Chapter 161 is so empty!
Jili Gulu, Jili Gulu... This is a little girl rolling around on the ground.

She rolled for a full 3 minutes before she stopped.

Then, after finishing rolling, the little girl spread her hands and lay on the ground. She didn't say anything, but kept looking at Xiao Qingpei with a pair of bright eyes.

After Xiao Qingpei was stared at by her for a full quarter of an hour, he finally realized that he couldn't be fooled, so he said seriously: "I heard that there is a spell that can transcend time and space..."

The little girl didn't speak, but kept looking at Xiao Qingpei.

So, Xiao Qingpei had no choice but to take a step back: "This matter has nothing to do with me."

"Master, do you think I believe it or not?" The little girl immediately became energetic, jumped up from the ground in an instant, and then stared at Xiao Qingpei angrily.

After all, things only come in threes. How many times has this happened?
"I think you should believe it. After all, this really has nothing to do with me." Xiao Qingpei said.

"Master, who does that have to do with?" Luo Xiaoyun glanced sideways at Xiao Qingpei.

Seeing this, Xiao Qingpei pointed at herself.


The little girl's face was stunned. Then she looked at Xiao Qingpei and stated something she had already said in a very serious tone: "Master, I am not young anymore, and I am not as easy to fool as before!"

"It really has something to do with you. Do you still remember what I told you, that you have a wonderful destiny? I also have a system... but it is a wrong system, because it is the system that should be bound. It’s fixed on you.”

"My system?"

The little girl blinked: "Is it the same as the one before?"

"It's a bit similar, but not much, because this system is undoubtedly more powerful." Xiao Qingpei said, after all, he dismantled the "pirated system" step by step under the guidance of several systems from this vest.

Then, Xiao Qingpei briefly mentioned the tasks just released by the system and the tasks released in the past.

"Then why is it bound to you, Master?" Luo Xiaoyun asked in confusion.

"You ask me, how do I know..."

Xiao Qingpei was also quite puzzled by this. It was as if the system had identified him. No one was tied to the system except him!

When the little girl heard this, although she still didn't understand it, she had no choice but to nod her little head. Then she raised her delicate little face, her big black and white eyes, and asked with a strange color: "Then Master, Why didn't you let me complete that system task?"

"It's too dangerous." Xiao Qingpei said truthfully.

He doesn't know the Lingming Stone Monkey True Body Technique, so he can only let this little girl go to show his true body as a saint in front of people.

But in this way, it will inevitably attract the attention of some beings in this world.

For example, the "Lord Heavenly Saint" mentioned by the two Golden Core Realm women before!
The strength of this "Master Tiansheng" is unknown. If Xiao Qingpei exposes this little girl, then maybe this so-called "Master Tiansheng" will keep an eye on this little girl's fate.

After all, since the destiny is so special that it can attract the mastermind behind the scenes, then if there is the first mastermind behind the scenes with this kind of thoughts, there can be the second one.

Just like the foundation-building pill in the novel about cultivating immortals, it has the same appeal to Qi-training monks.

And even if the so-called "Master Tiansheng" is far less powerful than Xiao Qingpei expected, there should be some hidden strong people in this world!
After all, this system mentions the "return of strange immortals".

This world is divided into two worlds, Yin and Yang. It is so strange and special. Maybe it was specially prepared by someone.

Therefore, under these conditions, keeping a low profile is the first choice.

But at this moment, Luo Xiaoyun, who received the answer "It's too dangerous" from Xiao Qingpei, was extremely happy because of it.

His eyebrows are crooked, and he keeps smiling stupidly.

Xiao Qingpei didn't know why, so he had to move to the side.

After all, stupidity is said to be contagious. "Master, Master, what are we going to do next?" At this time, Luo Xiaoyun, who had laughed enough, finally came to her senses, so she hurried over to ask Xiao Qingpei.

Because in just a short time, Xiao Qingpei quickly moved to the roof of the building next door.

"You enter the Immortal Mansion, and then practice patiently to reach the Nascent Soul Realm."

"What about you, Master?"

"Let me see if I can go further." Xiao Qingpei said. He knew that he had been in the downtown area before, and because of the special nature of this world, there was a high probability that he would be noticed. But it doesn't matter, he can just hide and practice for a while. .

And this was also the reason why he let this little girl enter the immortal mansion.

After all, there is a difference in the flow of time in the Immortal Mansion. I wonder if this world where the immortals have returned is so special that the difference between the speed of time in the Immortal Mansion and the speed of time outside the Immortal Mansion is as big as the sky. The degree of mud.

One day has passed between Yin and Yang, but not even half a cup of tea has passed in the Immortal Mansion.

The gap between the two is more than 500 times greater!
In other words, over the past 500 years in this world divided into two worlds of Yin and Yang, it is possible that the Immortal Mansion has only been able to cope with the past year.

After this agreement, Xiao Qingpei took Luo Xiaoyun and quietly found a place to hide.

The two of them entered the Immortal Mansion together.

But after a while, Xiao Qingpei passed away again, because in this world divided into Yin and Yang, several days had passed.

It didn't take much effort for Xiao Qingpei to find special wanted notices.

The reason why it is said to be special is because these wanted notices can only be seen by cultivators. Mortals who have not practiced cultivating will just turn a blind eye if they encounter them.

Among these wanted orders, Xiao Qingpei found information that seemed to be wanted for him.

"In a downtown area, he openly violates the holy will, uses ghostly tricks to show himself to people, and confuses the world..."

This is the description on the wanted poster.

This is also the source of Xiao Qingpei's confusion at this time.

"Isn't it possible for the Nascent Soul Realm in this world to switch between virtual reality and gathering and dispersing by the heart?" Xiao Qingpei couldn't help but feel strange in his heart. After all, this is the basic ability of the Nascent Soul Realm!

"Is it a new practice system other than ghosts, immortals and supernatural gods?"

Xiao Qingpei thought thoughtfully. Although it was only a few fragments of information, at his level, he could rely on these clues to deduce a large amount of information related to it.

Then, Xiao Qingpei looked for Yuanying realm monks.

However, under his careful observation, he has found a large number of Jindan realm monks.Naturally, these Golden Core Realm monks all have one thing in common - their cultivation is frivolous and weak, just like a coat worn on these monks!

Xiao Qingpei was not searching aimlessly. He had encountered weak resistance when he emitted his spiritual consciousness before. Although due to the emergence of the system, after a delay, he could no longer find the source of the weak resistance.

However, Xiao Qingpei has already memorized the characteristics of that subtle resistance.

He thought that was the Nascent Soul Realm monk!
"Found it!" Suddenly, Xiao Qingpei's heart moved, but instead of changing the situation, he stopped a car and took a taxi.

Because those Jindan realm monks are also in such a hurry.

Yes, the Golden Core Realm monks in this world can't even travel on clouds or fly with weapons!

If these monks hadn't possessed the power of golden elixirs, Xiao Qingpei would have suspected that they were at the first level of Qi training.

 It's a little sluggish. I want to enrich the characters, so I can only update it once today. I'll think about the follow-up plot carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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