Chapter 128 The monk from the past

Xiao Qingpei was in shock, because this powerful strength came so inexplicably, but he quickly calmed down, but he found that he could return to his previous appearance with a single thought.

So, Xiao Qingpei walked out of that phantom formation.

He didn't know when he entered this ancient fantasy formation, he obviously entered with the "body of Yinshou", but after his unexpected encounter, he found that he had already walked in.

As Xiao Qingpei walked out of this ancient fantasy formation, his energy suddenly began to appear between heaven and earth.

For a time, the situation changed.

This Fuyao Heaven, which only exists in the past, would have entered the next "change" in another thousand years.

But at this moment, it was as if a part of life had been extended to this world, forcing the "change" time of Fuyaotian to be dragged to an unknown number of years.

In other words, this Fuyaotian returned to normal.

Also at this moment, Fu Yaotian disappeared from the induction of the Chunyang Taiyi Palace.

But this special world has disappeared.

Of course, with this change, only one person in Fuyaotian could perceive what happened.

That was a certain little guy who was bullying a spirit treasure in a certain Jedi right now.

After all, she was the one who gave Xiao Qingpei the soul of Taiyin Immortal!

After she took that Taiyin fairy soul away from Chunyang Taiyi Palace, it has been floating in Fuyaotian.

Although this little guy condensed Xiao Qingpei's aura into this Taiyin Immortal Soul, Xiao Qingpei also needed an opportunity to fuse this Taiyin Immortal Soul.

And that phoenix corpse happened to be that opportunity!
Although, as far as "Phoenix" is concerned, it is not the best choice, but it happens to be the most suitable for Xiao Qingpei.

Phoenix does not live in groups and does not travel with couples.

Any real phoenix bird is often alone, walking alone in the world.

And this happened to be Xiao's usual style.

"Sure enough, he's a good friend!" The little guy's eyebrows were a little frowned, and she didn't care if Fu Yaotian could break free from the control of Chunyang Taiyi Palace.

After all, with her strength, even if Fu Yaotian was completely refined, it would be an easy task.

Just because other emperor realms or immortals can't do it, doesn't mean she can't do it either!
But compared to this, what she cares more about is whether Xiao Qingpei can achieve "death and rebirth" like her!
Although Xiao Qingpei seems to be alive, in fact he is alive, but Fu Yaotian is in the "past time", which leads to the fact that Xiao Qingpei does not actually exist.

After all, this Fuyaotian will continue to "change".

The creatures that appeared at this time will naturally not appear again after the change.

This is equivalent to countless changes in the future, but the difference in Fuyaotian is that these changes all happened in the past!
Therefore, if Xiao Qingpei wants to "death to death", he must go out of this "past time"!

And right now, although Xiao Qingpei has not gone out yet, he has successfully taken the most important step.Just wait until Fuyaotian appears in the "present era" where it should be, and Xiao Qingpei has completed the transition from "death" to "life".

Of course, it's not just Xiao Qingpei, but also all the creatures in Fuyaotian.

And someone Xiao who helped Fuyaotian "return to the throne" will receive a gift from this world after Fuyaotian "returns to the throne".

Because only after reaching the "present era" where it should be, this world can give real rewards.Otherwise, the rewards given are all false and do not count, and they can easily be forcibly broken by other achievers using the "method of destiny", and even use this to enslave and control Xiao Qingpei.

The struggle between those who attain the Tao is often based on unimaginable means, mysterious and mysterious.

And if one is not careful, it may be lost forever!

However, Xiao was completely unaware of all of this, he didn't even realize that the change in the sky at this time was caused by him, he just thought it was another old monster from a Jedi that ran out.

After all, it had happened once before.

When the "Duoyang Spring" was born, it was this kind of celestial movement.

Xiao Qingpei is still thinking about his sudden body change at this moment, he really can't figure out how he got such a powerful body of change.

"No, it's not the changing body, but this phoenix body, which has become my real body."

"Then what am I now?"

When Xiao Qingpei thought this way, he found that he could sense the aura of the Moon-Watching Luan, and looked around, and found that he had returned to the vicinity of the Tianmu River.

He sent away the moon-watching Tianluan earlier, and let the spirit bird return here to stay.

After all, this place is desolate and uninhabited, which is very suitable for it to live and practice.

Besides, even if we were just visiting a house by the way, we couldn't let the house that the little girl built just be abandoned or occupied by magpie nests and doves, right?
"My mind-wandering effort means that I have moved millions of miles?" Xiao Qingpei couldn't help being startled, because he was just subconsciously driving the clouds just now.

And this way of driving the clouds often only appears when the general Jindan goes out to relax.

The speed is very slow!

Because I don’t care where I fly, or how far I can fly.

"This body of a phoenix bird has already begun to affect my original supernatural powers?" Xiao Qingpei's heart moved, and then he was about to carefully perceive the specific changes in his own strength, but he found that Moon-Watching Luan was flying towards him up.

Xiao Qingpei thought that the spirit bird had discovered him, but when the spirit bird came over, Xiao Qingpei discovered that Mochizuki Tianluan lowered his head to him fanatically, and his feet seemed to be kneeling on the ground alone.

This is the meaning of bowing your head and proclaiming yourself as a minister, wanting to die for Xiao Qingpei.

"The king of birds?"

Xiao Qingpei soon realized this, because this moon-watching Luan, although this spirit bird is usually obedient, has never been like this, like a dead man, ready to die for him anytime, anywhere , and willingly gave up his life for him.

In the past, Mochizuki Tianluan was very good at protecting himself wisely, wherever there was danger, he would immediately run away.

Then, Xiao Qingpei let Mochiyue Tianluan fly away, and he raised his hand to hit the lake below.

Immediately, the tide surged, and countless water flows reversed, like turbid waves emptied, directly exposing the river bed!
This was just Xiao Qingpei's casual blow, but the power of this blow at this time was even more powerful than the Nascent Soul Realm's big handprint.

But Xiao Qingpei didn't care to marvel, because he could see clearly the deepest part of the Tianmu River at this moment.

There is actually a palace made of crystal glass!
(End of this chapter)

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