Kryptonians: Man of Steel

Chapter 706 Meeting with Lucifer

Chapter 706 Meeting with Lucifer

Luther's super speed is comparable to the Flash's Speed ​​Force, and even more incredible than the Flash's Speed ​​Force because of his own transcendent power. Not only can he physically accelerate, but he can also perform infinite acceleration that violates the rules of physics and the laws of the universe.

Of course, Menmeng couldn't resist this acceleration, and it couldn't even understand how Luther did it.

After hell fell apart, Menmeng naturally had no way to fight against Holy Spear Longinus.

It was penetrated by Luther and nailed to his own throne of hell.

And Luther did not recover the Holy Spear Longinus, and did not care about the consequences of losing the Holy Spear Longinus. Just kidding, how could the fate of DC affect him, a Kryptonian with transcendent power?


Luther came to Constantine's side.

Constantine, who had witnessed Luther's devastating victory over Meng Meng throughout the whole process, was very excited at this time.

You can tell from the first glance that this person is a good friend.

"You should go home, Constantine, to hell."

At the last moment when his life was about to extinguish, time seemed to be tightly strangled by an invisible force, and everything around him, whether it was the noisy sounds or the chaotic pictures, suddenly stopped.

He didn't really fall from the sky, but appeared out of thin air, as if he were a ghost from another world.

Like a frozen painting, all the colors and lines are frozen at that moment, unable to flow or change.

The world around me seemed to have been put on pause. Time, that thing that once passed by ruthlessly, was now like a frozen river, frozen in front of his eyes.

These things were under Lucifer's feet, trampled ruthlessly by him, and discarded casually by him.

This power does not come from some mysterious source of power, but from his own existence.

Constantine never thought that Luther would kill him. Could it be that he already hated others so much?
It's obvious that I have never met Luther.

If the devil hadn't torn off his tongue and made him unable to speak, Constantine would have been chattering endlessly now.

Constantine stood at the intersection of life and death.

A low chanting sound came from his ears. The sound was full of evil and weirdness, as if it was a call from the depths of hell.

His appearance made everything around him become even weirder, as if the whole world was enveloped by an invisible force.


But Luther didn't seem to have any intention of rescuing him.

Luther broke Constantine's neck with a kick.

It could be anything, a rotten object, a deadly virus, choking cigarette oil, or the smog that hangs over the city.

In other words, you must become friends with him so that you can use him to ward off disasters. Compared with other friends who are not durable, Luther is obviously much more durable and can be used hundreds of times!

As he appeared, large pieces of black asphalt-like material slowly fell from his feet.

At this moment, a man in a white suit slowly descended from the sky.

That is not real asphalt, but the darkest and dirtiest things deep in the human heart - the fear of death and the decay of the soul.

Wherever he goes, these things follow him, like an inescapable shadow on him and a symbol of his strength.

He is Lucifer, the former chief of angels. Because of his dissatisfaction and rebellion against heaven, he chose to fall into hell and became the ruler of hell.

Wherever his feet tread is his territory and his authority. His strength is his fear, his majesty, his presence.

There are various legends about the origin of this power. There is a saying that crossing borders requires water as a medium. When Zha Kang steps into hell in search of Angela, he needs to put his feet in the water to cross the line between life and death.

When Lucifer came to the world, he also needed a medium to connect the two worlds. But there is no water in hell, only a dark substance like tar.

Therefore, he chose this power condensed by human fear and darkness as his medium to cross the boundary between life and death.

However, he doesn't really like these dirty things, just because he can't get rid of them.

There is an even more bizarre but true answer.

It is said that during Lucifer's rebellion against Heaven, he had pitch poured on his feet by an archangel.

This asphalt is not only physical, but also spiritual.

It symbolizes human fear and despair, and is the shadow that Lucifer cannot get rid of after his rebellion.

There is no water in hell, only tar, so these asphalt-like things became the medium for Lucifer to walk on earth.

The appearance of Lucifer caused a flash of fear and despair in Constantine's eyes.

He knew that he had nowhere to escape but to face this king from hell. However, deep in his heart, there was still a trace of unwillingness and anger.

Lucifer looked at Constantine in front of him, a trace of amusement and ridicule flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, Lucifer is standing at the intersection of life and death, using his feet full of dark power to announce his arrival to the world.

His eyes penetrated the shackles of time and fell directly on the person who was about to die.

He saw the fear and despair in that person's eyes, and also saw the truest side deep in that person's heart.

He slowly approached Constantine and said in a cold and powerful voice: "John, you think you can walk between the world and hell, but you didn't expect that you would end up like this, right?"

"As agreed, I'm here to take away your soul myself."

Lucifer said with great anticipation.

"I've prepared a theme park for you in hell, and you're going to love it."

He smiled slightly, a smile full of ridicule and contempt.

He knew that he was about to end this person's life, but more importantly, he wanted to make this person understand that death was not the end, but another beginning.

In that world, he will face more fear and darkness forever.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lucifer."

Luther's voice broke Lucifer's thinking, and he turned back in surprise.

There can be no one else in this world who can speak right now.

Luther did so many things just to see Lucifer. Although he had absorbed the sunlight of multiple worlds and universes, he did not feel that he could challenge Lucifer.

But this is not necessarily the case with Lucifer.

"I know you."

The next moment, Lucifer's image changed drastically, turning into a very girly Lucifer.

That is Lucifer who opened a bar in Los Angeles.

(End of this chapter)

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