Chapter 157 Xiao is being talked about

Xiao's plan had just started, but he could no longer continue due to force majeure.However, this does not mean that his plan failed.Thanks to the information that Yulong Taoist sent out when he was in a state of death, all the former Taoists in Fuyao Heaven already knew about Xiao's existence.

Because of this, these former Taoists have started to think about it.

Although the Emperor suppressed all Fuyao Tian's dissatisfaction before and made the great Xia clan proud of him, this does not mean that those former Taoists are like Yulong Taoist. Will be loyal to him.

In the final analysis, it was just because the Emperor mastered the ability to communicate between heaven and earth and was extremely talented, so he was favored by people outside the world.

However, these three major advantages are placed in front of a person who holds the Fuyao Emperor Ranking. If the holder has a low level of cultivation and cannot fully control the Fuyao Emperor Ranking, then naturally he cannot compare with the Emperor. What if this holder is already in the Nascent Soul realm and can knock down the Taoist status on the list at will?
The three major advantages disappeared in an instant.

After all, their relationship with the holders of the Fuyao Emperor Ranking is similar to the relationship between servant and master.

Still at Yanya Dojo.

But unlike in the past, the convener this time is the former Taoist here - Yan Ya!In the past, it was Taoist Yulong who took the lead.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, I asked you to wait over here, but is there something important?"

"Yes, I am very curious. After all, why didn't Fairy Moon Lotus come this time?"

"I can understand why Yulong Taoist doesn't come, but if Fairy Yuelian doesn't come, it makes people extremely curious!"

These former enlightened disciples spoke to each other, and everyone had a mysterious smile on their face. It was obvious that there was something in their words.

"Don't laugh at Yan. Besides, since you are here, I think you have already made your decision, right?" Yan Ya stood up with a look of helplessness. He didn't want to be so straightforward, but seeing these people keep teasing him, I have no choice but to be the "brick" that attracts jade!
"This is natural, but we are very curious. How can Fellow Daoist Yan let go of Fairy Yuelian?"

"What can't you let go of?" Yan Ya smiled, "Yue Lian only has the Emperor in her eyes, so I'll let her wish!"

He had gained the Tao in the past, although it was a trick, but he was able to cultivate the Tao of Alchemy to such an extent, so he was certainly not an ordinary person.

Originally, Yan Ya was still obsessed with Fairy Yue Lian, but for some reason, after the Tianjiao List came out, Yan Ya suddenly discovered that Fairy Yue Lian did not occupy that big a share in his heart!
It was as if the clouds and mists had once obscured the true face of Mount Lu, but now the clouds and mists were cleared, and one could see one's nature and understand one's mind.

Therefore, after learning that the holder of the Fuyao Emperor List this time not only fully controlled this most powerful treasure in the world, but also had the cultivation level of Nascent Soul Realm, Yan Ya immediately made a choice.

The emperor has been dishonest for many years, and it’s time for him to step down from the altar!

They are all successful people who took shortcuts to achieve success. Why can he, the emperor, be so superior?Even their clan members, who are only at the lowest level of Golden Core Realm, dare to be rude to their Nascent Soul Realm disciples!

As a teacher, how many of them don’t take care of their own shortcomings?
Even if he doesn't protect his shortcomings and doesn't give his disciples face, doesn't it mean that he doesn't give him face?

"If that's the case, then I'll just wait and wait for that one's call!"


The former Taoists present nodded their heads upon hearing this.As for who "that one" is, it is obviously self-evident.

At the same time, in the imperial palace of the Xia Xian Dynasty, the emperor, who had always been indifferent, had a change in his expression for the first time, but in the end he could only say: "I know about this matter, let's wait and see how it changes from now on. !”

"Yes! Brother!"

"Honor the emperor's decree."

"Here!" At this time, in the imperial palace, in addition to the emperor, there were three former Taoists.Two of them were Taoist Yulong and Fairy Yuelian.

And their arrival was not a summons from the Emperor, but came on their own initiative as soon as they learned of Xiao's existence.

However, precisely because of this, the Emperor immediately guessed the thoughts of other former Taoists.

This made the emperor, who had practiced the ruthless way, feel filled with gloom.

After all, he could instantly understand what the holder of the Fuyao Emperor List wanted to express by showing up. There was no reason why other former Taoists couldn't understand it!

And knowing it clearly, but doing nothing, is already an extremely obvious signal.

"Fuyao Emperor Zunbang should not be controlled by others!"

At this moment, even the Emperor, who has cultivated himself to the point where he has no emotions at all, can't help but want to say - the world is unfair!
With just one list, these successful people can be directly manipulated in the palm of your hand.

Even a person like him, who has conquered the heaven and earth, is born with everything, and is uniquely blessed in the immortal way, is not exempt!

However, just when Xiao was being "talked about" constantly, Xiao was looking around with a blank look on his face.

"Is this the past piece of eternal heaven?"

Xiao Qingpei couldn't help but mutter.

This is because what appears in front of him at this time is a vast stretch of high-rise buildings, and he is standing at a street entrance. On the left is a magnificent hospital, and on the right is also a magnificent hospital.

Although it sounds like two jujube trees, this kind of decoration style has nothing to do with the word "past"!

"This city doesn't look like it is uninhabited. Why can't you see a single person on the left and right?" Xiao Qingpei couldn't help but feel strange.

The sky is overcast, which makes the whole city not very well lit, making it look inexplicably gloomy.

And in this atmosphere, what puzzled Xiao Qingpei even more was that his consciousness was actually suppressed!

You know, the Nascent Soul Realm can be thousands of miles away with just one thought. This is because in an instant, spiritual consciousness can also cover such a long distance.However, at this moment, Xiao Qingpei could only barely let his consciousness leave the body!
But it is not completely weakened. At least Xiao Qingpei's method derived from the "Yin Shou Body" has now been strengthened, and the magnitude of the increase is still higher than the world where the altar was previously discovered.

Suddenly, Xiao Qingpei heard strange footsteps, which seemed to come from far to near, but also seemed to change from near to far, as if someone approached him and then left in an instant.

This sound is very wrong.

Therefore, Xiao Qingpei held down the maker of the sound with his backhand.

It was an old man wearing a shroud, with white hair, a clean face, and deeply sunken eyes.Originally invisible, but as Xiao Qingpei stretched out his hand to touch it, the old man suddenly revealed his figure.

"Fellow Taoist, I am deeply sorry for disturbing you. I would also like to ask fellow Taoist to tell me where this place is?" Xiao Qingpei greeted with a smile.

Hearing the sound, the old man slowly raised his head, turned his cloudy eyes slightly, and stared at Xiao Qingpei.

(End of this chapter)

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