As a passer-by, I have loaded the female master's cultivation system

Chapter 55 Didn't expect to fall into my hands, did you?

Chapter 55 Didn't expect to fall into my hands, did you?
Daoyangquan ran cleanly at the beginning, and in a flash, he was thousands of miles away, but it also made Xiao Qingpei suffer because of it. He flew in the clouds for half a month, and finally met Xu Jiansheng and his party who were about to return to Yunxiao Palace, so they took a "ride", and returned to Yunxiao Palace in just a few days.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Xu!" Xiao Qingpei won the convenience of others, so naturally he would not throw the pot after eating, he cupped his fists to express his thanks, looking very sincere.

"Junior Brother Xiao, you are being polite!"

But at this time Xu Jiansheng saw Xiao Qingpei like this, but hurriedly returned the courtesy.

The arrogance and hostility in the past when facing Xiao Qingpei had long since disappeared.

On that day, in the blink of an eye, the act of a "golden body" of a ray of spiritual consciousness of a great cultivator at the Golden Core Realm had a greater influence than Xiao Qingpei imagined.

Just like what Wen Tianyu said before, after the grand event of Yin and Yang in Tianlong City, Xiao Qingpei's reputation will spread throughout the various dynasties and various sects of cultivating immortals, and he will become a recognized generation of arrogance!
This is a great honor!
It is also the dream of many younger generation disciples.

Xiao Qingpei glanced at the spirit bird that carried him back again. It was the Xu family's Mochizuki Tianluan, a rare spirit bird in the world of cultivating immortals.

Not only is his bloodline extraordinary, but it is said that his ancestors once appeared as ascenders.

That is to say, the Xu family has a number of great monks in the Golden Core Realm, and even their ancestors have been out of the Nascent Soul Realm, so that they can control the Mochizuki Tianluan in their own hands.

Xiao Qingpei saw that Xu Jiansheng didn't intend to give this Moon-watching Luan to him, so he left with some regrets.

Because the speed of Mochizuki Tianluan is too astonishing.

It is hundreds of times faster than him flying in the clouds!
This made Xiao Qingpei a little moved, after all, if he had this spirit bird, it would be much more convenient for him to travel around.

Xu Jiansheng didn't see Xiao Qingpei's regret, but Wangyue Tianluan noticed it, and a very human surprise appeared in the eyes of this spirit bird.

Then he just rolled his eyes.

That's why this spirit bird can't speak, otherwise he will definitely complain about it right now.

Humans are old and mature, this Mochizuki Tianluan has lived for hundreds of years, not only is it extremely understanding of human nature, even some books of immortal cultivators, this spiritual bird can understand.

These spiritual birds and beasts have a special name elsewhere.

Monster pet!

Of course, it can also be called a fairy pet.

Both mean the same thing, and the birds and beasts that can be called like this all have the potential to attain Taoism!
Xiao Qingpei naturally didn't know that what he was thinking about was actually a spirit bird with the potential to ascend to the Dao, so he went to see the acting head of Yunxiao Palace right now.

On the grounds that he accidentally caused Daoyangquan to disappear, he asked Yunxiao Palace to punish him.

Of course, Xiao Qingpei didn't have that little hobby of seeking abuse, but he knew that Yunxiao Palace would not embarrass him in this regard, not to mention that he had a huge reputation outside.

With a great reputation, some things will be easy to handle.

It was the same in the mortal dynasty, and it was the same in the super sect of the world of cultivating immortals.

After all, in the final analysis, they are still some people who have not yet become immortals, and the lifespan of immortal cultivators in this world is short, which makes immortal cultivators not have much difference in other aspects, such as beauty and food, except for their unimaginable power.

It is possible to live without food in the Foundation Establishment Realm, but someone like Xiao Qingpei is actually extremely rare in the entire world of cultivating immortals.

Xiao Qingpei is the only Foundation Establishment Realm who really does this all the time.

The rest of the Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators, whether they are sect disciples or casual cultivators, all want to enjoy themselves in the same way.It’s still the same analogy, the Qi training environment is a difficult period of entrepreneurship, and the foundation building environment is considered to be a successful start-up, and it’s time to enjoy it.

"Martial Nephew Xiao, I can't blame you for the fall of Yangquan. If you count it carefully, you have to count it as meritorious service. However, such things are not easy to publicize, and there is no way to reward you. Well, in half a month, there will be a new round of competition for the right to coordinate the third-order immortal test. Let nephew Xiao take charge of it! There will be seven rounds of the competition for the right to coordinate the immortal test. Of these seven rounds, Martial Nephew Xiao will be responsible for four rounds. "

The acting head of Yunxiao Palace said this, this is a mediocre Jindan in all aspects in Yunxiao Palace, the only advantage is that he has no relatives and no reason, he is a rare casual cultivator, and he has never established a family.

Because of this, before the dust of Yunxiao Palace's head is settled, he can be selected as the temporary acting head.

"Thank you, Uncle Master! I don't know which sects are going to participate in the four rounds of the third-rank immortal test coordination competition that I will be in charge of?" Xiao Qingpei couldn't help asking.

The coordinating power of Xiankao is divided into levels.

The higher the level, the higher the authority.Only the Chunyang Taiyi Palace is qualified to have the coordinating power of this level of immortal examination. Super big factions like Yunxiao Palace, Tianren Mountain, and Xianyao Mansion can only have the right to coordinate the second level of immortal examination.

And how much power is there in coordinating the second-order immortal examination?

Just looking at the distribution of the right to be responsible for the coordination of the third-order immortal examination, you can see some clues.

"Here is a list. Nephew Xiao, you can take a look at it first. As for the pre-determined places, you can contact them in advance when the time comes, and then just give them some convenience."

After explaining this to the acting head of Yunxiao Palace, he served tea to see off guests.

Seeing this, Xiao Qingpei also left immediately knowingly.

Because he had already seen a very familiar name in the catalog of the list - Linwupai.

Moreover, the forest house faction is still in the default quota.

"It seems that the Patriarch of the Linwu School had an unusual relationship with his master when Chunyang Taiyi Palace was a servant!" Xiao Qingpei said quietly.

Because the Linwu faction lost the right to coordinate the immortal examination, he is clear.

The Immortal Cultivation Sect, like the Linwu Sect, which lost the authority of the Immortal Examination, although it will not be dissipated, but it also means that it will go downhill since then, and it is difficult to obtain the qualification for the overall authority of the Immortal Examination.

Unexpectedly, this Linwu faction actually got a default quota right now!

Moreover, the speed is still so fast!
"However, although I, Xiao, have suffered unfair experiences back then, I am not the one who will take away other people's umbrellas just because I got wet in the rain. I, Xiao, have always been the most fair and fair!"

Xiao Qingpei said that, but he already had an idea.

It can only be said that he came back just at the right time, and if he stays at night for a while, the forest house faction may have returned to its former glory.

This is not what Xiao Qingpei wants to see.

(End of this chapter)

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