Chapter 18 Is Sword Cultivator Like This?
In the Yunxiao Palace, there is a Xuxian Temple, which faces south from the north, and has the potential to welcome the rising sun.Well, there is no need to mention such crude descriptions, all you need to know is that this hall was specially built for "Sage Jianlin".

And this Grand Sage Jian Lin is the only sword cultivator in Yunxiao Palace who has cultivated to the state of sword heart enlightenment!
His cultivation base has already reached the upper realm of Jindan. According to the estimation of the Yuanying Realm Patriarch of Yunxiao Palace, the Supreme Sage Jianlin can step into the Yuanying Realm for at most ten years!
Because of this, the Grand Sage Jianlin has an extremely special status in Yunxiao Palace.

The beautiful female cultivator who sent the book to Xiao Qingpei came from this Immortal Hall, and was specially responsible for all the complicated and mundane affairs of this Immortal Hall, that is, to serve the Grand Sage Jian Lin.

The beautiful female cultivator came on a cloud, and landed before approaching the Xuxian Temple.

In front of the Xuxian Temple, there is a row of stone lotus hanging in the air, without any force, but it seems to be rooted in the void.

This is what he used and refined, and it is the "Light Sky Flying Spirit Stone", a treasure of heaven and earth.

This is a rare treasure of heaven and earth, and it often appears near the Jedi. Ordinary monks can get a piece of it, and with a little refining, it can be refined into a magical treasure.

The row of stone lotus in front of me, apart from being a bit violent, can also see that Jian Lin's position in Yunxiao Palace is not trivial.

That's the treatment of half an ancestor!
The beautiful female cultivator stepped on the stone lotus in front of the Immortal Hall, and walked into the Immortal Hall step by step.

There are people in the hall at this time.

It was Jian Lin who was so holy, with white hair, like an old man, but with a face like a baby, without any signs of aging.If it weren't for the cloudiness in his eyes, it would be difficult for people to realize that this is actually a person who is nearly a hundred years old!
This is a sign that the second life of the human body is about to be reversed.

After cultivating to the sixth level of the Golden Core Upper Realm, what he comprehends again is the way of sword cultivation, so no matter how amazing and brilliant Jian Lin Taisheng is, he is inevitably old.

However, compared to other Golden Core realms, Jianlin Taisheng can be said to be extremely young.

Because other Jindan realms may not have broken through to the Jindan upper realm even if they reached the old age in the second life!And Jianlin Taisheng only took one life, and he has reached the level that is about to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm!

"Uncle Taisheng!"

The beautiful female cultivator couldn't help showing joy when she saw Grand Sage Jian Lin, and then said quickly: "The disciple has already sent the volume of detailed sword cultivating books to Junior Brother Xiao Qingpei."

"Well, I see."

Jianlin Taisheng nodded slightly, with a slightly cold expression.

The beautiful female cultivator didn't care about it, she was already used to it.Since she came to this Immortal Palace a few years ago and served the Grand Sage Jian Lin, she has done even more intimate things, but the Grand Sage Jian Lin has always treated her like this.

But she doesn't care, as long as she can always be by Jian Lin's side.

Moreover, she heard that the reason why Jianlin Taisheng is so temperamental is because of the swordsmanship he practiced. No matter what kind of people he treats, even the ancestors of the Nascent Soul Realm, he always looks like this.

"Uncle Taisheng, do you have anything else to tell me?" the beautiful female cultivator asked fawningly.

"Well, take off your clothes!" Taisheng Jianlin was in the realm of the sword heart, so he could naturally sense the nun's feelings for him, so he ordered casually.

Because it may be that he is about to return to a boy, his desires in some aspects have gradually become like a boy recently.

But at this time, I can't bear it, and I need to vent it.

This is also the reason why Xuxian Temple has beautiful female disciples all year round to act as stewards.

When the beautiful female cultivator heard this, she was not surprised at all, she just agreed a little shyly and happily: "Yes, disciple obeys."


"Is the sword cultivator like this?"

Xiao Qingpei closed the book in his hand with a look of astonishment.

He originally thought that although the state of sword heart clarity is the advanced state of sword cultivation, it is equivalent to the "upper state" stage of Qi training state.

Although it is a bit difficult to belong, as long as you work hard, you have a great chance to achieve it.

After all, the division of the realm of swordsmanship has nothing to do with the realm of cultivation, it all depends on the level of personal comprehension.

This can be completely understood as the proficiency of kendo!

However, this book told Xiao Qingpei that the state of sword heart enlightenment is equivalent to the Yuanying state in the realm of cultivation!Of course, it does not refer to strength, but to the difficulty of practice.

The sword feels like an arm, the sword responds silently, the sword spirit enters the mystery, and the sword heart is transparent. These are the divisions of the realm of swordsmanship.As for the Sword Heart Transparency, there is naturally another one, which is the Ancient Sword Wonderland!
"Most sword repairers are only at the level where the sword feels like an arm. But even so, you can rely on the sense of the sword to move with your heart, adding [-]% of your combat power! Whether it is against the enemy or responding to the situation, it has been greatly improved."

Now Xiao Qingpei knew the origin of the sword cultivator's reputation of attacking Wushuang.

"Speaking of which, I can also wield the Fufeng Pocket and the Pill Spirit Treasure Gourd..."

Thoughts turned here, Xiao Qingpei stopped instantly.

Because compared to "pocket repair" and "cucurbit repair", there is no doubt that the name of sword repair is better.

Then, Xiao Qingpei began to think about the purpose of that "strongest and most handsome monk" who suddenly asked someone to send him such a scroll of detailed sword repair.

After all, they are not familiar with each other.

And don't look at this volume is just a detailed description of sword repair, even in the Linwu School, there is no such detailed description of sword repair.

Because I don't know the reason why the sword cultivator is so powerful, and I don't know how to deal with it, but knowing that the sword cultivator who "feels like a sword like an arm" has all his abilities on that sword, wouldn't this be the right medicine?

"Could it be that it's because of my misunderstanding in Yunni City that this person couldn't stand it anymore, so I sent this book?"

Xiao Qingpei shook his head when he thought of this.

Because in the plot of the first "heroine", it was mentioned that she was cold-tempered, and treated people and things with a cold look. Except for the "heroine", she never smiled at others.

So, it was just a small "joke" made by him, it shouldn't make this person behave like this!

But immediately, Xiao Qingpei stopped thinking about it.

He continued to look through the original ancient books on the Dao of Taiyin. Some ancient books were made of special natural materials and earthly treasures, and just holding them in his hands could increase the power of Taiyin in his body.

Of course, this increase is extremely small.

If it wasn't for Xiao Qingpei's stronger spiritual sense, he still wouldn't be able to notice it.

Xiao Qingpei is going to spend a few days to read all these original ancient books, so that he can have a general understanding of the world of practice before the pure Yang immortal energy filled the world!
After all, if he really hasn't ascended for a thousand years, then the problem is definitely due to this pure Yang immortal energy.

(End of this chapter)

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