Chapter 791 Exam (Part )

Li Shengli knew that the exam had actually started since the wind and rain stopped.

In other words, this exam started in 1966, and it only relied on admission qualifications.

After entering, another exam begins.

“Dad, can you tell me what’s wrong?

Basic textbooks cannot be compiled in one or two years.

Instead of hastily organizing, it is better to still use the previous teaching materials.

The textbook involves the establishment of a system, which has a common language with the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

Internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine is divided into eight schools, each of which is different. Besides the eight schools, there are other local schools.

Focusing on the traditional Chinese medicine tradition is obviously not detailed enough.

As for the problems in the college entrance examination, they are all minor problems.

It's nothing more than a step-by-step process based on actual conditions.

It is said that things are easy, but actually doing things is difficult. This is the reality.

Although Li Shengli mentioned the return of traditional Chinese medicine in Shancun Village to its roots before, he did not mention the details.

Do it over ten times, and for most people, the pressure to do things will still be overwhelming.

After a bump in the road from his leader, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

In addition, there are many other zero-zero total problems.

“There are too many previous candidates, and some of the textbooks they studied are completely different.

There are indeed many problems in this college entrance examination.

It is only right to wait until problems arise one by one before making adjustments.

Although this is somewhat unfair, there is not so much fairness and reasonableness.

"You raised the problem, there has to be a solution, right?

There shouldn't be much problem with liberal arts textbooks and they can continue to be used.

After taking a preliminary look at the results, the issue of textbooks is an issue that needs to be resolved without delay in the next college entrance examination. "

University textbooks are more important and have something to say.

During the examination process, how to keep a bowl of water flat is a problem.

This project is huge. From before the storm to now, it is just a small step. "

As a son-in-law like Du, Li Shengli understands the hardships faced by all the problems, but he doesn't want to get himself involved in trouble.

The inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine is the key link, and the major schools are the objectives.

The invigilators in some places are also extremely irresponsible, and flipping through books in the examination room also happens in many places.

After hearing that the wise son-in-law first asked questions and then talked about the details of returning to his roots, Father Du understood what he was thinking. It was just that the questions he asked were a bit reversed.

If we had to do it again, in Li Shengli's opinion, it would be easier to avoid the important and take the easy and spend a small amount of money to do big things.

But this kind of putting the cart before the horse is also very necessary in Dad Du's opinion.

After all, the subsequent teaching materials are also passed down from generation to generation and have their own consistency.

There is a long way to go when it comes to college entrance examination textbooks or high school textbooks, that’s for sure.

Many candidates dare not take the exam after registering.

You also said that some things are difficult to do manually.

Changing the teaching materials in a hurry is not as fair as continuing to use the old ones.

“Dad, just choose the textbooks from 1966 to 1966.

Li Shengli relies on his experience and cheats. He only talks about planning but does not do practical things, so it is difficult to understand the hardship of doing things.

After listening to Father Du's question, Li Shengli took the wrong approach as usual.

Later university education is where the real problem lies.

Meeting a good son-in-law not only did not solve the problem, but added new ones.

Mainly the Eight Schools, what about other local schools?
What about mainstream Chinese medicine?
So we went back to the roots of medicine.

Many candidates who took the exam turned in blank papers or received extremely unsatisfactory results.

Standing on the cusp of the storm and doing things under great pressure without breaking down is not something that ordinary people can do.

When passing on the tradition later, it will be based on the great inheritance. After getting started, various sects will be taken into consideration according to actual needs.

Based on the college entrance examination textbooks and university textbooks, especially for professional and technical subjects, the issue of textbooks is really an urgent issue.

It is urgent that university textbooks should be extended or newly compiled. "

Father Du was also a little helpless and continued to use the old textbooks. Although it was unfair, the Xianxiu was right, and the objective conditions were there.

It's hard to deal with the leader's unhappiness, and once is enough for him.

There may be a real gap in science textbooks, and this needs to be mentioned.

Please tell me the general idea. After all, you have experience in summarizing Chinese medicine textbooks. "

Li Shengli smiled when he heard Du Lao's plan to use his spear to attack his shield. It was because he had something to say that he deliberately guided him.

"Dad, this is easy.

