The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 480: The Traveling Doctor in the City

Chapter 480: The Traveling Doctor in the City

After comforting Du Jiaoyang, Li Shengli was also waiting for news about Xiao Hu. Unlike what he expected to go to the city for work, in the middle of the afternoon, the Mountain God drove Lao Gas back to Madianji. It's a box full of books.

Li Shengli unloaded the box of books in the courtyard where Professor Liu temporarily lived, and Li Shengli ignored his many thanks. Books are equivalent to a second life for literati, which he did not feel at all.

When facing medical books, Li Shengli’s first thought was how much they would be worth in the future, followed by the contents. This is a perspective based on interests.

It wasn't until the evening that Xiao Hu made three trips to Professor Liu's house, and Li Shengli breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how self-centered and selfish he is, when it comes to killing people, Li Shengli is also worried. It's not that he can't bear it, but he's afraid that after the thing is done, he will pay the price if the whole thing is unclear.

When Xiao Hu left Madianji, Li Shengli also gave him the list given by the old party secretary and asked him to sort it out according to the list. The two decided to meet at Tongrentang tomorrow morning. Professor Liu's matter was considered over.

As for Professor Li, whom Professor Liu wanted to help, Li Shengli did not dare to pull him away at all. The water was too deep and there were too many undercurrents, and he would be drowned if he went down.

What happened at Professor Liu's house also gave Li Shengli a sense of urgency. Thinking that his trip would not be in vain, he worked a lot at night. No matter what happened, he would always leave an heir to the Li family in the courtyard.

When it came to having children, Du Jiaoyang not only approved of it but was also very generous. He mentioned Guan Qingyue several times. After Li Shengli asked carefully, he found out that the widower had been getting along well with her eldest sister Han Xiuqi recently, which was beyond the level of a female gangster. Take control.

Li Shengli was noncommittal about the methods used by female gangsters to restrain people. Thinking about it, now was not the time, so he did not agree to her casually.

After finishing his morning exercise the next day, Li Shengli was about to go to a free clinic in the city. When he was choosing clothes, he ran into some trouble again.

The thin placket that can be worn directly, the eye-catching white color, paired with black leggings, always looks dazzling to him.

The normal white coarse cloth has wrinkles on the front, which is more pleasing to the eye, but the water on it cannot be washed off once or twice. It goes directly on the body and is uncomfortable to wear.

As for the white, black and brown silk plackets, Li Shengli didn't even look at them. They were fine to wear at home, but when he went out, he looked like the young master of a landlord's family.

After many selections, Wang Zhi, a female worker, also lost her charter. In the end, it was Du Jiaoyang, a female bastard, who gave the idea.

Nowadays, some energetic young people have already put on short-sleeved shirts, but Li Shengli is a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, so it is not easy to wear leggings and knitted sweaters. Face-to-face with people like this is somewhat casual and not solemn.

The female bastard's idea was just to wear a shirt with a vest or an undershirt. According to her idea, Li Shengli put on a knitted undershirt and a white coarse cloth placket, which made her feel much more comfortable.

This kind of clothes can be worn from morning to night. It will be a little hot from mid-morning to afternoon, but what the female gangster said is right, it is more dignified to wear it like this.

When I really go out wearing a knitted sweatshirt, I look more like a thug than a Chinese medicine practitioner.

After getting dressed, Li Shengli did not let Du Jiaoyang pull him into the city. Instead, he replaced the leather medicine box with a small diagonal sack made by his mother and strolled into the city.

I walked slowly to Tongrentang. The time was right. Just when Tongrentang opened the door, Xiao Hu was already waiting there.

"Uncle, I asked people to inquire about the people on the list last night. Except for the three who live on campus, most of the others live in various places in the city, and almost all of them are in single-family homes.

At night, no suspicious people were found around the yard. "

Today, Shan Shenye and Liu Wenguang have become an invisible force on the streets of Sijiu City.

