As a passer-by, I have loaded the female master's cultivation system

Chapter 137 Standing in three, the world and the earth help each other

Chapter 137 Standing at Thirty, the World and Earth Help
The smoke was like weaving, the world was groggy, and everything seemed to have entered the underworld. Xiao Qingpei realized in an instant that this was another specific characteristic that he corresponded to, and then summoned him.

So, after this figure floated away, he began to think about the origin of the thousand-year-old artifact.

"The origin is nothing special..."

"However, the material used in this painting is actually a piece of human skin."

"It is said that after the death of his wife, the painter became ill with longing, so he took off part of the skin of his wife's body to make a picture scroll, and then drew a picture of the past with his wife."

"This one is said to be mostly unreliable. But the material used can be determined."

Xiao Qingpei thought for a while, then waved his sleeves.

Immediately, the strange phenomena on the sea disappeared without a trace, and those sinister faces were waved away by Xiao Qingpei's sleeve.

Then he practiced.

The increase brought about by summoning this type of existence is still very good.Even at Xiao Qingpei's current state, he can feel a sense of rapid progress.

However, the Nascent Soul Realm is indeed, as the person from the Xia Clan in the Golden Core Realm said, it is not a subdivided realm at all.Because even though Xiao Qingpei was making such rapid progress, he still couldn't feel any signs of "achieving" himself.

"Cultivation in the Nascent Soul Realm is different from the past. The increase in cultivation level cannot be regarded as an improvement in cultivation." Xiao Qingpei understood.

"I have cultivated to this level the Five Books of Taiyin. Although none of the five books have been perfected. I have only cultivated the Taiyin Life-nurturing Way to perfection. However, the superior cultivation techniques of these five Taiyin Ways are very important to me at the moment. , on the contrary, it suppressed me in turn."

After thinking about it, Xiao Qingpei made a decision.

He wants to create his own practice formula!

In this way, continue your own path of enlightenment!

As soon as this decision came out, Xiao Qingpei immediately felt that his thoughts were clear and his thinking was clearer than ever.

And under the premise of various increases at this time, this idea soon succeeded.

[Today, the law is used to perform the law, and the Tao is followed by the Tao. The Taiyin enters the pure Yang, and the pure Yang transforms the Taiyin. The Yin and Yang are combined, with a beginning and an end. 】

[Happy to get Dao fruit +1]

This first talent, as always, doubled the day's practice, but this time the double was directly obtained a Dao fruit for Xiao Qingpei.

Thinking about it, two little yin and yang fish slowly swam out from Xiao Qingpei's feet.

At the moment when the fish are chasing each other together, a Tai Chi-like pattern is instantly formed!A wave of Dao rhyme also diffused out, turning into a vision of celestial maidens scattering flowers all over the sky.

The faces of those goddesses were not visible, but their graceful figures could only be vaguely seen. They were holding flower baskets, coming on the clouds, and waving their bare hands, petals of various colors fell down.

Indistinctly, there are countless exotic fragrances, which are refreshing and refreshing.

"Stand at thirty."

"I really embarked on the road of practice at thirty, and this method is called--and Li Sutra."

Xiao Qingpei gave himself a name for this rudimentary method.

Although it is only a preliminary creation, but the moment the Dao Fruit is derived, this preliminary method has already been considered completed.It cannot be said to be perfect, but it can definitely be said that it is not inferior to any volume in the Five Books of Taiyin.

After all, the "Eli Jing" itself takes part of the essence of the five books, and then integrates them with the help of the Pure Yang Tao.

Of course, the most important thing is that in Xiao Qingpei's current state, all heaven and earth can help him.

When he created the method, Fu Yaotian also helped him invisibly!

Therefore, when Xiao Qingpei said these words, the celestial phenomena changed for no reason. There were wind and thunder in the distance, a silver-white electric snake, and it turned into a divine sword in the sky. Suddenly connected the world.

The sky thunder is rolling, it is the real sense of the sky thunder rolling, countless thunders seem to have exploded the gate of heaven, and attracted special and incomparable stone monuments for this flying sky.

The stone tablets are naturally formed, and on these stone tablets, there are words one by one.

Xiao Qingpei was also attracted by this vision at this time, so he looked over, and then couldn't help but get weird, because he actually saw the words "Past Talent List".

These steles are actually a list in essence!

The stone tablet suddenly fell from the sky and then appeared in various places in Fuyao Heaven. This made the practitioners and mortals in this world become concerned.

But wherever the stele fell, there were many people inside and outside.

In this regard, some big forces in this world, such as the people from Xia Xian Dynasty, originally planned to take it for themselves, but then found that there were too many steles, and they could not be collected in a short time, so they had to temporarily give up.

They planned to wait and see what happened, and then take all these stone tablets after determining what they meant.

And these steles didn't keep the world waiting for long.

Soon, strange symbols appeared on the stone tablet.

Few people know these symbols, but the amazing thing is that even illiterate mortals can instantly understand what these symbols mean at a glance.

"In the past, the first Tianjiao, Jianlin Taisheng." Someone read out the first line of strange symbols that appeared on the stone tablet.

Then someone asked in confusion: "Who is this?"

However, these people don't know, but Xiao Qingpei knows very well that this Yunxiao Palace's quasi-Yuanying is the male number in the first season of the script who was behind the scenes.

"Past pride?"

"Jian Lin is too holy?"

Xiao Qingpei was very surprised, but at this time, strange symbols appeared on the stele, but it was related to the origin of this great sage Jianlin.

"A piece of the spirit of the fairy sword that fell into the world in the ancient fairyland was reincarnated!"

"Jian Lin? Sword Spirit?"

"I see!"

Xiao Qingpei's eyes could not help but flicker slightly, but he was interested in the "Ancient Immortal Realm" mentioned in it.

At this time, there are strange symbols.

Xiao Qingpei couldn't help but looked over, and found that it was another acquaintance.

"Nine of the nine geniuses in the past came from Yundong."

"The cloud came from the east to laugh at the world. It was originally a fairy cloud in the ancient fairyland. Later, it was greedy for love, left the ancient fairyland, and was reincarnated as a human."

"Fellow Daoist Yun is also from the Ancient Immortal Realm? But he can only rank 99?" Xiao Qingpei was surprised.

So, Xiao Qingpei looked at the stone tablet.

He was a little worried that this "98" would be himself.

However, the third appearance of the strange symbol made Xiao Qingpei feel relieved.

Because it's not him.

"In the past, there were eight geniuses named No. 90, and they were overwhelming!"

"Those who defy the past, die without dying, live without rebirth, find new ways, create unparalleled laws, but accidentally forget them, mistaking them for being left by others."

"Not Zhang Mian? Is this not what Ge Patriarch Ge claimed at the time?" Xiao Qingpei was thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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