As a passer-by, I have loaded the female master's cultivation system

Chapter 168 The mastermind behind this is too low-qualified

Chapter 168 The mastermind behind this is too low-qualified
"It turns out that this Taoist has a long way to go if he wants to practice to the end. And that Immortal Master Taiyi can actually be regarded as a Taoist..."

"Is this how you can prove your true name? Huh?"

Xiao Qingpei was flipping through the jade book "The Preliminary Interpretation of the Mysterious Law of Detao" sent by the Nascent Soul Realm female cultivator. Just looking at it, he couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.

"I seem to have... confirmed my real name?"

Xiao Qingpei looked strange.

He remembered that the "Master of Desire" once complained about his difficulty in proving his true name because of his name.

"So how did I prove my real name?"

Xiao Qingpei looked at the description of the difficulty of proving the true name in the jade book, and was a little confused. How could such an enlightenment directly reveal the true name?
Suddenly, Xiao Qingpei thought of something and hurriedly went to find the female cultivator.

After previous contacts, Xiao Qingpei already knew the name of the female cultivator. Her name was Lin Daiying. Her ancestors were all Taiyi cultivators. Although she was only the fifth lowest level in the Taiyi Tiandao immortal system, she could still be considered a The firepower is passed down from generation to generation, and generations can carry on the ancestral legacy without bringing shame to the ancestors.

However, when Xiao Qingpei found Lin Daiying, the female cultivator did not recognize Xiao Qingpei at all.

"I've seen this uncle, he seems so strange. How come I've never seen him before?" Lin Daiying was responsible for the reception and logistics in Chunyang Taiyi Palace. At this time, she looked at Xiao Qingpei with a slightly wary expression.

When Xiao Qingpei saw this, he was sure that he had proved his true name.

Because this is a characteristic of those who realize the true name.

What follows is unknown!

As for whether "His Royal Highness Ji Qiu" could make the Nascent Soul Realm monks forget about her, he should have used some special method that he didn't know about, or his cultivation had already made great progress!
Xiao Qingpei felt that the latter was more likely. Otherwise, the mastermind behind the scheme against a certain little girl would be a bit underrated.

Then, Xiao Qingpei didn't say much and just took out the Taiyi Order that represented his identity.

"I have confirmed my true name."

"Meet Uncle Xiao! Congratulations to Uncle Xiao!" Upon seeing this, Lin Daiying immediately stopped being suspicious and congratulated her quickly.

Xiao Qingpei asked her to find some jade books about how to achieve Taoism for herself.

Lin Daiying was very efficient in her work. She found Xiao Qingpei in a short time, and the records were not only comprehensive, but also very detailed.

After reading this, Xiao Qingpei also found the reason why he had to prove his true name as soon as he attained enlightenment.

"The way to transcend the three realms?"

"If it can only be this, then the place of Yin and Yang that I experienced before should be part of the eternal heavens in the future."

"So, I completed all the prerequisites completely unintentionally..."

Xiao Qingpei put down the jade album in his hand. At this time, he could not help but feel a feeling in his heart, similar to "the flowers planted intentionally will not bloom, but the willows planted unintentionally will form shade."

He had been pondering for a long time in order to attain enlightenment, but unexpectedly, he succeeded in attaining enlightenment in one fell swoop!
And it is the most impossible way to achieve enlightenment!

"I don't know what the last gate-shaped thing I saw in that world was? It could actually return me to my origins and send me directly to the beginning of everything..." Xiao Qingpei couldn't help but think.

But soon, he stopped thinking about this and continued to find Lin Daiying and asked her for various jade albums.

But it was Xiao Qingpei who realized his shortcomings and was ready to make up for it.

As for the Chunyang Taiyi Palace, as one of the 86 palaces in the Taiyi Heavenly Way, its collection of books is naturally extremely rich.If you want to obtain Taoism, you have to pay a corresponding price first. But if you just look at this kind of "common sense" or basic things, then you can just look at it as much as you want. How many.

As he continued to check for leaks and fill in the gaps, Xiao Qingpei gained a deeper understanding of Taiyi's way of heaven, and he also knew that nothingness was not safe.Because there are some worlds that are still in a state of being undiscovered, and what is in those worlds is still unknown.

In some worlds of nothingness, although there are no treasures useful to those who have attained the Dao, there are definitely evil things that can kill those who have attained the Dao!

Many of those things are intangible, and even those who have attained the Tao may not be able to see them clearly.

Even in many cases, when you see clearly, it is also the time when you fall.

This is not alarmist. At every Immortal Peach Banquet, you can hear rumors of this type of death.

In terms of the degree of danger, there was simply a "baby paradise" in Fuyao Tian in the past.Although there are some Jedi and there are problems with the cultivation system that relies on the Immortal Examination, at least there are no such evil things that can kill those who have attained the Tao!
"Speaking of which, I don't have Chang Zhutian in that future to test my second talent."

Xiao Qingpei only thought of this at this time, and then his eyes couldn't help but move around.He looked left and right, but suddenly, he wanted to "summon" a ghost to come out and take a look.

"I wonder if those ghosts outside Fuyao Heaven will still be thinking about killing me after they come out?"

However, despite thinking so, Xiao Qingpei made no move at all.

It's not that he lacks the "core" thing for summoning, but that he is in Chunyang Taiyi Palace. In addition to His Highness Ji Qiu, whose cultivation is unpredictable, there may be other powerful people in this palace. .

After all, this Taiyi Heavenly Dao is one of the eight strongest Heavenly Dao in the world of "Now There Are Changing Heavens"!

Suddenly, Xiao Qingpei felt that many Taoists were approaching him, and then a voice came: "Congratulations to Senior Brother Xiao for proving his true name! From now on, his true name will be immortal, and his form and spirit will be immortal! We, on the orders of Senior Brother in charge, specially I sent you a volume of Huazhen Dao Sutra! Senior Brother Xiao is practicing well!"

Xiao Qingpei released his spiritual consciousness and saw more than ten Taoists saluting him.

Then, they left a jade scroll and bowed again before leaving.

Seeing how polite they were, Xiao Qingpei stretched out his hand and grabbed the jade scroll into his hand.

"No wonder this true Taoist scripture was suddenly sent..."

After opening it and looking at it, Xiao Qingpei understood the intention of these Taoists, but as long as they practiced this volume of Huanzhen Taoism, they could suppress the characteristics of the true name.

In addition, this true Taoist scripture is actually an immortal method!
"This method of immortality involves earth evil spirits. Although it has some evil aura after it is completed, its power is still quite impressive."

"In that case, His Highness Ji Qiu, it turned out that he just proved his true name?"

Xiao Qingpei thought of more things through this volume of Huazhen Dao Jing, and his eyes inevitably became a little intriguing.

(End of this chapter)

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