Chapter 16 Sword Cultivators Are Like This!

In Yunxiao Palace, there is naturally a reward and punishment mechanism.Let's not mention the punishment aspect.In terms of awards, there are quite a few, and even a special artifact called "Yungong Sword".

And this so-called "Cloud Palace Sword" is equivalent to the Taiyi Jade Hook, but it can only be used in Yunxiao Palace.

However, this "Cloud Palace Sword" also has its unique features.

With this "Cloud Palace Magic Sword", it can be exchanged for many more precious and rare treasures.Such as immortal examination books, elixir, and immortal examination quotas, etc., can all be exchanged with this "Yungong Magic Sword".

It is also based on this that the "Yungong Sword" has a high degree of recognition in Yunxiao Palace.

Even some monks from other sects wanted to get some "Cloud Palace Sword".

But not to mention, if you are not a monk of Yunxiao Palace, you cannot obtain the "Cloud Palace Magic Sword".Even if it can be obtained, it is extremely difficult to obtain this "Cloud Palace Sword".

You must be recognized for making great contributions!

And why make a big contribution?

That is to present the fairy treasures to the senior officials of Yunxiao Palace!
Thinking about it, the evil sword that can be the magic weapon of the first "heroine" should be qualified to be called a fairy treasure by those great monks in the Golden Core Realm, and even the old monsters in the Nascent Soul Realm.

In this way, he can exchange for some ancient books on the cultivation and understanding of the Dao of Taiyin.

If you are groping and practicing alone, it is easy to have a bottleneck, and once a bottleneck occurs, even with the bonus of a second talent, it is easy to stop.

After all, if he wants to gain something from the first and second talents, it is based on the premise that he can gain something from his practice!
Xiao Qingpei originally planned to search around by himself, but now that he has come to Yunxiao Palace, where else is it easier to obtain this kind of cultivation resources than the super big factions like Yunxiao Palace?
Moreover, what can be collected by Yunxiao Palace not only does not need to worry about being fake, but it will undoubtedly be the most delicate part of it.

Xiao Qingpei walked towards the sword path stone.

This is not a secret in Yunxiao Palace, and the people in Yunxiao Palace actually don't care about it, they just leave it in Yunni City, the main purpose is to motivate the disciples in the sect to improve their cultivation.

After all, the rumors of the ancient sword fairy of the Sword Dao Stone sound very compelling, but in fact, when you think about it carefully, it is completely unreliable.

If they really have such a big background, how can they get the turn of low-level monks in Qi training realm!

Wasn't it already taken over by those big monks?

This is something that is tacitly understood among the disciples living in Yunni City.

It is also based on this that it will finally be obtained by the first "heroine" ten years later.No one knew about it until now, and the world heard about it with a sword!

Xiao Qingpei stepped on the blue-gray clouds, with his hands behind his back, flew out of the cave where Yunxiao Palace lived, passed through the cliffs, and fell straight down facing the cold wind blowing in his face.

And his movement was immediately discovered by others.

It was Liu Haoxing and Lin Chunyi who had been paying attention to Xiao Qingpei's movements recently.

"He went to Yunni City?"

"What are you going to do in Yunni City?"

But for Xiao Qingpei's actions, Liu Haoxing and Lin Chunyi were naturally very puzzled.

Because this is different from what they envisioned at the beginning.

However, after thinking about it, they passed the news that Xiao Qingpei had gone to Yunni City to the Xu family.Firstly, it is a favor, and secondly, it can prove that the two of them are indeed doing things seriously.

He was trying his best to stir up the conflict between Xiao Qingpei and Yunxiao Jianxiu!

And because of these two tip-offs, Xiao Qingpei was stopped just after entering Yunni City.

Xiao Qingpei looked at the three people in front of him with a somewhat surprised expression.

Because he didn't know these three people, but among the three people, two were malicious to him, and the other was soy sauce.Looking serious, he seemed to be at odds with Xiao Qingpei, but on the contrary, this person was the only one among the three who had no ill will toward Xiao Qingpei.

This made Xiao Qingpei couldn't help but look at this person more.

With a hulking back and a fierce face, it's just that this person's face made Xiao Qingpei feel unsuitable for no reason, as if it was fake.

And at this time, because Xiao Qingpei was scrutinizing him unscrupulously at the moment, among the three of them, among the other two, a young man said with a smile: "But Senior Brother Xiao in person?"

"Aren't you tired of pretending?" Xiao Qingpei asked directly. After all, he is now a "sword cultivator", so in terms of words and deeds, he must behave in accordance with the state of sword heart enlightenment.

"Senior Brother Xiao, what are you talking about?" The young man froze for a moment, the fierce look in his eyes disappeared, but his face was still full of smiles.

"Are you also a sword cultivator?" Xiao Qingpei asked strangely after glancing at the sword pouch on the young man's waist.

Everyone is a sword cultivator in the realm of clear sword heart, is it necessary to pretend like this?

I know you don't like me, and you also know that I don't like you. If this is the case, then open the skylight to speak honestly, or fight or make peace, is it necessary to beat around the bush?
Xiao Qingpei couldn't help but slander.

"Of course I'm a swordsman! Xiao Qingpei, what do you mean by that?" The young man couldn't pretend anymore, he yelled loudly, because Xiao Qingpei's words happened to be on his pain point.

He is a sword cultivator, but he is just barely getting started.

If it wasn't for the identity of the Xu family, let alone integrating into the circle of Yunxiao Sword Cultivator, he wouldn't even have a place in the Immortal Examination of the Foundation Establishment Realm!

"You are a sword cultivator, so you are also a swordsman. If that is the case, why do you have to hide it? Could it be that you think I will believe your nonsense?" Xiao Qingpei said as a matter of course.

"Pfft—cough cough, cough cough!" This hulking, fierce-looking person almost burst out laughing at this moment, although he hurriedly stopped his voice, it also made him lose his temper.

But that young man didn't notice this scene right now, because his face was constantly flushing, and his eyes were about to burst into flames.

However, at this moment, the young man didn't know how to respond to Xiao Qingpei.

Swearing, losing face to his Xu family!And if his narrow-minded elder brother Xu Jiansheng found out, he would have to be punished for it.

Can he say that he is only a beginner in sword cultivation?
How can I speak at this time.

The person who had never spoken all this time and who also harbored malice towards Xiao Qingpei suddenly said, "Xiao Qingpei, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"How come it's nonsense? Don't all sword cultivators have a clear sword heart?" Xiao Qingpei asked in amazement, but among the rumors he heard, all sword cultivators are like this!
Although this is the advanced realm of sword practice among sword cultivators, it is not difficult for the sword cultivators of Yunxiao Palace, right?

And listening to Xiao's self-exposed words, all the people present, no matter those three people or those who happened to be watching the excitement and gathered nearby, all looked dull.

Who the hell told you that all sword cultivators are in the state of sword heart enlightenment?

(End of this chapter)

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