It’s still about you.

The promotion and thorough understanding of German-style technology and Soviet-style technology is the way to go in the next period of time.

The shortage of technical personnel is also somewhat imminent for factories and enterprises.

I think we should not only promote it in universities, but also conduct vocational education or junior college education in various research institutes.

In this way, it can not only solve the problem of young people going to the countryside, but also solve the problem of educational advancement. It can also solve the problem of educational resources.

High technology, new technology, and cutting-edge fields are good, but today's foundation is not solid. Rather than looking up at castles in the air, it is better to keep our heads down and work hard without complaining. "

After hearing his son-in-law's suggestion, Father Du slowly relaxed his brows.

Vocational education and junior college education are not new fields. Medical colleges, technical secondary schools, vocational colleges, etc. are also one of the choices for high school graduates, and are even more popular than entering college.

The son-in-law suggested that vocational education should be carried out in institutions such as research institutes, which can effectively solve the problem of disconnection of technical personnel.

“Good advice.

Just in terms of implementation..."

Father Du's hesitation was because his steps were a little too big.

In Dad Du's opinion, many things are as urgent as textbooks.

The small handicrafts I did before, the light work I wanted to do, the market I talked about, and the meetings were all targeted.

It is said that a quick step leads the way, but the feeling on Du's side is that he has no way out after a few quick steps.

At the end of the day, Father Du couldn't do it, so he could only push hard, but the burden he was originally responsible for made it difficult for him. If he took on the job of education again, he would probably have to bear a heavy burden.

"Dad, at this point in time, I'm afraid you have to have a serious talk with Du Peng's father-in-law.

The college entrance examination depends only on our youth.

Starting from the college entrance examination, it is also a test for you and the same for others.

Failing such an exam is much more serious than failing the college entrance examination.

For you, this means that there is a conflict between the textbook and the test paper, and what you learn is different from what you learn on the test. You need external help. "Li Shengli cannot explain how much pressure Du Lao is facing without having personally experienced it.

But before returning to China, Mr. Du's temples looked like they had just sprouted hair, but now they are gray. This may be due to time, but Li Shengli feels that pressure is the main reason.


It is indeed time to seek common ground while reserving differences.

This time I want to go there with your Uncle Chen. "

The exchange between Weng and his son-in-law came to an abrupt end because of Li Shengli's suggestion.

Li Shengli also knew that Father Du had communicated with Du Peng's father-in-law before, and they had many differences.

After several talks, Mr. Du concentrated on his work, and now it was almost time to show his cards and see the results.

Li Shengli still had some suggestions on this matter. Although Father Du didn't want to continue the conversation, he still forced the topic to open.

“Dad, I still have to tell you where Wang Qianjin is going this time.

You still have a say in small crafts and light industry.

The objective conditions are in front of us. It is difficult for us to operate normally with internal circulation.

When borrowing power from outside or asking for help from outside, there still need to be regulations.

There is no specific explanation of what kind of technology should be introduced and what kind of capital can come in, and it cannot be done hastily.

The relationship with the Lou family can also be borrowed.

I talked to Lou in Hong Kong City, and once they enter the market, they will deliberately raise the bar.

If you want to benefit from our big market, you should have social responsibility, not to mention collecting their admission tickets. These companies and capital entering the market must be perfect.

We are only cooperating on an economic basis. For those who come in with selfish thoughts, we only have one sentence: 'Don't say it's unforeseen'! "

After hearing the suggestion from the wise son-in-law, Father Du frowned again. This statement was more tenable.

In the past, the market for small handicraft products was almost always in the hands of daughters Du Juan and Niu Bijian, so naturally there was no way to talk about their position.

Now that Li Shengli has proposed that those with selfish distractions should be rejected, this is a clear-cut point of view.

No matter what, the least thing is that it can reduce the number of people questioning you.

"very good!
You go back, I'm going to your Uncle Chen's house. "

When it comes to business matters, Father Du also has something to hide without taking his son-in-law with him.

If the Wang family is a controversial figure, then his son-in-law must be even more controversial.

At this stage, his virtuous son-in-law couldn't do anything about it, so he could only talk about it briefly in the office until there was no result.

