Chapter 163 Sending You Back Home
This celestial star has an ancient origin, and can even be traced back to before the eternal heavens were "tripartite". At that time, the division of heaven and earth was not so complicated, and immortals and mortals were only separated by the boundary sea!
After the eternal heavens were divided into three and appeared in the past, future and present respectively, this star was then divided into this "future" land.

What is the future?

That is, everything that has not happened yet has infinite variables.

That is, a person has a life span of eighty years, but when he reaches the age of 80, he may live another 80 years.On the contrary, a person who should have died in his late twenties will most likely die while still a fetus.

Not to mention that it is difficult for ordinary people to understand such complex changes, even the star that fell here is in a state of confusion.

So, after being at a loss for who knows how many years, this star in the sky gave birth to consciousness, took shape, and divided the world attached to it into two lives: Yin and Yang!

Once yin and yang are divided, infinite variables naturally do not exist.

Because of this, this world has been targeted by certain beings and used to cultivate their calamity bodies.

This kind of calamity body does not mean that those beings come to calamity in person, but chooses a suitable target and waits until the other party has experienced all kinds of sufferings before coming directly.

Since everything was arranged, the other party had already been left with many imprints by those beings during his growth.

Therefore, these chosen people often lose themselves as they grow up.

Finally, he directly becomes the incarnation of others!

As for why we need to cultivate the body of calamity?This is related to the many catastrophes of attaining enlightenment. A properly cultivated calamity body can help those beings offset an "immortal calamity"!

At this time, a handsome young man looked down from this area "above heaven", and his face, which was enough to move countless women, showed some confusion and surprise.

He was ordered by his master to sit in this "Yin Yang Heavenly Star World", and his main purpose was to ensure that the woman his master was interested in was everything under his master's control.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to appear holy many times, leaving behind the name of "Heavenly Saint"!
Just now, he discovered that the woman named "Xia Yuhe" that his master was interested in disappeared directly from his induction.

"Why are you missing?"

The young man frowned, and then he quickly calculated, but now that he started, he remembered that "Xia Yuhe" was the reincarnation of his master, "Yue Ling Empress", and her destiny was hidden deep in his master's "Pure Moon" Heavenly Way. middle.

Although his cultivation level was very close to that of his master, until he took that step and condensed his own way of heaven, he would never be able to pry into the existence of this realm.

Therefore, he could not even calculate the fate of his body.

However, something unexpected happened to the young man.

He actually calculated the fate of his master's body!
So, he saw a picture of someone passing down the Tao of Taiyin...

"This person..."

"Huh? He's not from the Yin Yang Tianxing world!"

"Come back from ancient times? Did you come from the Sacrifice Gate?"

"Oops, now that Xia Yuhe has completed his training, isn't my master's plan completely in vain?"

When he thought of this, the young man's face couldn't help but change slightly.

Because he knew very well that his master, "Empress Moon Spirit", valued this calamity body, which was the key to whether "Empress Moon Spirit" could reach a higher level!

The young man suddenly felt murderous intention, and he immediately took one step to take someone's life.

Being able to possess the Sacrifice Gate, there is no doubt that the other party has a great background. After all, it is the only external object that can travel through the "past", "future" and "present" eternal heavens.

Every sacrificial door is in the hands of various powerful forces.

But with such a background, he can't afford to offend!
What's more, he has a good reason!

However, as soon as the young man took one step forward, the endless panic quickly spread in his heart.This is a fairy warning!

Any monk, as long as he is able to achieve the Tao, is eligible to receive such early warning when danger approaches.However, being qualified is one thing, but whether or not the Immortal Way warning appears is another matter.

There is no doubt that those who can cause early warnings of the Immortal Way to appear are often those who have the potential to condense the Way of Heaven!
This young man is such a successful person.

Their talents and qualifications are too excellent, so they are favored by immortals.

"Who the hell is this?"

The young man was horrified, because being warned to such an extent meant that as long as he dared to take action, he would most likely be wiped out in an instant!

You know, if you have practiced to his level, even if you are faced with someone who condenses the way of heaven, you will have a high degree of confidence in successfully escaping at the risk of death.

"However, the immortal warning will not be wrong, so..."

The young man's eyes flashed slightly before he threw something out.

Can't be provoked, can't he hide?

What this young man threw out was a door-like object.

This object is very special because it has a great origin. After his master, the "Moon Spirit Empress" met him, he paid a huge price and joined forces with other emperor realm beings. In the end, he spent a lot of effort and took 3 years to succeed. succeed.

Then, I discovered that this thing is ineffective against the Emperor Realm...

Because of this, this thing came into the hands of this young man.

This thing is called "special return to delusion".

After use, there is only one effect, that is, it can make people go back to where they came from!

Ignore all limitations of time and space!
It can bring the dead back to life, and restore the shattered world to its original state!

There is no doubt that this sect-like thing is very strong!


Xiao Qingpei didn't know that his probing move had been discovered. After searching again and still not finding the Nascent Soul Realm monk, he prepared to return to the Immortal Mansion.

Because a certain little girl had already started muttering something like "the bad master lied to her again".

If he doesn't enter the Immortal Mansion, his great reputation will be tarnished inexplicably.

And at the moment when he opened the Immortal Mansion, Xiao Qingpei suddenly saw a door-like object suddenly falling in the blue sky. However, Xiao Qingpei felt nothing when the door-like object fell, not even his His spiritual consciousness didn't notice anything unusual.

"Could it be that the test has yielded results and led to the person behind the scenes? Is this the other party's investigation method?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Qingpei hurriedly hid in the Immortal Mansion.

The Immortal Mansion's ability to erase all traces of existence is his greatest reliance!

As soon as he entered the Immortal Mansion, Xiao Qingpei heard a faint murmur: "Bad master, we agreed to practice together, but he disappeared again..."

Xiao Qingpei looked over and saw the little girl covering her eyes with her hands and then facing him.


As for why I have to tell him specifically for this?
(End of this chapter)

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