As a passer-by, I have loaded the female master's cultivation system

Chapter 23 Such a pious world deserves me 1 Hypocritical monk

Chapter 23 In such a pious world, I deserve a hypocritical monk

Xiao Qingpei became famous in one battle.

With a random blow, the trace of sword energy almost killed a sword cultivator on the sixth floor of the Foundation Establishment Lower Realm!

And the reason why this sword cultivator was fine was because Xiao Qingpei shot in time to dispel that trace of sword energy.

This is the original statement.

Naturally, things like spreading rumors tend to get more outrageous the more they spread, even in this Yunxiao Palace, it is unavoidable.Anyway, sword cultivators who have heard the name Xiao Qingpei now know that Xiao's combat power is extremely terrifying!
Ordinarily at the same level, not even qualified for a round in front of Xiao Qingpei!
This made Yunxiao Sword Cultivator, who had originally pushed Xiao Qingpei out, couldn't help feeling frustrated again.

Relying on their family background, they looked down on Xiao Qingpei who came from an ordinary background, and thought that a sword cultivator of this level of background was not worthy of giving them shoes, even if the other party was "bright in the heart of the sword", they were not qualified to be compared with them!
But at this moment, they naturally felt more pain in the face than the other.

While Yunxiao Sword Cultivator was feeling stuffy, Xiao Qingpei was also feeling stuffy.

Because after several times of trial and error, he was sure of one thing, that is, this "false golden elixir" was not like the elixir calabash with special effects.

"So I'm so hypocritical?"

Xiao Qingpei fell into deep thought, and first ruled out that this was not his own problem.

"Then what exactly caused it?"

He tried to look back at the past. When he was still in the forest house sect, he was just a small monk in the Qi training state, and the rules of the sect clearly listed were trampled back and forth by the heirs of the sect master, the relatives and friends of the elders and guardians.

The rules are only for disciples with no background to abide by. As for those with backgrounds, the rules serve the other party in turn.

If the other party doesn't comply, it's fine.But when a disciple with no background didn't abide by it, they would come up with the rules and punish that disciple with no background to death!
Although Chunyang Taiyi Palace has said that any monk, no matter whether he has a disciple of a sect or a casual practitioner, can participate in the immortal test.But Chunyang Taiyi Palace is just talking about it, even if someone obtains a place in the immortal examination through coercion and lure, Chunyang Taiyi Palace will always ignore it.

Then, Xiao Qingpei thought of when he first came to Yunxiao Palace.

The sword cultivators here are directly targeting themselves just because of their origins!
At this moment, Xiao Qingpei felt that he had realized it!

"In such a world where morals are pious, where right and wrong are reversed, and those in power collude together for their own benefit, and jointly oppress and enslave the powerless and powerless, it is reasonable to have me as a hypocritical monk!"

Xiao Qingpei nodded again and again, he was very satisfied with the causal relationship he had straightened out!
Then, Xiao Qingpei began to think about the second question.

What should he do so that he can resign from the position of teaching swordsmanship in the training school smoothly and without arousing suspicion.

Xiao Qingpei had never heard of the impact of the previous sparring, but he could imagine it.

A burst of sword energy almost knocked out one of the same rank?
The key is that there is still a small difference of five levels of immortal power between the two of them.

Just thinking about it makes one's scalp tingle.

In fact, there was indeed someone whose scalp was numb right now, and that was Xu Jiansheng.At the beginning, he blocked Xiao Qingpei and warned him, but he was attacked by someone Xiao and knocked him unconscious with a gourd.

Originally, Xu Jiansheng was a little angry, but after the news spread, his scalp was numb, and he was also somewhat grateful.

Fortunately, the one surnamed Xiao did not come up and shot with all his strength!
"The state of the sword's heart is really terrifying. This person surnamed Xiao, only practiced the formulas of the Taiyin Dao, and they all have such power. If he is allowed to obtain the pure yang true instruction in the sect..."