After explaining everything in detail, I'm afraid there will be an argument first.

Moreover, during the storm, many things that happened to the Wang family were planned by their virtuous son-in-law.

Many people don't pay attention, not that they don't know, but that Li Shengli is now a difficult figure.

Not only could the person not be found, but the evidence could not be found either. Many people's small actions in private could not be hidden from Father Du's eyes.

Let the good son-in-law go home to talk about things in the evening. Father Du also has exams in this area.

What the good son-in-law said about the exam was the same for him. After this period of time, many things have really been finalized, and only the good son-in-law in the family can take action.

Although Li Shengli couldn't explain Du Lao's worries clearly, he was also self-aware.

Unlike Wang Qianjin who did it openly, many things on his side were done in secret.

Not to mention anything else, just extortion in the storm is not that easy to get through.

After the wind and rain stopped, he stayed in Madianji and rarely left the village. It was not without reason.

Today, Li Shengli is found by someone, and if he can't find anything about him, then it's nothing.

At this time, Li Shengli knew better than Father Du that he would not be very safe until the 1980s.

It's okay to describe some things in private. If he dares to stand on the stage, he may not be able to escape the pursuit of some people.

When I returned to Madianji, I was waiting for the results of the college entrance examination.

On the day when the rankings were announced, Li Shengli was still practicing boxing and reading at home.

These excitements now belong to Ding Lan and the others. If they don't do well in the exam this year, they will only have one chance next year.

In the year after next, there will be as many candidates as crucian carp crossing the river. If you can't study well in a few years, it will be difficult to pass the exam after another year of study.

It was already evening when Li Shengli got the news. In terms of results, the best ones were naturally Xiao Bao and Xiao Huang.

The results of other people are also very good, which also shows that everyone has really worked hard in the early stage.

Ding Lan, who was under the guidance of Xiao Bao, was also behind his brothers and sisters in performance.

Their results can be lined up in rows, and they have to talk about any problems.

Li Shengli said that this time the college entrance examination has the greatest chance, and it is not without reason.

Because most of the more than five million candidates do not have textbooks, the only textbook published before the exam is Algebra from Shanghai.

Of course, it cannot be said that everyone does not have textbooks. There are also many people who have retained the previous books.

But this proportion is extremely small among all examinees.

After classes were suspended and resumed, the only textbooks left in middle schools were engineering-based and agricultural-based. What Li Shengli said in front of Father Du was the same as what he said straight out of his mouth.

If you really use these two books as college entrance examination textbooks, you will not be able to pass the exam.

The algebra book published in Shanghai before the exam was not a current one, but came from a series of self-study books on mathematics, physics and chemistry from the 1960s.

Among the candidates, even those who rest on their laurels only account for a minority.

More candidates are at a loss when facing the exam papers.

Only in the language section can everyone rest on their laurels.

But Ding Lan and the others are different. The textbooks are the previous serious textbooks, including mathematics, physics and chemistry.

There are also teachers and professors from universities who provide guidance.

Li Shengli did not just improvise this job, but has been quietly giving tips to everyone, including the students in the self-training class.

Many of the barefoot doctors who went down had hand-written teaching materials.

If you are prepared and unprepared, and the chances are slim, you just don't work hard.

Looking at Ding Lan with a bulging belly and a smile on her face, Li Shengli felt her pulse and calculated the time.

It is estimated that while waiting for admission and registration, Miss Ding will have to go to school with a full belly.

"Xiao Ding, is it okay to take the children to school?"

Ding Lan also snorted when he heard that his little old man asked such a disappointing question in his excitement.

She was willing to go to college and put in the effort, not for anything else but to stay away from the little old man Li Shengli for a while.

According to her best friend Fu Yiqing, if she didn't go to school, she would be like her predecessor Du Jiaoyang and have children once a year.

It's just that Miss Ding doesn't care what Fu Yiqing really thinks.

"The professors in the school are Mr. Liu's disciples and are considered my senior brothers. What's the problem?

Listening to Ding Lan's dissatisfaction, Li Shengli shook his head indifferently. He also knew what Miss Ding was thinking.

It's just that Fu Yiqing has a grudge and wants to gain attention...

(End of this chapter)

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