As a passer-by, I have loaded the female master's cultivation system

Chapter 31 Waiting for my return, fate is a reward

Chapter 31 Waiting for my return, fate is a reward

[Today, Xuanyue True Fire kills ghosts, and Xuanyue True Fire gains spirituality +1]

"Sure enough!"

Seeing this familiar text box appear, even if Xiao Qingpei had expected it, he couldn't help but be filled with joy.

Because since then, his long life has been completed!

The biggest difficulty in condensing life pills is that Xuanyue True Fire has no spirituality, or it may have spirituality, but the spirituality is not strong enough.But this is not a problem for Xiao Qingpei.

"Speaking of which, the key to whether a magic weapon is strong or not lies in spirituality. And whether it can be refined into a magic weapon, the key is still spirituality..."

Xiao Qingpei's thoughts turned, and he became more and more happy for a while.

At that time, Jianwan had gained spirituality +1, so he only cared about Jianwan, and there was no suitable time to use these two talents together, so he didn't carefully consider the possibility of this aspect.

At this moment, Xiao Qingpei realized this, and immediately understood that as long as he used these two talents well, he could completely beat the heroine's Fuyao system!

Because on the road of practice, spirituality is needed, not only in these places, but also in alchemy, talisman making and other skills.

A low-level talisman does not require spirituality.

But to reach a certain level of spiritual talisman, one must have enough spirituality.

And a spiritual talisman... Xiao Qingpei had heard that in the past, there was a Nascent Soul Realm Patriarch who was dissatisfied with the Chunyang Taiyi Palace and refused to pay tribute on a pilgrimage.

This statement is somewhat appalling and exaggerated, but it is undeniable that a spiritual talisman can indeed threaten a great cultivator in the Golden Core realm!
"These magic weapons from the system, if I can cultivate spirituality, then it is completely equivalent to refining by me..."

Xiao Qingpei didn't hesitate, and left immediately.

During this period, no one was alarmed, only the nearby county town was still rumored about the old man holding the skeleton.But in the direction Xiao Qingpei was leaving, there was a cloud of dark clouds following him from afar.

However, this dark cloud did not follow Xiao Qingpei all the time, because after seeing Xiao Qingpei artificially "refine" a "virtual ghost" for the "second time", the figure in the dark cloud, which looked like a dragon but not a dragon, left by itself.

Because the way of virtual ghosts is just a little furry path alienated after the combination of virtual image and belief. It belongs to the tricks of ghosts and monsters. It is quite strange, but it is also difficult to be elegant.

The figure that looked like a dragon but not a dragon, seeing Xiao Qingpei helping him out of trouble, thought that Xiao Qingpei was the living heir of an old friend of his, "Dao Gui", who was specially ordered to rescue him.

It was only after meeting by chance that he decided to follow up.

But after following all the way and making sure that the cultivator who rescued him out of trouble only knew about the ghost path, this figure who looked like a dragon but not a dragon didn't care anymore.

Because he had concluded that it was just an accident that he was able to get out of trouble early this time!

Because of this, he realized that if he really wanted to return, he could only look at his own, so he naturally didn't want to continue to care about the little monk who accidentally helped him out of trouble.

However, although he has a cold nature, he is not one who does not repay his kindness. After he returns to the throne, he will start to add a pretty good fate to this little monk.


Xiao Qingpei was completely unaware that he was being followed, and that his second talent "Deadly Poverty Dao Undead Fellow Daoist" was mistaken for the way of virtual ghosts. He had already "attracted" a ghost at this time.

Right now, he is waiting for this ghost to come back seven days later, and he will refine it with Xuanyue True Fire, so that he can "obtain spirituality +1" again.

As for these seven days, Xiao Qingpei naturally continued to bury his head in hard work.

The ghost that appeared this time, due to the age of the objects used by Xiao Qingpei, was more than 120 years old, so this ghost is extremely powerful.

Naturally, such a powerful ghost brought about even greater increases in all aspects.

Coupled with the daily doubling of the talent of "Heaven rewards those who work diligently to receive subsistence allowances", Xiao Qingpei's cultivation can be described as advancing by leaps and bounds. Since he accidentally broke through to the second floor of the Foundation Establishment Lower Realm, now there are signs of breaking through to the third floor.

The cultivation of the Foundation Establishment Realm is very different from the cultivation of the Qi Training Realm. The Qi Training Realm only needs a practice method of the way of pure yang, even if it is incomplete, as long as there are no mistakes in the Qi circulation and you are willing to practice hard, then after about 20 years of practice, you can always cultivate to the upper realm of Qi Cultivation.

After all, the heaven and earth are filled with pure yang immortal energy, and the practice method of practicing the way of pure yang is completely no different from taking drugs all the time.

And it's still God's hand, without sequelae.

But the cultivation of the Foundation Establishment Realm can no longer be like that of the Qi Cultivation Realm, because it is necessary to comprehend the wonders of the heaven and the earth. For example, if the formulas to be practiced involve the stars, then one needs to understand the laws of the movement of the stars, and strive to comprehend a trace of the true meaning of the stars.

Because of this, many monks in the Qi training realm have been promoted to the Foundation Establishment realm after passing the immortal test, but it is very likely that they will stay where they are for 30 to [-] years.

The Foundation Establishment Realm is the time to truly test your spiritual root aptitude and cultivation talent!
Although what Xiao Qingpei is practicing now is not the formula of the way of pure yang, his way of cultivation is no different from the practice of the way of pure yang.

He needs to comprehend the true meaning of nourishing one's life!
And at this time, it reflected the importance of the original ancient books he had read before.

Even though he didn't understand a certain part of the content recorded in the ancient book at that time, but now that he has practiced, with the blessing of the talent of "deadly poor Taoist immortal friend", Xiao Qingpei naturally figured it out very easily.

At this time, there was a gust of wind blowing.

Xiao Qingpei immediately knew that the "righteous master" he had been waiting for for a long time had returned.Immediately, without hesitation, he took out the Xuanyue fire seal.

With the urging of the immortal power, this magic weapon flew up by itself, and then one of the skulls, facing the manifested ghost figure, spit out a cloud of blue-golden flames all over its head and face.

As a result, the ghost that had just emerged was immediately wiped out, along with the ancient object inside.

After obtaining a spirituality +1, the power of Xuanyue True Fire in this magic weapon has skyrocketed.

[Today, Xuanyue True Fire kills ghosts, and Xuanyue True Fire gains spirituality +1]

The text box reappeared. Although Xiao Qingpei didn't get doubled in practice today, Xiao Qingpei's mood was naturally not bad. He clearly felt that the Xuanyue True Fire in the Xuanyue Fire Seal magic weapon had already cultivated a strong spirituality.

"One or two more times, this Xuanyue True Fire can complete its final transformation."

Xiao Qingpei didn't hesitate, he continued to change places, used his second talent to "enlighten" the ghosts, and finally used Xuanyue True Fire to complete the killing blow against the ghosts.

In this way, after half a month, another ghost was turned into fly ashes by Xuan Yue's real fire.

This group of blue-golden flames immediately manifested bursts of streamers of the same color, and then unexpectedly condensed into a group, and ran to Xiao Qingpei's hand by itself.

(End of this chapter)

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