The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 376 Advance step by step

Chapter 376 Advance step by step

"Master Liu, this..."

Wu Zhan and Wu Ang's uncles and nephews were derived from Wu Youxing, a figure in the theory of febrile disease. They claimed to be the orthodox believer in febrile disease and the Wu family's true lineage. Naturally, they would not be suppressed by Li Shengli like this.

Although Li Shengli is an elder in the Liu family's medical lineage, he is different from his concubine. The Liu family's medical lineage still has Master Liu.

They thought that they could not suppress Li Shengli in terms of medical skills, so Wu Ang took a different approach and wanted to use Master Liu to suppress Li Shengli.

Although the two were of the same generation, Master Liu was the same age, so Wu Ang was also polite and called Master Liu.

"I don't have any medical skills. I'm just the direct son of the Liu family. The Liu family's medical line ended on my own. Master Li belongs to the new Liu family's medical line. I can't say anything."

Being questioned by the Wu family doctors, Mr. Liu was sweating all over his head and glared at Li Shengli, who was trying to play the bastard.

He rolled his eyes and acted like a bastard. When the uncle and nephew of the Wu family saw that the two Liu family doctors were bastards, they could only look at Mr. Shi helplessly.

“In victory, colleagues should not be overbearing.

Wu Jiazi, Sheng Sheng also talks about the misfortunes of the great inheritance. Returning to the origin is a great good thing.

You should do your best if you do it naturally, and if you don't do it, you should do it forcefully.

Shengli didn't discuss this matter with me. If I had known that Shengli had such high opinions, I would have been an old man if I forced you to wait. "

Seeing that Shi Jia and Mrs. Liu were wearing a pair of trousers, Wu Zhan's uncle and nephew looked at each other, then glanced at the Wu family doctors in the conference room, and couldn't help feeling dizzy.

The reason for the big head is simple. Li Shengli's performance in Xingzhou is beyond comparison with that of ordinary doctors.

Riding alone and taking care of thousands of wounded people, this is something that is unheard of and unseen in medical books, official histories, unofficial histories, and field notes.

The two of them were afraid that Li Shengli represented the general trend of traditional Chinese medicine and was contrary to it. They were afraid that the Wu sect with febrile diseases would be extinct from the great inheritance.

Judging from Li Shengli's style, if this matter cannot be negotiated, he may really suppress it hard. Based on what he just said, if he abandons the febrile group when he returns to his roots, the Wu clan will be in big trouble in the future.

“Don’t think too hard, you are thinking exactly what I want to do.

If you listen to me, you are the Wu sect and the febrile disease sect. If you don't listen to me, I will not only be a new sectarian, but also a new febrile disease sect.

Let alone febrile disease, even you, one by one, will not even be qualified to practice medicine in the future.

If you can't negotiate today, go out and send you back to your hometown tomorrow. Zou Chu from the department is also there, and he will cancel your medical qualifications.

If you follow my will, febrile diseases and Wumen will be here; if you don't follow my will, you won't even need to exist.

Don't think about hiding in the countryside to compete with me. After repatriation, I will ask the Secretary to take care of you. Illegal medical practice is a good reason to ban a sect. "

They agreed to talk behind closed doors, but Li Shengli closed the door and turned against anyone else.

More than a dozen doctors from the Wu sect, who just thought there was room for change, glanced at Zou Jin and saw that Zou Chu, the secretary, did not raise his head or open his eyes. It was obvious that they had reached a tacit understanding with Li Shengli.

"Brother Li, Mr. Shi, Zou Chu, and Mr. Liu, can you allow us to discuss something?
As I said before, this matter is too big to be finalized rashly. We still need to negotiate. "

Seeing that the matter had reached a point where he had to take a stand, Wu Zhan did not ask for everyone's opinions and just discussed it before taking a stand.

Zou Chu in the department was silent. It was obviously Li Shengli's performance in Xingzhou that played a role.

A master of the trauma department who can single-handedly take care of thousands of wounded patients is no worse than a member of the same lineage, both publicly and privately. The department has already made a choice, so they have no choice but to bow their heads.

"Okay, let's go out for a while, and you can discuss it here. If we don't come up with a result before evening, just do as I say."

After saying that, Li Shengli turned around and left the conference room, standing directly on the open space outside the courtyard.

Master Dong and Master Zhu had no choice but to help Mr. Shi and wanted to go out. Mr. Liu stopped the brothers again and asked them to bring chairs and go out.

