Chapter 144: Fuyao praised me, so it was me?
Even Xiao Qingpei himself doesn't know how strong the body of the phoenix bird is, because there is no suitable opponent or target person for him to compare.

He was like the creature at the bottom of the well who accidentally ran out, and while discovering the vastness of the world, he also discovered that he was not a frog.

But no one came to tell him what it was.

When he was in the Golden Core Realm, relying on the strength of his phoenix body, Xiao Qingpei could split the water of the Tianmu River and go straight to the bottom of the river, leaving a trace of wings in the ancient dragon palace.

When reaching the Nascent Soul realm, the five-color cloud and gas phase that Xiao Qingpei cultivated turned into the five-color cloud and gas "realm" because of the body of the phoenix bird.

Wherever Xiao Qingpei is, the five-colored clouds form a world of their own.

If you want to defeat Xiao Qingpei, you must first break through the barrier of this "realm".On the other hand, if you want to escape from this "realm", you must first defeat Xiao Qingpei.

At this moment, following Xiao Qingpei's unscrupulous supernatural powers, Xiao Qingpei, who continued to obtain information with trivial benefits, began to be stunned gradually.

"This Fuyao Emperor List actually controls the attainment status of the entire Fuyao Heaven? Only those who are famous on the list are qualified to enter the ranks of attainment?"

"Three years ago, this Fuyao Emperor Ranking appeared once, but in the end it was calculated. This list disappeared without a trace. Fuyao Tian's future destiny was locked?"

"Is this the reason why Fuyao Tian wants to change from the past?"

"But, can this be accomplished by one realm alone?"

Xiao Qingpei came back to his senses and felt that the amount of information he had obtained this time was really too great.

People from outside the world spread the Tao of Taiyi to this world.

At the same time, it also helps the creatures in this world to calculate this world and completely seal their future destiny.

"So, what is the purpose of doing this?"

Xiao Qingpei thought about that system and the "plots" that the system kept "leaking". He vaguely felt that there seemed to be some mysterious existence. Using Fuyao Tian as a chessboard, he kept making moves and tit for tat at the same time.

You make the move, I'll take the trouble.

You plot, I reveal my bottom.

And as Xiao Qingpei's thoughts started to change, the system that had not seen any movement for a long time started to move again.

"The heaven and earth undergo great changes, all things return to their original state, a good beginning and a good end are achieved, and the sky and the earth are transformed."

"Mission generation: The world is about to usher in a catastrophic change. Please survive as much as possible and improve your cultivation level in this change that can overturn everything."

"Mission accomplished: congratulations, blessings in advance. Mission failed: no punishment."

"The system is unbinding..."

Xiao Qingpei, who was originally looking forward to the treasure delivery system: "..."

Then, he was ready to stop this system.

But just as he took action, the system had disappeared.

This made Xiao Qingpei a little surprised, because at the moment when the system was unbound, even he couldn't react to the power that erupted from the system.

"Now, I am completely invincible in the Nascent Soul Realm. Even because the Daoist was accidentally knocked down by me, I am already the uncrowned king of the sky, and this system can still faintly surpass..."

Xiao Qingpei's mind was spinning, and at the same time he was more certain of his previous guess.

This system is definitely the work behind the scenes.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qingpei took out all the magic weapons obtained from this system. He originally planned to seal them all, but when he was about to cast the spell, he changed his mind.

"Since the world is about to change, let me leave some opportunities for the creatures in this world..." Xiao Qingpei said, his eyes somewhat thought-provoking.If he keeps it, or seals it, the other party can find him.

But what if it is held by other monks?
As for those magical powers who learned about this system, they have undergone great changes because of the Phoenix Bird body.Although he is still called by his previous name, his appearance is completely different from when the system gave it to him.

After all, as far as the five-color cloud and aura are concerned, even if Xiao Qingpei has reached the peak of his cultivation, he still has no way to play with a former Taoist in his hands.

And now, although he is in the Nascent Soul realm, if he manifests the body of a phoenix bird, he will have no choice but to retreat when the Taoist comes!

At this time, in the sea area, an eccentric little girl holding a stick in her hand and chasing away an evil beast in the sea suddenly stopped, and her delicate little face was revealed. A look of surprise and confusion.

"What is the system?"

This was the first thing the little girl said after a while.

"Ask Master, Master must know!"

However, after she finished mumbling like this, a message immediately appeared in her mind: Do not reveal anything about the system to anyone.

Ordinary people, if they were told so, would definitely follow suit.

But who is this little girl?

Without saying a word, she took out the magic talisman at an extremely fast speed.

"Master, Master, I seem to have been cursed by some bad guy!" Luo Xiaoyun said to the magic talisman.

At this moment, thunder appeared out of thin air between the sky and the earth, and then only a flash of red burned most of the sky.


Immediately, a phoenix cry full of domineering meaning suddenly sounded from this place.

I saw pieces of golden light falling as the clouds in the sky gathered and dispersed.

And Xiao Qingpei's figure also condensed out!

"What curse?"

Xiao Qingpei cast his gaze at this little girl, and then raised his eyebrows: "It's really a 'curse'!"

Under the cover of his consciousness, something that Xiao Qingpei seemed familiar with, but completely different, was entrenched near the little girl's Niwan Palace.

Xiao Qingpei didn't do anything rashly, but directly manifested the body of a phoenix bird.

For a moment, endless auspicious scenes appeared on this sea area, and the little girl Luo Xiaoyun was stunned.

Because she has never seen such a beautiful one.

While the little girl was dazed, Xiao Qingpei had already taken this system directly out of the little girl's body with the help of the powerful power of the phoenix body.

Moreover, Xiao Qingpei also used a special method, using a drop of this little girl's blood, to pretend to be her, so that the system continued to be bound.

At this time, Xiao Qingpei also saw the system clearly, and then he discovered that this system was not the same as the one he had just untied.

Because the system on this little girl's body is full of a crude and rough feeling.

Moreover, Xiao Qingpei still vaguely felt that it was imitated.

While Xiao Qingpei was exploring, the system began to assign its tasks: "Novice tasks, although you have the cultivation level of the Foundation Establishment Realm, but you do not have a strong master to teach you, you will only make mistakes in your practice. So. , in the next month, visit any dojo. As a reward for completing it, you will be rewarded with a foundation-building enhancement elixir. After taking it, it can reduce the hard work for a hundred days."

(End of this chapter)

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