Chapter 636 Return (Part )

In this day and age, we are not afraid of extreme remarks.

After Li Shengli finished speaking, the only sound left in the car was the sound of the engine. Because of his excitement, Wang Qianjin's accelerator was not very even, and the car shook violently.

"Go on..."

Li Shengli was sitting on the passenger side and couldn't see Du's face clearly, so he couldn't see the doctor, so it was difficult to say what he said next.

"In this way, the tense situation can contain the storm. The greater the pressure, the more busy some people will be. The more busy they are, the more they will miss, and they will change their views. This is the change under pressure..."

Li Shengli's half-words caused Father Du in the back seat to frown tightly. He thought about the changes brought about by pressure. He only had some vague ideas and did not have such a clear understanding as Li Shengli.


Then go on..."

Hearing the searching tone in Father Du's tone, Li Shengli took out a breath and said bravely:

“Further down, I don’t know.

In reality, we do have many problems here..."

Since he sent Du Jiaoyang out of the country, and since he instigated Niu Bijian's rebellion on the spot, making him the Du family's son, the relationship between Li Shengli and Du Lao cannot be explained clearly by a simple son-in-law relationship. .

Li Shengli is said to be a collaborator, but Li Shengli is somewhat unworthy. According to Du's opinion, Li Shengli is now the son-in-law and master of the Du family. This term is quite appropriate in terms of relationship.

But the division of interests is still a little sloppy. In the final analysis, the economic trends and medical equipment technology that Li Shengli controls are the lifeblood of the development of the four families of Du Ding, Wang Xie and others.

If they were content with the status quo, they would naturally not cooperate with Li Shengli, but who wanted to be content with the status quo?

When it comes to domestic affairs and wind and rain, Li Shengli talked about the general development, but his identity in the Du family will change again.

After saying this, the most obvious point is that in the future, the cold face shown by the mother-in-law or Sister Fu, let alone scolding, is not very appropriate.

After listening to the Xian-son's statement, Father Du gently pushed Sister Fu, who was still turning her head to look at the firearms in the trunk, and said:

"Sister Fu, bring me the clothes.

Sister Fu, Qianjin, what Shengli just said, Qianjin can bring it to Lao Wang at home; Sister Fu, it’s hard for you to go out and talk too much; now, if such words are spread, unpredictable things will happen.

What I just said was not a suggestion, but a command. "

What Father Du said was mainly aimed at his wife, Sister Fu. Most marriages in a compound or small building are between an old husband and a young wife. It is normal for the man to be older than the woman to be in her teens.

The reason for this situation is simply because of the earlier war. There are really not many couples who can truly stay together for a lifetime.

Without the war, good living conditions, and the harmony during the shared hardships, things were not so smooth in the years when we shared the joys and sorrows.

Lao Xie of the Xie family is looking for the eldest lady; Lao Ding of the Ding family is looking for a female medical nurse; the Wang family is looking for a female soldier from the propaganda side; Dad Du's side is a little better, and eldest sister Fu was previously an agency worker.

But it was this agency staff that made Sister Fu feel resentful. When the female soldiers retired, Sister Fu was so angry that she never went out to work again.

But the more people don't work, the clearer the gap becomes. For example, Zou Jin from the Xie family belongs to the department level with real power. There are also women from other families who are higher up, but most of them are vacancies.

The more peaceful the times, the greater the gap between work and non-work. Coupled with the slowly changing atmosphere, many family relationships are no longer so harmonious.

Worrying about inequality rather than scarcity exists everywhere. Whether it is a small building, a large courtyard, a courtyard, or a large courtyard, pure people are only a minority, and the real majority are ordinary people.

Furthermore, it is purely a matter of thought and will. In the final analysis, people are ordinary people.

Sister Fu in the car, Aunt Zou from Madianji, and Sister Feng who went to the countryside were all ordinary people. They seemed amiable on the scene, but in real life, they were completely different.

Sister Fu has resentment in her heart, Aunt Zou is snobbish, and Sister Feng dotes on her daughter. This is what they show in life, and consciousness and life are not very compatible.