After the brothers looked helplessly at each other again, Master Zhu helped Mr. Shi go out. Master Dong sat up with coolies behind him, one chair for each person, and a total of seven were moved out.

I thought it was a tea party with a smile, but who would have thought that it turned out to be a Hongmen Banquet unilaterally organized by Li Shengli. When word spread about this, not only did the reputation of the Liu family disappear, but the four famous doctors in Sijiu City would also be implicated.

Taking the chair handed over by Master Dong, Li Shengli nodded his thanks and took out the cigarette and spread it around. Only Mr. Liu took it and started smoking. Master Zhu and Master Dong did not say anything, but just stretched out their hands to block it.

Among the seven people, only Shi Lao was seated. Even Aunt Zou, who usually had her eyes high above her head, stood nervously in the courtyard and felt at a loss.

This matter can be big or small. It can be trivial, but if it really affects the department or the department, the problem will be serious.

Li Shengli's side was naturally fine. He was a social worker who even had a medical certificate and was stationed temporarily. He could not take it seriously if he threatened others with a few words.

If you want to involve the Du family, you have to look at Li Shengli's age. This kid is just eighteen this year. Even if it is something like hurting someone, if the two families reach a settlement through consultation with the higher authorities, it will not be punished. This is also a potential rule. .

But Zou Jin was different. When she didn't speak just now, she became Li Shengli's accomplice. When the time comes, removal from office would only be the most basic operation.

But at this time, it was really difficult to ride a tiger. If Li Shengli could use the opportunity to suppress the Wu family doctors in the room, then everything would be easy.

If you can't suppress this problem, you can only blame the child for talking nonsense and beat him to death.

Zou Jin was worried, while Mr. Liu was smoking. Mr. Shi, who was supposed to be talking, sat motionless in his chair. Li Shengli, who had just been playing the bastard, looked like he was fine and sat down on his chair. Smoking facing the courtyard door.

"Lao Li, did you do what you just did?"

Seeing no reaction from the crowd, Zou Jin, who had a personal stake in it, could only push Du Jiaoyang and let the female gangster come out to break the deadlock.

“No, not at all.

With such a great inheritance, they still want to close the door and live a small life. Why are they preparing to have big dreams in the Spring and Autumn Period?

There is no need to use lynching now, otherwise, I will definitely pick up the riding crop and wake up these blind people.

Aunt Zou, don't be nervous. You can call Si Li and tell me my exact words. I will hide this from the ministry, but I will not hide it from Si Li.I will tell the commander what I planned yesterday. He is also a Chinese medicine practitioner. If he doesn't agree, then the matter is over.

Also, Si Li is Si Li, and I am me. In Si Li, I only recognize you, Aunt Zou. This issue must be explained clearly.

I'm just a small Chinese medicine apprentice and temporary resident, and I've been staying in the valley until I became a professional. "

Seeing that Li Shengli still had the charter, Zou Jin felt a little more relaxed, but he did not turn around and leave. Instead, he turned his attention to Mr. Shi who was sitting beside him.


This will greatly benefit the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. After returning to the origin, the difficulty of learning traditional Chinese medicine will also be reduced.

Shengli became the new sect of partial treatment and the new sect of febrile diseases, which is not nonsense. Doctors of all generations have been developing the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, but they have never gone back to the origin.

It would be a great national event if we could really bring together the abilities of doctors from past 3000 years and infer medical theory..."

Shi Laofa sighed, and Zou Jin turned around and left the small courtyard. With the relief just now, Mr. Liu put out his cigarette butt and walked to Li Shengli.

"Sir, this time it's a bit of a mess. If you provoke some of the ancestors of the Wu clan to bleed in the capital, I'm afraid that the big thing you are planning will turn into a mirror!"

From the beginning to the end, Mr. Liu knew that Li Shengli was decisive in killing, but he never expected that he would be so decisive.

Now the situation is like riding a tiger, with no way up or down, we can only take one step at a time.

Jiaoyang, have you learned a lot?

This is the old saying, carrying Mount Tai to overtake the North Sea. In the vernacular, it means using force to overwhelm others.

You have seen what happened in Xingzhou with your own eyes. Why don’t those guys in the house dare to rebel against me in person? It’s not that they don’t dare, but that they don’t have the ability to dare.

If I had changed any one of them, I wouldn't be able to make a living in Xingzhou, but I can!
Therefore, they have to be subdued by me.