They say they can't see it because they don't make a living on the street. The vast majority of people have no contact with the world on the street. If there is no interest entanglement, they will not be noticed.

Although his reputation is not outstanding, the Mountain God is still very discerning in selecting people. Most of the poor and impoverished people are suffering from hardships and do not need to take the physical test. Most of the people selected by Xiao Hu have been able to carry big people and are capable. If you do this kind of work, you won't lose strength.

Just because they are used to being poor and ruthless, these people are not only capable of fighting, but also extremely dedicated in doing things.

Last night, Xiao Hu convened people, and before dawn, there was feedback. This efficiency is remarkable.

"Choose someone close to here. Say hello to them first and ask them to wait for us. I'll order some medicine first."

Regardless of Xiao Hu's arrangements, Li Shengli directly arranged the next step.

Xiao Hu waved, and two young men with slim faces approached him. Li Shengli looked at the two young men.

People are thin these days, and six or seven out of ten have straight faces at first glance. Some seniors have already exposed their nasolabial folds at a young age. They are thin and energetic, but they are thin and ambitious, and they still look very capable.

"Xiao Hu, you are too thin, and they say that your strength is worth it. You guys, please write a note for them to go to the big canteen in Madianji to eat. They can also exercise their leg strength when they come and go.

I'll say hello to the cafeteria..."

After the person left, Li Shengli also gave him a real meal, and then the two of them entered Tongrentang.

"Mr. Li is here, please come to your room..."

Seeing Li Shengli come again, Lao Gao, with a sad look on his eyebrows, hurried over to greet them. After letting the two of them sit down in the back room, Lao Gao spoke before they could speak.

"Mr. Li, I have an unkind request. I don't know whether to say it or not?"

Making the request with anxiety, Lao Gao looked at the smiling Li Shengli and felt a little unsure.

"Manager Gao has something to say, and I happen to have something to say too. Don't rush to speak now. This is what I want. Let me have it matched first. I have to visit friends later."

Li Shengli handed Lao Gao a list of some elixirs and plasters that You Yi needed, and Li Shengli didn't let him take it seriously.

When traveling to the city for medical treatment, you can't just take white medicine and large white tablets to hide things. You need to prepare a lot of plasters and pills, and tell whether you need them or not. At least this way you look more professional.

When Lao Gao arranged the list, Li Shengli didn't let him speak first, but said directly:

"Lao Gao, you have been to the village on the mountain. There is an empty courtyard above the village. Seeing that summer is coming soon, it is not a problem to be idle all the time.

Although your old employer contributed some secret recipes, he always had a backup, right?

I'm a very deliberative person, so I'm wondering if I can pull some strings so that the two families can sit down and discuss it. "What Lao Gao wanted to say was almost the same thing as what Li Shengli wanted to say. After staring at Li Shengli for a while, Lao Gao's mind turned over and over before he came to a clear understanding.


You are benevolent and righteous, I just thought too much about what you just said.

Mr. Li, I would like to thank you on behalf of my old employer. I will definitely do my best on the pharmaceutical matters of the Army General Hospital.

You think, when is the best time to go? "

What Lao Gao is not allowed to say is to find a place to temporarily escape for his old club, which is already in turmoil.

Li Shengli spoke in the name of asking for a secret recipe. Lao Gao was confused for a moment just now, but after thinking about it carefully, he realized his brilliance.

Lao Gao has never seen such a person begging for help in his life, so he knew he was meeting an expert.

“Forget about the messy people, you should know what I mean.

There is no problem with the staff, you can pass by at any time, but it is best not to make a big fuss, the mountain side is not ready yet, and I have some connections in Madianji, so I will stop there first, and wait for the mountain side to be cleaned up, and secondly You have to let people wait and see, right?
Xiao Hu, you and Lao Gao should check it out. First, let people transport the things there, pack them up, and then let people go over. "

Listening to Li Shengli's strict rules, Lao Gao had to admire him. The person who could make Mr. Dong, the doctor from Sijiu City, obey him was indeed no ordinary person.

