Chapter 48 Deception

The place Xiao Qingpei was at right now was in a quiet landscape, and people could be seen from a distance, but because it was in the dark night, it looked like it was covered with a layer of gray gauze.


During the daytime, woodcutters and fishermen often come and go.

However, Xiao Qingpei rides the clouds and the fog, and the clouds also have a little blinding ability, which can make people who have no cultivation base unable to see what is behind the clouds, so the news of some practitioners practicing here has never been spread.

After all, this is not a blessed place, the spiritual energy can't be said to be absent, it can only be said to be thin and pitiful, and it can't even allow an immortal cultivator in the Qi training state to practice normally.

If the news of practitioners haunting this place spreads, the dignitaries in the court of this place may immediately think of whether this place is some kind of secret treasure.
However, after tonight, this place will definitely attract people to observe.

But the movement of the "Royal Zombie" when he appeared was too shocking, that is to say, there were no Foundation Establishment Immortal Cultivators in the vicinity, otherwise someone would have come to inquire about it.

Immortal cultivators in this world do not live long, so most of them are rich and wealthy, and therefore in each dynasty, there are actually foundation-builder immortal cultivators as high-ranking officials.

What's more, there is also the name of the great cultivator of the Golden Core Realm.

However, the Great Cultivator of the Golden Core Realm can survive another life after all. Although there is a chance of "reversing the first life" and there is a certain possibility of failure, the immortal cultivator of the Golden Core Realm is after all a person who has just stepped on the road to longevity.

Therefore, the cultivators of the Golden Core Realm are relatively shameless.

To put it more politely, eating will look better.

But at this moment, Xiao Qingpei was about to leave, because he moved a bead on the jade abacus, but the jade abacus did not move at all.

If it wasn't for his spiritual sense not being able to sense anything, he would have thought it was just an ordinary jade product.

Xiao Qingpei just walked on the clouds like this, but after flying for a while, he suddenly felt something was wrong, because the world was too lonely.

It was as if he was the only one left in the world.

And when Xiao Qingpei was surprised, he suddenly heard a muffled whisper.

He couldn't understand the voice, but the rhythm of the whispering voice was unexpected, so Xiao Qingpei followed the voice and drove through the clouds all the way.

What I saw along the way was naturally still an incomparably lonely scene.

The mountains and waters are black in color, there is no city wall near and far, and the moon and stars are even less visible.

Finally, the source of the sound was coming.

It's just that Xiao Qingpei took a look and was stunned for a moment, because the moment he looked over, the scene around him actually changed in an instant.

The lonely scene was gone, Xiao Qingpei saw green smoke curling up, and behind the green smoke, there were many people kneeling down to worship him.

Xiao Qingpei took a closer look, he couldn't recognize the clothing style of these people, because they were not in the dynasty he knew.But he was able to confirm the identities of the worshipers in front of him, including the emperor, the queen, the prince and the ministers of civil and military affairs.

Because the characteristics of these clothes are too easy to distinguish.

But I didn't see the emperor's concubine, it seems that the emperor has only one woman.

Xiao Qingpei looked at it curiously, and suddenly a person secretly raised his head, and as soon as the other person raised his head, he found Xiao Qingpei in an instant, and then the other person quickly shouted: "The gods have appeared! The gods have appeared!"

When the sound came out, the people around immediately looked up.

When they saw Xiao Qingpei, they kowtowed vigorously one by one.

"I am the emperor of the Yue Dynasty. I am here to pay my respects to the gods. I also ask the gods to have mercy on the people of my Yue Dynasty and send rain to relieve the suffering of the people!" The man in the emperor's clothes knelt down in front of Xiao Qingpei at this time, and kowtowed quickly.

Xiao Qingpei stared at the scene in front of him, but was stunned.

"I'm not going through time again, am I?"

Xiao Qingpei was astonished, he was just flying on the clouds before, why did he come to another world all of a sudden?
Because he felt that his immortal power was still there, Xiao Qingpei was sure that he was "wearing" this time.

He looked around and quickly saw where he was.

This is a towering mountain, but one can clearly feel the scorching heat of the world here, because looking around, this mountain is actually a scene where life is almost dying.

Although there are still some vegetation, most of them are half dead.As for birds and beasts, in Xiao Qingpei's consciousness, he found some, but they all looked dying.

Xiao Qingpei looked at the sky, he was startled again, because he actually saw ten suns!

Ten days in the air!

No wonder the scorching sensation between heaven and earth is so intense!Where Haotian nourishes all spirits, this is clearly a place of purgatory.

So, Xiao Qingpei began to hesitate.

He didn't know whether he should use the ability to call wind and rain?
After all, it is a newcomer, so it is better to be cautious and find out the actual situation of this place.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qingpei tried to hide himself.

But after such a movement, Xiao Qingpei became astonished, because he realized that his own cloud can cover himself, why can those mortals see him?
Xiao Qingpei felt very clearly that the emperor, including his courtiers, had no cultivation.

Immediately, Xiao Qingpei checked himself carefully.

"Where did that system go?"

It was also at this time that Xiao Qingpei discovered that the "Heroine Fuyao System" that had been lying near his Niwan Palace had disappeared.

"Could it be that I'm wearing it this time, and that system can't follow?" Xiao Qingpei still thought that he had time-traveled, and didn't think about that jade abacus.

After all, if it weren't for someone who knew the power of the jade abacus, they would never realize that what happened to him was part of the power of the jade abacus.


These four words, it can be said, contain quite a lot of gold.

Especially the two words in front of it.

After all, anything with the word "Tian" is a great thing, let alone a deceit?

Xiao Qingpei didn't realize that he was in a fugue state, so he was astonished and confused at the moment, but he didn't react, the actions of the emperor and his courtiers caused some existences in this world to react.

Because what they want to obtain is the emotions such as fear and worship from the hearts of the people.

But right now, Xiao Qingpei's act of manifesting his holiness by stepping on the clouds caused these objects of emotional concentration to begin to shift.

After all, in order to better harvest these emotions, they often make themselves extremely mysterious, and therefore, there has never been a show of holiness like Xiao Qingpei.

Where they appear, there will only be all kinds of weird rumors, which are creepy.

(End of this chapter)

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