Chapter 72
"Is this the Foundation Establishment Upper Realm?"

"No, to be precise, this should be the seventh floor of Foundation Establishment!"

Xiao Qingpei pressed down with a swipe of his palm, and within a hundred miles around, there was a loud thunder on the flat ground, and then a layer of blackness condensed out between the sky and the ground.

It was a big dark cloud.


There was a strong wind, and the trees here seemed to be pulled up from the ground.

Accompanied by a thunderclap, the area centered on Xiao Qingpei began to rain continuously.

This is the power of the Foundation Establishment Realm to summon wind and rain!

However, even though this ability is available in all Foundation Establishment Realms, if you want to have such a large influence and reach a radius of hundreds of miles, you must at least be at the Foundation Establishment Upper Realm.

Xiao Qingpei felt the mighty power of his every move, which was enough to affect the world, and he couldn't help feeling a little longing for the Golden Core Realm that carried the power of the will of the world.

But practice is not accomplished overnight, and there is no rush.

What's more, according to Xiao Qingpei's guess, he only needs to break through two more layers to reach the ninth layer of foundation building in the nine-layer practice theory, and then he can try to break through the Golden Core Realm!
Immediately, Xiao Qingpei let out a soft drink, and then saw that the scene of lead clouds with a radius of hundreds of miles suddenly dissipated without a trace, and even the sky and the earth were once again cloudless and sunny.

Then, Xiao Qingpei found Wangyue Tianluan, and this spirit bird carried him to the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But he was going to find his disciple Luo Xiaoyun.

Wangyue Tianluan's flying speed is naturally extremely fast, and within a few days, Xiao Qingpei saw that very lively and eccentric little apprentice.

"Master, Master, you are finally back!"

Luo Xiaoyun was naturally very happy to see Xiao Qingpei.

If it weren't for her family's strict tutoring, this little girl would have thrown herself into Xiao Qingpei's arms right now.

"Master, let me tell you that many monks have had adventures recently!" Surrounding Xiao Qingpei, Luo Xiaoyun's small mouth kept talking.

"What adventure?"

"I just met a senior in the world of cultivating immortals, and got compliments from the other party, and was invited to a banquet called the Banquet of Transformation!" When the little girl said this, her big eyes flickered, obviously she was right. This is very interesting.

Xiao Qingpei felt that this experience was somewhat familiar: "..."

"Transformation Banquet?" He repeated the word in surprise.

"From a mortal to a cultivator, it is a transformation!"

"This mortal transformation?" Upon hearing Luo Xiaoyun's words, Xiao Qingpei instantly understood, so he asked, "What is this mortal transformation feast for?"

"Listen to them, just eat and drink, and then let some cultivators show off their skills!" The little girl quickly told Xiao Qingpei all the news she had inquired about.

After Xiao Qingpei heard this, he couldn't help but fell silent again.

Because this is simply a weakened version of the Tianjiao Banquet!

The reason why it is said to be a weakened version is because the monks who participated in this transformation banquet are all in the Qi training state.

"How do you know this?"

That's why Xiao Qingpei asked.

"Master, there is a transformation feast, which is held near our county! Therefore, during these days, there are a lot of immortal cultivators coming here! Some immortal cultivators like to drink and shout loudly in restaurants, and then these things spread opened."

Xiao Qingpei nodded thoughtfully.

Immediately, he said, "Let's go around the restaurant."

Originally, it was enough for Xiao Qingpei to release his consciousness, but this transformation feast was somewhat subtle, so Xiao Qingpei decided to proceed with caution.

"Okay! Master, come with me!"

Luo Xiaoyun immediately jumped up and down and led the way.

Xiao Qingpei followed all the way, and came to a restaurant. At this time, there were no immortal cultivators in this restaurant, but many diners were talking about the things this little girl had just said to Xiao Qingpei.

Compared with what this little girl said in the film, what these diners said was more detailed.

Because even at the so-called transformation banquet, what monks used what methods, they said a lot.

"I don't know if the Tianjiao Banquet was spread around like this Banquet of Transformation?"

Xiao Qingpei thought about it.

He realized that something was wrong. Although there was no evidence, he could be sure that there was something wrong with the great monks at the Golden Core level he saw that day, and even the Tianjiao Banquet later!
"I just said, how could a large group of great monks who carry the power of the will of the world with their spiritual consciousness suddenly appear? And they are still in a place where the spiritual energy is thin!"

Xiao Qingpei was stunned, then he wrote down the matter and didn't care about it anymore.

After all, he had successfully escaped.

And whether it was when he met those Jindan realms before, or at the Tianjiao banquet later, he didn't eat or drink anything.

Xiao Qingpei began to seriously teach Luo Xiaoyun how to practice.

This time, the little girl finally succeeded in cultivating.

Xiao Qingpei couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, but he didn't realize that at this very moment, the "stable profit without loss of fate" that he had left behind for a long time had quietly activated the power of fate.

This made Luo Xiaoyun the more she watched Xiao Qingpei, the more she liked to watch it.

But that's it.

However, there is no doubt that the impact of this power of fate is extremely far-reaching.

And after he really regarded Luo Xiaoyun as his successor, Xiao Qingpei couldn't help but feel happy for this little girl.So, that night, Xiao Qingpei took out the jade abacus and moved the penultimate bead again.

Then, the feeling of loneliness in the world from last time reappeared.

However, the difference from the previous time was that Xiao Qingpei no longer felt that he had time-traveled because he had experienced it once, but he clearly "realized" that he was just dreaming at this time.

This "dream" experience is still very strange, because he found that he actually "dream" this time to a series of twisted and invisible strange figures.

And these figures, some claim to be ghosts, while others claim to be weird.

However, in Xiao Qingpei's view, there seems to be no big difference between the two.

Because whether it is the former or the latter, it seems very strange.

Then, Xiao Qingpei took the initiative to get close to these distorted and invisible figures, he wanted to take a closer look at them in this "dream", but just happened to hear them tell a plan to seize the power of the fairy.

Regarding this plan, these ghosts and weirdos have been formulated in great detail.

But after Xiao Qingpei listened to it, he only felt that these distorted and invisible figures would fail, because they missed Chunyang Taiyi Palace.

Therefore, Xiao Qingpei said in this "dream": "Everyone, you have missed a big force, Chunyang Taiyi Palace."

"What kind of power is this? Why have I never heard of it."

"Chunyang Taiyi? I understand. This name involves the real name, so I will forget it immediately after hearing it outside. No wonder I always feel that something is not right!"

These twisted and invisible figures whispered, and quickly discussed an answer.

(End of this chapter)

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