Chapter 36 The Best Way to Make Money

Xiao Qingpei thought to himself, although this system will form missions one by one in a serious manner when the time, place, and characters are all wrong, but the system's description of those magic weapons is not wrong.

Of course, there are no exceptions, and a lot of things have been omitted.

For example, the gourd magic weapon that carries "vertigo".

"Wait a minute, it seems that I was wrong..."

Xiao Qingpei was startled suddenly, but he realized that he might have fallen into a misunderstanding.

Because about this "Great Five Elements Sword Sky", this "Heroine Swinging System" description of this, actually did not mention Xianli.

This system's original description of the "Great Five Elements Sword Heaven" is as follows: at the cost of instantly exhausting the whole body's strength, a sword dao world is formed.Among them, the higher the quality of the user's power, the stronger the power of the Sword Dao World after it is formed.

As for the Sword Dao World, it is described as a world filled with immeasurable sword energy.

"This system doesn't say it's Xianli, so in other words, the quality of this power may actually refer to something other than Xianli."

When Xiao Qingpei thought about it like this, he suddenly felt that his thoughts became smoother.

Then, he had a new idea.

"If this is the case, then the power cultivated by the foundation-building monks who have a lifespan of 200 years, cannot fly through the clouds, and can only fly with imperial weapons, is not the same as that of immortal power?"

"Then, is it because the world's immortal cultivation system, and the whole world, have deviated. As a result, the system that was supposed to appear ten years later not only arrived earlier, but also bound to the wrong person? Moreover, this system will leak the future 'plot'. Is this the reason?"

Xiao Qingpei suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

This mystery that has plagued him for a long time has been unraveled by accident.

This made Xiao Qingpei somewhat happy.

Although this didn't improve his practice or his strength, but after knowing this, his view of this world will be different accordingly.

In the past, Xiao Qingpei could not help being awed by the Chunyang Taiyi Palace.

After all, the other party is the real ruler of this world!
Although Chunyang Taiyi Palace does not show mountains or waters, and has never interfered with the mortal world and the world of cultivating immortals, but just because the Taiyi jade hook refined and released by Chunyang Taiyi Palace makes those super big factions bow their heads, it can be seen how high the status of Chunyang Taiyi Palace in this world is.

The "Yunxiao Magic Sword" of Yunxiao Palace is not without its intention to replace the Taiyi jade hook. After all, the fastest earning money is often made by oneself.

But the "Yunxiao Magic Sword" can only circulate inside the Yunxiao Palace in the end, and it never dares to cross the thunder pool half a step.

Although in Yunxiao Palace, this "Yunxiao Magic Sword" is extremely useful, even Xiao Qingpei, who just entered Yunxiao Palace, misses it endlessly.But the "easy to use" theory, in the final analysis, is actually only limited to the monks of the Foundation Establishment Realm, and some monks of the Golden Core Realm who have no background in strength.

Like the Grand Sage Jian Lin, who would care about this mere "Sword of the Clouds"?
But at this moment, Xiao Qingpei's mentality towards this Chunyang Taiyi Palace is just like that of Jianlin Taisheng and his like when they treat "Yunxiao Fajian".

However, Xiao Qingpei did not have the slightest intention to underestimate this Chunyang Taiyi Palace.

Not to mention that he is only at the Foundation Establishment Realm now, even if he has cultivated to the Nascent Soul Upper Realm and touched the threshold of Taoism and Ascension, he will not have such thoughts.

Ideologically, you can despise each other.But in terms of actions, there must be no defiance of the other party!

As for why Xiao Qingpei was upset to see this Chunyang Taiyi Palace?
It's very simple, from the time he set foot in the practice, if all the troubles and troubles can be traced back to their source, then there is no doubt that in this world, it is like the supreme Pure Yang Taiyi Palace.

After all, the flow of any resource in this world is from bottom to top!

Not to mention far away, the immortal test alone can be said to have restrained the progress of countless monks.

Just like what Shan Hengyu met Xiao Qingpei when he first entered this city, said, breaking through the qi training state to the foundation building state, in this world, it is by no means a matter of personal aptitude and talent.

The only thing to look at is your family background and whether it can help you get that immortal exam spot.

Shan Hengyu, who was able to cultivate to the sixth level of Qi training at the age of 15, although his talent is far inferior to Yun Donglai's due to the fact that the world is full of pure Yang immortal energy, Shan Hengyu's talent definitely surpasses most of the disciples of the sect.

If his surname was Ye like his wife's, instead of Shan, it is very likely that he would have successfully established his foundation when he was 15 years old, or even earlier.

After all, if the Qi training realm breaks through to the foundation building realm, the third level of Qi training upper level is enough, and it is not necessary to practice to the sixth level.

Moreover, Shan Hengyu, who established the foundation so early, with the help of his family, has definitely passed on his name and become a well-known generation of arrogance!
But unfortunately, his surname is not Ye.

In this world, one's birth can be said to determine the upper limit of what a monk can achieve in this life.

Talent, adventure, and chance may enable a monk to successfully leap over the dragon's gate and break through to the foundation-building realm.But the higher Golden Core Realm, and even the Nascent Soul Realm, are a series of heavenly moats.

Because even the Linwu faction in the most powerful period is not eligible for the quota of immortal exams, and even the books on the immortal exams of the Jindan realm have to send disciples to compete with others.

But if it was in Yunxiao Palace, apart from the fact that the quota for the Immortal Examination of the Nascent Soul Realm could not be guaranteed, the probability of getting the quota for the Immortal Examination of the Golden Core Realm was at least [-]% to [-]%.

Although the old monster in the Nascent Soul Realm of Xianyao Mansion used Xiao Qingpei to pay off the debt of favor, it is undeniable that he gave Xiao Qingpei an easy way to go.

This is also the reason why Xiao Qingpei repeatedly slandered the other party, but he never had much hatred.

It was an exchange as if they were getting what they needed from each other.

"Since this Dragon City belongs to Xianyao Mansion, why is it so lively in this city?" Xiao Qingpei thought about this again. The information he had learned from Yun Donglai before undoubtedly showed that his previous guess was wrong.

So he was going to inquire about it.

But as soon as he went out, Xiao Qingpei found that no matter where he went, people were watching him.

This is because he "just hit" and severely damaged Yun Donglai's affairs, so that in this Tianlong City, his reputation can be said to have reached its peak.

Even if it is a cultivator at the Golden Core Realm, the name that is often mentioned in his ears these days is "Xiao Qingpei"!

Of course, it also made the monks in Xianyao Mansion feel a little itchy.

Because Xiao Qingpei was stepping on the face of their Xianyao mansion, not to mention, the reason why their senior brother Yun Donglai lost so cleanly was that Yun Donglai underestimated the enemy and was careless.

And thinking of this, the disciples of Xianyao Mansion also inevitably complained about Yun Donglai.

At this juncture, how could you underestimate the enemy?
Are you out of your mind?

(End of this chapter)

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