Chapter 123 This vest is not easy to use
"Master, Master, what were you doing just now?"

As the monks at the Qi Cultivation Realm were shocked and angry, and then left in a hurry, a certain little girl couldn't help coming over to ask Xiao Qingpei.

After all, Xiao's actions just now seemed deliberate no matter how you look at it.

"Stir the flames!" Xiao Qingpei said as a matter of course.

"Huh? Master, shouldn't you say, are you answering their questions?" The little girl was startled. Why did her master answer so sincerely?
Although she was still young, she didn't get along with Xiao Qingpei for too long, but after running around with Xiao Qingpei a few times, she gradually realized that her master had something to do with the word both good and evil.

"It's fine to deceive outsiders with these words, we are our own people." Xiao Qingpei patted the little girl's head and said with a smile.

Luo Xiaoyun hesitated to speak: "..."

There is no problem with this, but I don’t know why, it always feels so strange to listen to it!

Then, not long after, a foundation-building immortal cultivator came up with a few Qi-training immortal cultivators aggressively.

This Foundation Establishment Immortal Cultivator is not young, about forty years old. At this time, he looked at Xiao Qingpei, and he was very angry: "Is this the guy?"

Although Xiao Qingpei showed his foundation-building cultivation to the outside world, this foundation-building cultivator didn't take Xiao Qingpei seriously at all.

After all, the strength gap between casual cultivators and sect disciples is too great.

The magic weapon alone is enough to form a moat.

"Fellow Daoist is already getting old, why are you so angry? Why don't you sit down together and drink a cup of herbal tea to calm down the fire." Xiao Qingpei was not annoyed, but said with a smile.

After all, being provoked by a Foundation Establishment Realm, it would be too embarrassing for him to get angry at a Golden Core Realm.

What's more, it's just a person who can be destroyed easily.

"Drink tea? Drink tea! I can't let go of my anger! You guys, you know that the way of Taiyin can be cultivated, so just don't worry about yourself. Why spread the word and spoil my good deeds?" ?" The foundation-builder said angrily, that is to say, he was facing another "foundation-builder" immortal cultivator, so he had to be more or less decent, so he didn't yell.

As soon as Xiao Qingpei heard this, he was immediately sure who this was.

Before that, he only had some guesses about his identity, but he couldn't be 100% sure. After all, although he had been to this county once, he was completely unaware of the Tianxuan Sect of the local snake in this place.

"So it's the head of the Tianxuan Sect!" Xiao Qingpei nodded slightly, and then showed his cultivation of the Golden Core Realm.

"What about now? Can the anger be subdued?" Xiao Qingpei continued, with a smile on his face as before, but at this moment, it was obvious that it was a joke that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

At least, that's what the head of the Xuanmen thought that day.

From being extremely angry and wishing to do it directly, to having cold hands and feet and a pale face, the head of the Tianxuan Sect only took less than one breath.

"Greetings, senior!" The head of Tianxuan Sect hurriedly saluted, and at the same time quickly explained his previous behavior: "Senior, this junior is actually so emotional because the mission time is coming up and I'm afraid of being scolded. Forgive me senior!"

"Mission? Who gave you the mission?" Xiao Qingpei asked curiously.

"Senior Luo Suifeng!" The head of the Tianxuan Sect quickly replied, and at the same time, afraid that Xiao Qingpei would not be clear, he added: "He is a direct disciple of Ge Laozu of the Mantra Sect!"

"The Mantra Sect?" Xiao Qingpei's eyes flickered slightly, "Are you taking refuge in the Mantra Sect?"

"Senior's wisdom eye! This junior is taking refuge in the Mantra Sect!"

"Then they gave you this task, didn't they take the mouse?" Xiao Qingpei couldn't help but said, although Ge Tianxia, ​​the ancestor of the Yuanying Realm, was the only survivor of this mantra sect, so his name has been passed down to the world, but this kind of thing, no matter In any case, it is not the sects of cultivating immortals outside Yunxiao Palace, Xianyao Mansion, and Tianren Mountain that need to be managed.

Tianren Mountain no longer exists, but as long as Chunyang Taiyi Palace still admits it, then the strength of Tianren Mountain will be restored in a short time.

Xiao Qingpei never dared to underestimate that Chunyang Taiyi Palace.

After all, that is a terrifying force that has mastered the entire world's resources.

The spirits of the celestial test presided over by the sect all come from the Chunyang Taiyi Palace. From this point, the strength of the Chunyang Taiyi Palace can be seen.

The advancement of a monk's cultivation base is completely under the control of the other party.

In other words, the Mantra Sect was not recognized by Chunyang Taiyi Palace, but took the initiative to help the other party maintain the rule, which seems a bit nosy no matter how you look at it.

But at this moment, Xiao Qingpei couldn't help but move his eyes slightly as he said this, but he noticed that a group of monks were rushing towards the county, and there was a Jindan Realm among them, but he didn't care.

As long as the person who came was not in the Nascent Soul Realm, then the person who came, even the Grand Sage Jian Lin of Yunxiao Palace, would not be able to make Xiao Qingpei retreat on his own initiative.

At this time, upon hearing Xiao Qingpei's words, the head of the Taixuan Sect didn't know how to answer for a while, but it was somewhat expected.

However, in his opinion, there is no golden core realm immortal cultivator among casual cultivators. Even if the story of the heaven and earth immortal test spreads, no casual cultivator at the foundation establishment realm can break through in such a short period of time. To switch to the way of Taiyin, although it is not necessary to practice from scratch, the difficulty is not small.

Therefore, in the eyes of the head of Tai Xuan Sect, Xiao Qingpei is very likely to be a member of the three sects!

Of course, to be precise, there are two sects.

After all, there may be two other ancestors in the Nascent Soul Realm in Tianren Mountain, but there are not many people left below the Nascent Soul Realm.Most of those who survived that strange disaster were mortals.

Because when the people in Chunyang Taiyi Palace "fell in disaster", they subconsciously regarded those mortals as people outside of Tianren Mountain, so they survived the disaster.

However, the head of the Taixuan Sect fell into silence, but someone took the initiative to speak out.

That was a group of monks who came here.

"We do things in the Mantra sect, so it seems that you don't need to make irresponsible remarks, right?" The man's tone was slightly unfriendly, but for some reason, he took the initiative to suppress it.

"Luo Suifeng?" Xiao Qingpei looked at the visitor.

"It's Luo Mou! I don't know who you are?" Luo Suifeng nodded, and on his handsome face, he suppressed his anger and did not break out.

"Yunxiao Palace, Xu Jiansheng." Xiao Qingpei said casually.

Upon hearing this, Luo Suifeng fell silent for a moment, and then only heard him say in a low tone: "Fellow Daoist Xu, Luo knows each other, and fellow Daoist Xu hasn't reached the Golden Core Realm yet..."

(End of this chapter)

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