Aunt Zou was just confused by the authorities. I don't care about the department. I have the support of the leaders and the Army General Academy.

Not to mention the dozen or so Wu sect doctors, they really want to lock the Wu sect and ban febrile diseases.

As long as my skills can be passed on, the leaders will approve.

This is called weighing the pros and cons. If Aunt Zou leaves, the Secretary will definitely agree. Maybe the Chinese Medicine Commander from yesterday will come again.

Mr. Liu, it’s time to publish it with a clear message to conquer the world. With the return to the roots mentioned this time, the weight of that editorial is no longer so heavy. "

Without explaining anything to Mr. Liu, Li Shengli turned around, crossed his legs, and taught Du Jiaoyang.

Seeing that Li Shengli was still slacking off, Mr. Liu reluctantly took a few steps back and made way for Mr. Shi who was sitting upright behind him.

"Victory and returning to one's origins are good, but the ancient books are messy, so how to break the situation is the key.

I also carefully read the new rule sect in Xiaozhu several times, although I can break through it.

However, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is still partial. Your new school of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) combines too much knowledge of Western medicine to overcome the barriers. "

Mr. Liu ducked and pushed Mr. Shi in front. After the exam, Mr. Shi also expressed his worries.

Chinese medicine is too big, and just like what he said, 3000 years of works by famous masters of all dynasties are probably not meant to be piled into a small mountain.

Since the development of traditional Chinese medicine, some people have questioned the four classics, and there are also calls for replacing the Shen Nong's Materia Medica with Treatises on Febrile Diseases.

Compendium of Materia Medica, a life-long work of a generation of doctors, has been dismissed by many people.

From the more than [-] medicinal materials in Shennong's Materia Medica to the Wu Pu's Materia Medica, there are more than [-] medicinal materials in the Compendium of Materia Medica, more than [-] medicinal materials in Kaibao's Materia Medica, and the final Compendium of Materia Medica is more than [-].

Fallacy, which medical lineage does not have, the sophistry method of partial generalization is not suitable for the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

The Huangdi Nei Jing, Shen Nong's Materia Medica, Difficult Classics, Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases, and the Four Classics of Traditional Chinese Medicine are not without their fallacies. Times have changed, and the theory of witchcraft and divination is not something that even outsiders, let alone outsiders, believe in.

But for those who want to replace the Four Classics with prescription medicine works such as Synopsis of the Golden Chamber and Treatise on Febrile Diseases, Mr. Shi can only say that they are not good at studying or have ulterior motives.

The shortcut is not the Tao, it is just a corner of the Tao.

Li Shengli's return to his origins is destined to be a great event in the medical community. After tracing the origins and then feeding back to various factions, this will have a greater impact on traditional Chinese medicine than the Taiping Huimin Mixture prescription in the Song Dynasty.

After clarifying the theory, and then determining the properties of the medicine, the vitality and transparency of traditional Chinese medicine will be enhanced, and the old people will no longer be as old as they are today.

There was something to be done, and there was nothing good about it, but it was too difficult. Mr. Shi thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't find a good way to break through it.

"Mr. Shi, this is simple. Didn't the Wu family doctors go north to spread the knowledge of epilepsy medicine?
A great white sky appeared, followed by various sects' books on the transmission of anti-inflammatory medicine.

Let’s start with the prescription of anti-inflammatory drugs and the medical theory behind the symptoms..."

As soon as Li Shengli said this, Mr. Shi, who had been sitting upright just now, also relaxed.

"Victory, how can one person decide on such a huge matter?

I'm old and my disciples are unworthy, so there's nothing you can do if you don't decide alone..."

Having said that, Mr. Shi looked at Old Dong and Lao Zhu with some disappointment. The two people who ate the melon for nothing were also witnesses of Xingzhou, so they could only knock out their teeth and swallow blood.

While feeling depressed, the two of them also lamented that Li Shengli was a chicken thief. This guy was not a kind person. He had already made a plan in his mind and dragged everyone step by step into the big pit of clarifying medical theory.

Returning to one's origins sounds simple, but one does not know how many generations of people will have to endure it. Such a huge project is much more complicated than selecting prescriptions and donating medicines.

Prescriptions and medicines can also be used for clinical trials in difficult-to-understand areas. If there are conflicting medical theories, how can they be used for clinical trials?

(End of this chapter)

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