As a passer-by, I have loaded the female master's cultivation system

Chapter 109 This novice task failure penalty is somewhat familiar

Chapter 109 This novice task failure penalty is somewhat familiar

Xiao Qingpei didn't pretend to be disguised, but just summoned the five-colored celebration cloud that the system gave before leaving, and a wave of majesty and domineering scattered around Xiao Qingpei, making wherever he went, no matter what monk he was, all showed respectful expressions.

Even if the other party is at the Golden Core Realm, they can't help but show a bit of awe to Xiao Qingpei who controls the colorful Qingyun.

This is naturally the "passive effect" of Wucai Qingyun taking effect.

It directly weakened the opponent greatly, and even controlled the opponent's mind in turn.

And based on this, no matter what Xiao Qingpei does, as long as it doesn't endanger the other party, it will naturally be beneficial.He only needs to talk about it, and the other party will handle it perfectly for him.

"Regardless of life or death, those who can pass the Dragon Gate can become the first generation of Tianren Mountain disciples, and receive the support of Chunyang Taiyi Palace..."

Xiao Qingpei immediately understood.

It is true to recruit disciples, but it is also true to use human lives to fill the mountain of heaven and man.

"Before recruiting disciples was only based on identity. Could it be that Tianren Mountain no longer needs human life to fill it up? Now the change is made because it is needed again. So what are the factors that caused this change?"

Xiao Qingpei thought for a while, and he quickly locked onto the "Taiyin Immortal Qi".

In the past, the immortal energy of Taiyin gradually decreased, and Tianren Mountain recruited disciples only based on their birth background, but now that the immortal energy of Taiyin is increasing day by day, it is changed to recruit disciples regardless of their status.

"So, the family behind that little guy is probably related to Chunyang Taiyi Palace. But also, if it doesn't matter, can it become a big force in Fuyaotian?"

Xiao Qingpei did not become hostile to that little guy because of this, after all, what does a little guy know?It's not those who are bad in nature and who have done a lot of evil at a young age.

Counting from the day when he met that little guy, Xiao Qingpei's impression of that little guy was that he was a little dazed except that he was more curious.

Of course, it is true that it is very righteous.

At least until this little guy grows up, Xiao Qingpei can maintain a good relationship with him.

As for why you say before growing up?
Of course, once people grow up, they will change.

Some people will gradually become silent under the precipitation of the years, while those with a background like this little guy will probably gradually become cold-blooded.

Under the interweaving of various interests, once people get used to it, they will ignore life and be indifferent to feelings.

"Then what happened in Tianren Mountain?"

Xiao Qingpei thought seriously.

Then he stopped thinking because a "ding dong" sound suddenly appeared in his ear.

"The heroine Fuyao system is being bound..."

"Binding succeeded!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining this system. With the help of this system, the host will surely climb to the top step by step!"

Sounds like electronic synthesis sounded one after another, but compared with the previous "Heroine Swinging System", this system is obviously more enthusiastic.

At least it didn't look like he wasn't awake.

However, for Xiao Qingpei, he didn't care how the system changed its attitude, he only cared - why did this thing come back?

Is this system blind?Or blind?Or blind?

Not to mention that he is a man with a handle, this system binds people, first of all must bind the right characters, right?Even if it is not bound to the protagonist, it must be bound to an important person, right?For example, male two, male three.

Or, that "no one knows how to be an official better than him" Mr. Dong Jumo Dong is more suitable than him to bind the system!

What kind of system does he want for a passer-by!
Xiao Qingpei's heart was really full of holes, as the saying goes, one can do two, but when it came to this system, it came directly to the third time.

Don't think that if this thing changes the name back, he won't know it anymore!

Therefore, he used his spiritual consciousness to contact this system, and as always, a large number of "plots" poured out.Among them, most of them are familiar to him.

It is the plot of the first three heroines.

But what is different from the last time is that this time behind these plots, there are new plots and some "dispelling doubts" about the previous plots.

For example, the one thing Xiao Qingpei was most puzzled about - why did Luo Xiaoyun, a little girl, become what she was in the plot.

This newly appeared later in the plot, it gave an explanation.

"This little girl is actually a person born with great luck? Fate can become a fairy lord for a lifetime? Therefore, someone is thinking about her fate and luck, and wants to reduce the time spent on plundering fate and luck by dividing it into three." The resulting backlash. First seal the little girl's soul, and then let others take her away..."

"However, the filth of the first life is not enough. Therefore, the remnant soul of this little girl has been reincarnated into the second and third lives..."

"And in the following two lives, she was secretly guiding her to destroy herself continuously, so that her fate and destiny could completely give up this little girl?"

"What a ruthless method!"

"This is three points more ruthless than digging the supreme bone!"

Xiao Qingpei was secretly startled.

He really didn't expect that that eccentric little girl would have such extraordinary things on her body.

"However, why is fate so powerful?"

Xiao Qingpei couldn't help but be a little curious about this, his "stable profit without loss" is not so good!

Besides being curious, Xiao Qingpei also felt somewhat sullen in his heart.

After all, this is his disciple!
To tease his disciples like this and take away what should be his disciples is to treat him as a master as a dead man!

"Just because I lost to you at this moment doesn't mean I won't be able to defeat you in the future."

"This account, write it down for now!"

Xiao Qingpei's thoughts flew back and forth, but he returned to this "Heroine Fuyao System".

It turned out that he was mostly resistant to this system, but now it seems that the relationship between this system and him seems to be in a state of "neither friend nor enemy".

"Then why do you want to bind me one after another?"

Xiao Qingpei thought about this question again. At this time, his mentality changed, and the direction of his thinking was naturally different.

Then, he realized one thing.

"If it is said that the two talents in me both have a lot of luck, then is it because of these two talents?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Qingpei suddenly felt enlightened.

If this is the case, then it can just explain why this system not only came in advance, but was also bound to him one after another.

On the premise that the protagonist's luck has not been revealed, isn't he the most suitable candidate for binding with a strong luck?

But this is just Xiao Qingpei's guess, as to whether it is true or not, it remains to be discussed.

At this time, the electronic synthesizer sounded again.

"At this time, Tianren Mountain, Yunxiao Palace, and Xianyao Mansion are recruiting disciples. Please join any sect. If you succeed in enrolling, you will start the novice task reward. If you have not completed it, you will learn how to cry three times."

Xiao Qingpei: "..."

The failure penalty for this novice task is somewhat familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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