the world for a long time and bring the flames and blood of hell to this peaceful world.

In order to realize this ambitious plan, he carefully planned a shocking conspiracy and found the Archangel Gabriel as his partner.

Gabriel was once one of the most beloved angels in heaven. She possessed extremely powerful strength and wisdom. However, as time passed, she gradually became disillusioned with humans.

She saw that no matter what sins humans committed, as long as they sincerely repented, God would grant them forgiveness and salvation. This kind of tolerance and love made Gabriel feel intolerable. She believed that humans did not deserve such kindness from God.

So, Gabriel began to plan a plan. She wanted to bring hell to the world and bring pain and fear to mankind. She believes that only in the face of these fears and despair can humans truly find their noble selves.

She wants to use this disaster to screen out those who are truly worthy of God's favor - those who can overcome fear and come out of hell.

Mammon and Gabriel hit it off immediately, and they began to plan this shocking conspiracy. They first found a pair of twin sisters who had the same mind and were both powerful spirits who were born with the ability to see ghosts.

Mameng and Gabriel felt that these sisters were the best mediums through which Mamen could descend into the world.

So, they started acting according to the plan.

First, they had Baldassar induce his sister to commit suicide, causing her soul to fall into hell.

In this way, the two sisters, one in hell and the other in the world, coupled with their innate soul ties, became the best medium for Manmeng to come to the world.

However, although Mammon is the son of Satan and has a high status in hell, his bloodline is not as noble as that of Jesus. If he wants to come to the world, he must be guided by the blood of God.

So, Gabriel began to look for items that could attract the blood of God. Eventually, she found the Longinus gun - the gun that had pierced Jesus' body and was stained with His blood.

Jesus is the Son of God, and His blood is the purest blood of God!

After everything was ready, Mammon and Gabriel began to implement the final plan. They took their sister to the place where her sister committed suicide, which is the intersection of life and death, hell and earth.

There, all conditions will be fulfilled and Manmeng will be reincarnated.

(End of this chapter)

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