When Xu Jiansheng thought of this, he seemed to see the second Supreme Sage Jian Lin!
"No, this kind of thing must not happen, and he must not be allowed to get the True Inheritance of Chunyang!" Because what Xu Jiansheng cultivated was the corresponding formula, and he knew exactly how powerful this superior practice formula is!
He can rely on his own cultivation of the sixth floor of the lower foundation to defeat a monk who is on the fifth floor of the upper foundation after ten rounds!

And he is only at the realm of kendo with a sword like an arm.

If a person in the "Sword Heart Is Clear" realm learned the True Inheritance of Pure Yang, Xu Jiansheng felt that he would be able to fight a great cultivator in the Golden Core Realm with his cultivation in the Foundation Establishment Realm!

"I have to figure out a way..."

Xu Jiansheng thought about it, and suddenly his heart moved, so he hurriedly went to Xuxian Palace.

This Xu family is a top-level family in Yunxiao Palace, so even if Xu Jiansheng is only a Foundation Establishment Realm and has not yet taken power in Yunxiao Palace, he can easily meet Jian Lin.

The No. 1 Kendo of Yunxiao Palace, although his personality is indifferent, he is not unreasonable.

And it is very clear which family members he needs to win over.

"You came to see me, what's the matter?" Jianlin Taisheng asked directly.

"Greetings to Master Taisheng!" Xu Jiansheng saluted respectfully, and then said: "Master's eyes are like torches. I came here to let Master speak and send Xiao Junior Brother, who is new to Daoyangquan, to practice in Daoyangquan!"

"Do you know what kind of treasure that Daoyang Spring is?" Even the Grand Sage Jianlin couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

But it is the Daoyang Spring, and it is a wonderful and desperate place in this world.

The reason why this jedi is described as wonderful is because as long as the correct method is followed, there will be no danger in the jedi where the pure yin aura circulates endlessly, and it can also be used to sharpen oneself and improve cultivation.

Therefore, even if Yunxiao Palace has mastered the method of entering the Daoyang Spring, it is still treasured by each family.

Even if it is his own direct bloodline, he will not pass it on easily!
"Junior brother Xiao is extremely talented, pure Yang immortal energy fills the heaven and earth, and he can build a foundation with the method of Taiyin. What's more, junior brother Xiao is still in the realm of clear sword heart. If he practices in the palace, he may die in the upper realm of foundation building. But if he goes to Daoyangquan to practice for ten years, then maybe he can use Daoyangquan to form an alchemy in one fell swoop!" Xu Jiansheng said seriously.

After hearing Xu Jiansheng's words, the Supreme Sage Jian Lin didn't know what Xu Jiansheng's real intention was, it was just that in half a year, it would be the time for Chunyang Zhenzhen of Yunxiao Palace to receive the Dharma.

At that time, maybe Xiao Qingpei will want to switch to the way of pure yang!

After all, when he was a casual cultivator, most of the formulas for practicing the way of Taiyin had no choice but to do it.

However, he also didn't want to see the second sword cultivator who practiced the True Inheritance of Pure Yang.

Therefore, Jian Lin Taisheng nodded indifferently, and said: "Xiao Qingpei has made a lot of disturbances recently, which has affected the cultivation of other disciples, and also affected himself. It would be a waste of his talent. He should indeed be sent to Daoyangquan. However, this is what you said, so it should be counted in the quota of the Xu family, do you understand?"

"I have a quota, so I will let it go to Junior Brother Xiao!" Xu Jiansheng said hastily.

There is only gain if you give up, and if you give up the opportunity to go to Yangquan, in exchange for Xiao Qingpei, he will no longer have any hope of practicing the way of pure yang, and he can only live one life. This deal, he only earns but not loses!
After all, how many decades are there in a person's life?
After ten years of practice in Daoyangquan, even if his cultivation level has improved greatly, the person surnamed Xiao should be around [-] years old.At that time, the person surnamed Xiao will have no chance to switch to practice.

Because Xiao Qingpei practiced Taiyin to support his life, and his face returned to that of a teenager, Xu Jiansheng and others only regarded Xiao Qingpei as a weakling.

(End of this chapter)

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