"Mr. Li, here I am..."

"Lao Gao, this is a business, and I'm not telling you the secret recipe. Although I can directly get the share of the recipe, it would be unkind to do so.

We come and go. In addition to secret recipes, it is best to bring along old people who can prepare and make medicines. This group of people should go to Wali first! "

Interrupting Lao Gao's words of thanks, Li Shengli was also very direct. Tong Ren Tang had the secret recipe of an entire dynasty.

This is also an indispensable part of the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. Although the current rhetoric seems to be taking advantage of the situation, his words are not bad.

Through some connections, Li Shengli was able to obtain the secret recipe provided by Tongrentang during the public-private partnership.

Most of the time, confidentiality is only for ordinary people. As the son-in-law of the Du family, although he is an ordinary person, his status is not ordinary. He may not be able to get the secret recipe of Baiyao, but the secret recipe of Tongrentang is still not difficult.

"Sure, I will agree to this on behalf of my old club.

There is no need to say much between us, we just have to see what to do. "

Li Shengli was open-minded and directly provided shelter. Lao Gao also knew that his old club would have to pay a price. Xianfang had already done it once and was not afraid of doing it a second time.

Now many signs point to the old club that was in turmoil again. The previous club was benevolent and righteous, so Lao Gao asked for it.

After talking to Lao Gao, Li Shengli took the half-prepared medicines, paid the bill, and left Tongrentang with Xiao Hu.

"Uncle, Lao Gao's boss..."

As the mountain god on the street, Xiao Hu is also well-connected to some connections in Sijiucheng. Lao Gao's old club is also a troubled family.

"It's just a handful that can pull it, but it's not just one branch. If the main branch is gone, there are also side branches.

His secret recipe works for me. I have to be careful when doing things and don’t let anyone follow me..."

After explaining to Xiao Hu, the two went to the home of Teacher Ma, who taught in a technical secondary school. This family was considered a scholarly family, and the couple both taught agriculture.

Because their family was large, they were involved with Madianji. After Li Shengli explained his intention, the Ma family simply nodded and agreed to move to Madianji.

It's just that the two of them still have jobs. Although the situation is unfavorable, they can't just leave.

This can be considered a slow step. When classes are suspended, it will not be too late for the couple to go to Madianji. As for moving, Xiao Hu still needs to take care of it.

With great fanfare and notification to the neighbors, Li Shengli's trip would be in vain.

Because of the affairs of Professor Liu's family, Li Shengli carefully visited the three families in half a morning, but the results were extremely smooth.

When there was a break, he would sit in a free clinic in the city. Xiao Hu helped him get in touch, and he got up to visit the patient. At the end of the day, it was still very smooth, and he never encountered anyone again. , the bad thing about having your license plate copied.

Thinking about it, the current storm is still local, mainly on the side of artists with higher salaries. Even the storm is mild now.

There are no signs of deterioration in what needs to be done, and Li Shengli is not relaxing. With Professor Liu's family, plans for the departure and stay of famous traditional Chinese medicine practitioners from various places will begin.

This plan must also be prioritized. Mr. Lu's new treatment department has not yet been fully implemented, so some of these famous old Chinese doctors must stay in charge.

If you just run away, everything will turn into trouble. As for who comes first and who comes last, Li Shengli's rules are simple.

Older people are given priority.

In contrast, the young and strong are all treated the same as their families. Except for the children who attend self-training classes, they have to move to mountain villages step by step.

It's not difficult to move. It's rare to get food for the future. The land here in Madianji is fixed, and there is an upper limit to the output.

There are live buttons in the valleys and mountains. Before and after the autumn harvest, pumpkins can be planted in the mountains.

Pumpkins are different from sweet potatoes. After the seeds are sown, there is no need to take care of them. In the valleys and mountains, pumpkins must be planted in large areas this year in addition to melons.

This is also to prevent the relocation of people who have no food to eat...

(End of this chapter)

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