Chapter 115 Are you familiar with Tang San?

Xiao Qingpei still doesn't need to refine this Fufeng pocket that can be sweet or salty. The moment he imprints his spiritual consciousness in the magic weapon, he can fully control the power of this magic weapon.

And the appearance of this magic weapon undoubtedly made Xiao Qingpei start to pay attention to the tasks of this system.

The rewards of previous system missions, although they can be said to be powerful, are just not small. Now this is a sweet and salty Fufeng pocket, holding this magic weapon, Xiao Qingpei has the confidence to ignore the Nascent Soul Realm .

Because just now, Xiao Qingpei tried to condense the original "Duoyang Spring" into its shape, but the condensing was half successful...

Why do you say half?

It was the appearance of the "Duoyang Spring" when it first soared into the sky. Xiao Qingpei condensed it very smoothly, but later, the "Daoyang Spring" changed into another form, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't condense it.

And this also made Xiao Qingpei instantly realize that at that time, he was a little bit too strong.

The second power of this magic weapon, as long as there are no more than two great realms, it can be condensed with spiritual consciousness!The reason for not being able to condense successfully can only be that the other party has surpassed Xiao Qingpei's two great realms.

In other words, when "Daoyangquan" was born, he was still in the two realms of Yuanying and above Yuanying, but after a period of time after "Duoyangquan" was born, he directly surpassed ordinary attainers!
This is actually "Duoyang Spring" recovering its cultivation base.

"It seems that there must be some big secret in Fuyaotian's past. Otherwise, there would not be a powerful existence who was among the Taoists, imprisoned in a region, and turned into a kind of Jedi that is more common in Fuyaotian. .”

And thinking of this, Xiao Qingpei couldn't help but think of another possibility: "This Jedi who is soaring, can't all seal such existence?"

Xiao Qingpei thought for a while about the hidden places in Yunxiao Palace, and then thought about the jedi in the vicinity of several dynasties, or within the dynasties, and suddenly felt that these sects and dynasties might all be like sitting in the crater of a volcano.

"I don't know where that Daoyangquan went?"

Xiao Qingpei thought about it, and it seemed that this existence had been in a state of inactivity since he was born.At the beginning of its birth, it caused great changes in the celestial phenomena, as if a thousand-year-old monster escaped from trouble.


At this moment, the person Xiao Qingpei was thinking of was also thinking of someone Xiao.

"Xiao Qingpei?"

"This is the little cultivator who hit me by mistake, broke the ban, and released me? I remember that he was practicing the Void Ghost Path."

"Why are you teaching him the ruthless way of cultivation, and you still want to walk the path of the supreme sword demon?"

"Ha ha!"

This existence had just finished consolidating its own cultivation, and was startled by the increasingly dense Taiyin immortal energy in the world, so it came out.

Then, he heard many people discussing Xiao Qingpei.

Although some time has passed, Xiao's popularity has never diminished.

After all, secret treasures, formulas, etc. are kept secret by everyone, and if they say something wrong, they are easy to be laughed at.And it's not impossible to discuss which monk, but it's easy to offend the other party.If you run into someone with a narrow mind, you will even have murderous intentions because of it. Many people of this type die in vain every year.

A certain little girl who loves gossip and loves to watch the excitement met this time, but with Xiao Qingpei's magic weapon of sword and pill, the other party quickly apologized and pleaded guilty as soon as she made a move.

This is not the deterrence of the magic weapon of Jianwan, but the other party discovered that the cultivation level of this little girl's film is actually higher than his own.

And if these monks are discussing someone Xiao, then it will be different. First of all, the former "Xiao Tianjiao" of Yunxiao Palace will not retaliate, and secondly, everyone is guessing about the news about this "Xiao Tianjiao". So it's okay to be wrong.

What's more, unless that "Xiao Tianjiao" took the initiative to stand up and deny it, who would be able to conclude that the other party was wrong?
And this point, even the disciples of the three sects who took the initiative to spread the news of Xiao Qingpei could not.

It is for these reasons that there are always monks who discuss Xiao Qingpei.

After all, although the low-level immortal cultivators come and go and master extraordinary means, in the final analysis, their entertainment methods are only a few kinds of coming and going, very limited, and may not be as good as some mortals and nobles.

"Supreme, supreme..."

"How do these humble ants know the meaning of supreme?"

"It's ridiculous!"

This existence looked indifferently and shook his head slightly.

Supreme, but even he has only touched the threshold.A little monk who practiced the way of virtual ghosts actually said that he was going to walk the way of the Supreme Sword Demon, which is an insult to the word Supreme.

"Forget it, let me go and have a look. If he really wants to walk the path of the Supreme Sword Demon, then I will take his inheritance. After all, it would be a waste for such inheritance to fall into his hands."

"And if not, then I will punish him a little, lest he will not live in peace after death."

This being said indifferently, with a sense of righteousness and sternness.

In fact, he didn't think it was inappropriate for him to do so. Instead, he felt that it was an honor for the other party to be such a little monk.

That is to say, for the sake of this little monk letting him out, if not, why would he care so much about a little monk like him?
After all, in the final analysis, this little monk is also a humble ant.

However, if someone Xiao knew what he said, he probably couldn't help but say - "Are you familiar with Tang San?"

As soon as this existence stepped out, it turned into nothingness, and then searched for Xiao Qingpei's trace.

Then, something unexpected happened to him.

He was able to collect many traces of Xiao Qingpei's existence, but he was completely unable to perceive where Xiao Qingpei was!
"The saying of the Supreme Sword Demon, is it true?"

This existence couldn't help thinking like this.

After all, to be able to completely hide from his search can only be done with the power left behind by those creatures of the supreme realm.

"It's actually true!"

His heart suddenly became extremely hot.

Originally, he would need to spend a lot of effort to restore the strength of his heyday, so that he can successfully return to his position, but now it seems that there is such a huge opportunity waiting for him in this world!
"The supreme law, falling into the hands of such lowly ants, is really reckless! Although he saved me, but in essence, it was just an unintentional act of mistake. What's more, in his capacity, It is a great honor to be able to rescue me! Therefore, I don’t need to care about this kindness at all!”

His eyes turned cold, but this man had already become murderous.

However, although he already wanted to kill Xiao Qingpei in order to seize the inheritance, he didn't intend to kill him completely, because he only planned to kill Xiao Qingpei's first life, and then send him into reincarnation, so as to completely end the cause and effect.

"I am too kind after all!" So he said.

(End of this chapter)

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