This is why work and life should be separated. Once work is affected by the emotions in life, it is not a good thing.

This is also one of the causes of the storm ahead...

After giving instructions to Sister Fu and Wang Qianjin, Father Du took advantage of changing clothes to start the long exam.

This time, the advice given by my virtuous son-in-law and master was good. Public and private matters should not be confused.

Reporting and predicting the situation in the north, this time Li Shengli did not include personal factors in it. In fact, it could not be involved. In other words, this kind of thing did not require the involvement of Mr. Du. He, Du Jiaoyang and Li Huaide could handle the matter Done properly.

As for the personal relationship, it is to go to the countryside to make progress. For this kind of matter, Mr. Du can only make his own decision and ask his comrades in the city. The problem will be serious.

As for the leadership, they would not give him advice on this kind of matter. What is lacking now is people who do things, not people who go to the countryside.

After firmly hanging the collar hook of the tunic suit, Father Du exhaled the turbid air in his chest and asked:

"Shengli, where's the job?"

When you reach a position like that of Mr. Du, going to the countryside is not just a matter of going to the countryside. Even if you go to farm, you will also be held in a local position.

There is no need for Li Shengli to explain these in detail. Father Du knows better than his son-in-law.

"Dad, this brings us to the role of Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian.

Nowadays, people won’t let you get involved in work such as publicity, and you don’t want to get involved either.

With the two of them outside, communicating internal and external relationships is your strength.

A report in a local tabloid is not enough to represent sincerity. The business inspection team formed by Niu Bijian has already made preliminary communication with this party.

Next, it's time for you to drag in the big whale through the small channel opened by New Bijian.

On the other side of the ocean, someone must have taken advantage of this opportunity. This matter is a matter of us sitting on the fishing platform and working hard, and they follow up with the bait, which is convenient for both parties.

If you send a telegram from Niu Bijian, it would be the most serious job for you to go out and make contacts occasionally. "

When Li Shengli mentioned Nu Bijian, Du Lao's face darkened in the back seat of the car, and he said in a deep voice: "Some of the things Nu Bijian and Du Juan did before were very bad and had a very bad impact. Although you didn't leave anything behind, Someone has to bear the blame and blame.

But this is contrary to our principles. You should go back and think about this matter carefully and give me an accurate and detailed explanation.

How could you and Dujuan come up with the idea of ​​replacing leaders with money? What do you want to do with these people?

Lawless! "

When it comes to lawlessness, Du Lao's side is full of scolding, while Li Shengli's side is still calm, but Wang Qianjin, who is driving, is a little uneasy, and there is another bump in the car.

"Dad, I was wrong.

I was also obsessed with profit at the time. Seeing that the four major foreign banks and HSBC were doing well, I wanted to take over the business, so I did some things I shouldn't have done.

After you finish reporting your work, I will formally admit your mistake to you. "

The wise son-in-law's admission of his mistake made Father Du curl his lips in the back seat. His attitude of admitting his mistake was sincere, but his purpose of repaying the favor was also clear.

Father Du thought he couldn't do the plot against the four major foreign banks and HSBC, but Li Shengli dared to plot it and succeeded.

Although the process of doing things was dirty and bloody and not in line with the principles, the results were still satisfactory. To put it bluntly, a new Yihe was equivalent to opening up a new channel for the country.

The first cargo of this new waterway was several tons of German technical data. Mr. Du also spoke highly of the batch of World War II data obtained by New Bijian. Those data were enough to fill the century-old technological gap.

Of course, such an evaluation requires domestic technical personnel to thoroughly understand all the tons of technical information. This is also a very difficult road.

The war seizures twenty years ago can still fill the gaps in many technical fields in China today. This result is both gratifying and difficult to accept peacefully, because the technological gap is really like a chasm.

In the remaining time, Father Du took the exam all the way. The reporting work was not done just by handing in some materials. If the higher-ups wanted opinions, people like Father Du would not be able to say nothing.

