As a passer-by, I have loaded the female master's cultivation system

Chapter 3 This non-existent system seems a bit wrong

Chapter 3 This non-existent system seems a bit wrong
Since the pure Yang immortal energy has filled the world, immortal examination is the only way for monks to be promoted.

Because only the monks who have passed the relevant immortal test can break through the big realm without falling back.Because of this, anything related to Xiankao becomes extremely precious.

Among them, the Immortal Examination Books issued by Chunyang Taiyi Palace, as well as the number of Immortal Examination quotas for each time are the most!

This is already something that countless monks are willing to fight for.The former is not bad, but the latter can really turn brothers against each other and kill each other!

Although the cultivators of the Cultivation Sect, especially the Cultivation Sect with the power to coordinate the immortal examination, have a fixed number of places for the immortal examination every year, but it is still a situation of too many monks and too few porridge!
Because of this, a large part of the quota for the Foundation Establishment Immortal Examination each year has already been pre-determined before the competition started.

And the remaining ones are not entirely based on personal strength.

Just like Xiao Qingpei did before, with his cultivation of the upper realm of qi training, combined with the famous star skill "Zhou Tian Xing Yuan, Xing Yuan Hua Yue", he can reach the last competition every time.

But almost every time, only that one spot can be given up.

In the previous life, an acquaintance of his parents and peers came to persuade him, but because of his affection and his own problems, he had to give up that spot.

Xiao Qingpei didn't care about these things, but he had just crossed in the first year, and the problem of retreating in the second year hadn't been resolved, so he chose to give in twice.

However, this third year is naturally not allowed!

He is already familiar with this world, and he also understands the importance of the number of places in the celestial examination. In addition, the problem of retreating his cultivation base has not been completely resolved, but it was stable at the third level of the upper realm of Qi training at that time.

Qi training, foundation building, Jindan, and Yuanying are the four major cultivation realms, and each major realm is divided into upper and lower realms.

For example, the lower state of Qi training and the upper state of Qi training.

In addition to these two middle realms, each is subdivided into six small realms.

That is, the first level of the lower realm of Qi training, the second level of the lower realm of Qi training... to the final sixth level of the lower realm of Qi training.

The same is true for the upper realm of Qi training.

Among them, if you want to break through to the upper level of Qi training, you must cultivate to the "sixth level of the lower level of Qi training"!But if you want to participate in the Immortal Examination of the Foundation Establishment Realm, then you only need to have a cultivation base of "the third level of the upper realm of Qi training".

This is because as long as you participate in the immortal test, you will continue to receive rewards from the immortal test.

As long as everything goes smoothly, after the immortal test, you will immediately have the cultivation level of "the first level of the lower level of the foundation establishment level"!And there is no such thing as an unstable foundation!

Therefore, Xiao Qingpei has always been a little puzzled about this. In this case, why is this "upper realm" divided into six levels?

Is it to correspond to the number of the Pure Yang Six Immortals Sutra?

Speaking of it, in fact, the Linwu faction would not have been so ugly as Xiangru this time. After forcing Xiao Qingpei to back down to no avail, they found a reason to expel him directly from the mountain gate.

In the final analysis, it is still related to the loss of the Linwu faction's power to coordinate the immortal examination!
If this overall planning power is still there, then although Xiao Qingpei will inevitably be made things difficult, it will not be the case that he will be expelled from the mountain gate.

After all, for the descendants who served the sect to die in such a bleak end, it would definitely chill people's hearts.

It should give people something to look forward to, right?
It's just like the advanced immortal exam, every time the immortal exam quota, part of it will be distributed and reserved for those casual cultivators.

Is this the benevolence and kindness of those great monks?

Do not!
In fact, it's just that I'm afraid of those scattershot practices!

You must know that the monks in the Qi training state and the foundation building state have no change in lifespan, but in comparison, they are more capable of surviving than ordinary people, so most of them can live to the end of their lives.

That is, a hundred years of life.

After reaching the Golden Core Realm, although he has a lifespan of 200 years, the premise is that this great cultivator must first live out his second life when his first life is about to die!
Therefore, under such circumstances, monks naturally care about their descendants.

After all, failing the immortal test does not mean that there is no way to temporarily break through!And this kind of breakthrough method that is destined to regress, although it cannot be viewed on the same level as a monk of the same level who passed the immortal test, but if you choose to make a move at a Qi training level lower than your own, then it will naturally be devastating!

Xiao Qingpei stayed up all night, and he finally finished reading the upper and lower volumes of the "Taiyin Yangming Xuanjie Jing". Because he had completed the practice, the immortal power in his body became extremely active at this time.

But soon, as the sun rose and the first ray of sunlight fell into the world, Xiao Qingpei clearly felt the discomfort of the immortal power in his body.

It's not that the sun is overshadowed by the sun.

It's because the pure Yang immortal energy in this world is too fierce!

The night was fine, but during the day, the pure Yang immortal energy was in full swing.

However, in the final analysis, it is also the reason why Xiao Qingpei has not passed the immortal test, and the cultivation of immortal power in the Foundation Establishment Realm in his body has not yet been recognized by heaven and earth.If not, even if the pure Yang immortal energy fills the world, he will not feel like a ghost and feel uncomfortable when the sun appears.

"The way to lead to the heaven and earth immortal test is not difficult. Although I don't have the Fufeng wood that I need, I know where it is, which means I have it too. The only thing I need to care about is that when the heaven and earth immortal test appears, there is a lot of movement, so I can only wait until this time the sect's immortal test begins, and then follow up with my heaven and earth immortal test."

Xiao Qingpei has already prepared all the plans.

And in order to prevent accidents, we have made a top-up strategy that is highly unlikely to be feasible, and a bottom-down strategy that is absolutely feasible.

Then, he raised his hand.

Suddenly, with a "buzz", a round black iron ball flew into his hand by itself.

This is exactly his sword pill.

Happy to get spirituality +1, the change of this sword pill cannot be said to be insignificant.

And this also made Xiao Qingpei think a little more, because he only thought about himself before, but he never thought about it, and he never encountered a time when he could let the things around him "get the subsistence allowance".

It was the first time last night.

"Could it be because I'm currently in the Foundation Establishment Realm, and with a strong sense of consciousness, I can drive things away with thoughts?"

After all, this is the only major change in the past three years.

Just as Xiao Qingpei was thinking carefully, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "Ding Dong"

First, the subconscious consciousness swept out, and then Xiao Qingpei put down his guard again, but he realized that this is the system that bound the wrong person to finally "live"!

Since it was suddenly bound last night, this thing has been silent, and because of the large amount of information received last night, Xiao Qingpei's cognition was frantically refreshed, so that he forgot about this system for a while.

After all, the presence of this system is really low.

Even if he said "the baby in this system is going to sleep" last night, Xiao Qingpei would not ignore it.

"You have successfully entered the Yunxiao Palace of the Cultivation Sect, but you are about to meet your greatest enemy in this life. Please beat him in the next Yunxiao Palace Introductory Disciple Competition! After completing the task, you will be rewarded with a sweet or salty Fufeng Pocket. If you fail the task, just meow three times like a pig."

The electronic synthesis sound that seemed to have not woken up.

After Xiao Qingpei listened, he also fell into silence.

He knew about Yunxiao Palace, one of the top sects of cultivating immortals in the world, and only Tianren Mountain and Xianyao Mansion could compete with it.

They are all super big factions with the ancestors of the Nascent Soul Realm sitting in the town and looking down on the world!


When did he worship Yunxiao Palace?Also, who is his greatest enemy in this life?
(End of this chapter)

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