Chapter 132 Fate!Chance!
"Not short, not short at all, and I'm quite envious." Although Xiao Qingpei's EQ is not high, he also knew that he had to say this at this time.

Anyway, it's just coaxing children.

But these words made this little guy take them seriously.

So, this little guy had crooked eyebrows and smiled very happily, but the way she looked at Xiao Qingpei was somewhat intriguing.

"Good friend, there are fairy bodies in this world, you can look for them!"

After the words fell, she disappeared in front of Xiao Qingpei the moment her figure blurred.

Xiao Qingpei couldn't help being surprised.

"Is this also something that can be done by a secret treasure?" To be honest, he didn't believe it. After all, he had already cultivated to the Nascent Soul Realm, and he was able to control the transformation between virtual and real, and the ability to gather and disperse.

However, when he thought that this little guy was the "biggest helper", he even knew the truth about Fu Yaotian, so he was relieved.

"Although the system will issue tasks in a serious manner under the premise that the time, place, and binding person are all wrong, but most of the plot information in it is not missed."

"But if this happens, that little girl's future opponent will probably be ridiculously strong!"

Xiao Qingpei couldn't help but worry about a certain little girl for half a second.

Because by that time, his own cultivation has definitely attained the Dao!Maybe even by then, he would already be eligible to meet the "hand behind the scenes".

So this kind of worry is really unnecessary.

"So, what exactly is this fairy body?"

Xiao Qingpei thought about what this little guy said before he left. Although this little guy is "young", he never talks nonsense.

"Forget it, next time you meet this little guy, just ask again."

After he couldn't figure it out, Xiao Qingpei had no choice but to make this decision.

After all, since this little guy has said so, then this little guy definitely knows it well.

Then, Xiao Qingpei turned his gaze.

He wanted to find out where his apprentice went, but he happened to see this little girl let a fish fly out.

Xiao Qingpei suddenly felt embarrassed: "..."

You worked so hard to teach an apprentice, but the apprentice was beaten by a fish when he went out?
Worse than being bitten by a dog!
With a quick grab, he protected the little guy from the air. Xiao Qingpei was about to ask her with a dark face, but unexpectedly discovered that the fish that flew up to the little girl looked familiar to him.

So, he reached out to the belly of the fish and silently circulated the immortal power in his body.

Sure enough, he sensed a magic weapon.

"It's really that fish..."

"That fish was just an ordinary fish, but now it's obviously turned into a spirit beast. However, it doesn't matter..."

After Xiao Qingpei took the stick-shaped magic weapon out of the fish's body, he felt certain in his heart.

Because this is the magic weapon he got before!
Containing water and fire inside, the power is enormous, a random blow can split mountains and open mountains!
And this also means one thing, the treasures that he had mysteriously disappeared before did not actually disappear.It's just that those treasures returned to their original places as the world recovered.

"Forget it, I'll look for it again!"

Xiao Qingpei was slightly happy in his heart, as a cultivator, he can naturally remember it with his photographic memory.At the beginning, when the cultivation level was low, there would be worries about the inability of the divine consciousness to carry a large amount of information, but now that the Nascent Soul Realm is reached, why would there be such worries?

So, Xiao Qingpei looked at a little girl who was looking around, trying to hide the fact that she had never fished before.

"Your Foundation Establishment Realm cultivation is somewhat watery." Xiao Qingpei said.

However, although this fish has a tendency to become a spirit beast, its strength has not increased much. At least in the Foundation Establishment Realm, as long as you pay more attention, you will definitely not be knocked into the air by this fish.


Xiao Qingpei handed the magic weapon he just got to the little girl.

He doesn't practice water and fire, and he has already condensed the sword embryo orb, but he can't use this magic weapon at all.

What's more, at his level, a magic weapon that suits him is far more important than a powerful magic weapon that conflicts with him.

"Master, did you give it to me?"

Luo Xiaoyun was suddenly surprised.

"However, I won't refine it for you. You need to refine it yourself." Xiao Qingpei nodded slightly.

"Thank you Master!"

The little girl seemed very happy after receiving this magic weapon.

"Go back and meet your parents first. I'll pick you up after a while. If you have anything to do, you can tell me with a magic talisman." Xiao Qingpei said again.

"Understood, Master!"

Having obtained a magic weapon, the little girl was naturally happy and ignored other things. She waved her small hand vigorously at Xiao Qingpei.

This is because Xiao is too talkative, and he is in a hurry to say goodbye.

Xiao Qingpei glanced at her, and then instantly transformed into golden streams of light and disappeared from the sky above the sea.

Because of this, Xiao Qingpei did not see the next scene.

After the stick-shaped magic weapon came into Luo Xiaoyun's hand, it flew up suddenly after a while, then bent up and down, and turned into a ring.

The change didn't end here, and then the circle was directly divided into two.

One is red and the other is dark blue.

It corresponds to the law of water and fire!
Then, the two rings instantly fell on the little girl's wrist. Without her refining, the two magic weapons were already recognized as their owners.

"Eh? No need to refine it!"

The little girl looked very surprised, but immediately became happy.

Because she already knew how to use these two rings.

The red ring is called Huo Lian Xing Xing Jin.

The dark blue ring is Xuanzhong's water beam.

The two are used separately, and each has its own magic.But this is not the key point. When these two magic weapons are combined into one, they can temporarily possess the ability of spirit treasures.

Ruyi in size, psychic and profound, called——Ruyi Water and Fire Stick!

Weighing one hundred and eight thousand kilograms!
It is also because this treasure possesses the power of a spirit treasure that it can guide that fish and send itself to this little girl.

After the fate of this little girl has passed, corresponding opportunities will naturally come.

This magic weapon is exactly her chance!
"What a powerful magic weapon, the master is so good!" The little girl didn't know this, so she couldn't help but say this.

And Xiao didn't know that the magic weapon he sent out would be so great.

He is rushing to a ruins right now.

But there is a grass and tree fairy root inside, not only has a weak consciousness, but it is also extremely rare among grass and tree fairy roots.

Even in the whole world, it is very likely that there is only such a plant!
However, after Fuyaotian recovered, it became wider. It took Xiao Qingpei half a cup of tea to fly out of the sea alone.

And as soon as he landed, he found that he was being watched.

(End of this chapter)

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