When the car entered the city, Wang Qianjin's middle jeep had a lot of debris on it, so naturally it couldn't be driven to its destination. Moreover, at this time of year, even if the car was clean, it couldn't be driven in.

When Wang Qianjin received the notice, the two parties determined the handover location. After sending Mr. Du to the car, he drove the jeep to the roadside and stopped.

Wang Jinjin, the brother-in-law, made a joke and said he was getting out of the car to smoke a cigarette, so he left Li Shengli alone with his mother-in-law.

"You can't bear to let Dujuan take the child out to do things!

What do you say to those four children raised in the village? "

For her son-in-law, Sister Fu does not have the title of a good son-in-law, only the label of a heartless and white-eyed wolf.

If the marriage does not survive, children are the key. Currently, Li Shengli's mother-in-law doesn't know that Li Shengli and his wife have adopted the eldest son to the Liu family safely. If she knows, her tone may not be so serious, and it should be harsh.

"Mom, you and my father are not suitable to take care of children recently. When work and life are stable, I will send the children home.

Mom, Du Peng has a child outside, and he is getting married to the child of the political commissar's family. He will also get married in the near future, otherwise his belly will not be covered. "

Facing his mother-in-law, Li Shengli didn't know her well, so he didn't dare to please her. He didn't want to please his mother-in-law, but he couldn't leave her alone, otherwise his ears would be uncomfortable.

Mentioning Du Peng's mess made his mother-in-law entangled, and Li Shengli didn't dare to talk nonsense about having a cigarette, so he could only bravely sit in the passenger seat.

These few words made the mother-in-law feel worried in the back seat. Li Shengli waited for a while and then slowly said tentatively:

"Mom, Dad is going to report to work. It may take a long time. Can you take a rest in the car?

In the bag on the back seat, there are clothes prepared by Jiaoyang..."

When his mother-in-law didn't respond, Li Shengli opened the door and got out of the car. The moment his feet landed on the ground, he let out a breath.

"Grandson, are you happy now?

This is the benefit of having two father-in-laws. When old man Ding comes back, you will always have such fun.

I said grandson, look at this situation, the north is really not going to be noisy anymore. If you and grandson Li Huaide want to deceive others, don't bring out the big guy and do it for you two. "

As soon as Li Shengli squatted down to smoke like Wang Qianjin, the grandson started teasing him. When it came to business, there was no way to start a fight in the north. If he and Li Huaide wanted to trick people in the northeast, the risk would be very high.

"Brother-in-law, we are not cheating directly.

According to what I just told Lao Du, the above 80% will really continue to arrange troops.

Do you know the fastest way to maintain stability?

Martial law!

The greater the external pressure, the stronger the internal centripetal force and cohesion force.

Nowadays, there are big problems in supply, employment, and industry. With the help of external pressure, internal problems are balanced, and everyone works together, the storm will continue.

This is an opportunity for your godmother, but for the second prince's family, it is very passive.

Fight or not, chaos or chaos, their previous plans would be ruined, and they would have to jump over the wall if they were anxious.

The black market transactions are related to their family. We use treasury bills to slowly hook them up. The transshipment of materials in the Northeast is not a one-day operation, but a long-term, year-round operation.

We don't have to worry about too many bills, but they will also become numb. If his family really can't hold the plate anymore, these sins are theirs and have nothing to do with us.

In addition, the receiving unit in the city is a steel rolling mill. If something goes wrong, our self-training class will be nothing more than a temporary transfer warehouse.

With your godmother here, even if we break through the sky, there will still be someone who can handle it. "

What happened next had little to do with the big cycle of traditional Chinese medicine planned by Li Shengli, but it would be wrong to say it had nothing to do with it.

For the food needed by the self-training class and the fertilizer needed by Madianji and Taipingzhuang, Li Shengli had long been eyeing the black market in the Northeast.

Under heavy pressure, there is often fear and confusion instead of neatness. It would be a pity to miss this great opportunity and great wealth. It is just that there are many people in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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