Chapter 78

Xiao Qingpei didn't know that someone said that he violated the number of days and made up for him. Naturally, he didn't know that a little guy helped him out, and he was diligently practicing "Taiyin Cultivation Xuanjie Jing" right now.

"Taiyin Yangming Xuanjie Jing" made him have a lifespan far exceeding that of the same level. Although he didn't know the life expectancy of the Jindan monks outside this world, compared with the Jindan realm in this world, Xiao Qingpei's lifespan , without a doubt makes the same class have no qualifications for comparison.

And the "Taiyin Self-cultivation Xuanjie Jing" that he is currently practicing has made his combat ability continue to improve by leaps and bounds.

The five books of Taiyin each have their own strengths.

However, it is not necessary to practice the Five Books.A single book of practice is also feasible.

Those who only practice one book of the Dao of Taiyin need to have a sufficiently advanced realm to fill in the current inadequacies.Therefore, before the inheritance of the Dao of Taiyin has not been broken, the sects of the Five Books of Taiyin have the means to make up for themselves.

For example, in the sect that practices "Taiyin Yangming Xuanjie Jing", the best method in the sect is making talismans.

Use talismans to make up for your lack of killing!
At that time, in this sect, there were still two options for making talismans.One is quantity, and the other is quality.

The former refers to carrying a large number of low-level talismans with you and relying on the number advantage to win.

The latter naturally refers to high-level talismans.

Comparing the two, there is no doubt that the latter is more dominant, but if you choose to take the amount, then the required talisman-making skills do not need to be very advanced, and the requirements for talisman-making materials are not so high. Entry level is enough.

On this day, Xiao Qingpei stopped practicing.

But it was another seven-day period.

Accompanied by a gust of dark wind, a ghost that looks nothing new appeared in a way that was nothing new.

Xiao Qingpei didn't even look at it, just pointed at it casually.

A scorching flame of sword energy instantly turned this ghost into wisps of green smoke.

This was destroyed together with the core of the ghost.

Xiao Qingpei can't help but practice makes perfect because he has slashed ghosts a lot, knowing when is the most suitable time to attack ghosts and how to do so, so that they can be wiped out in the fastest and shortest time.

Don't look at it as just a sword qi, but in other realms of the Jindan realm, even Grand Sage Jianlin and Yun Donglai couldn't kill this uninspiring ghost so easily.

Because this kind of ghost will only emerge for two or three breaths at the moment when it reveals its real body when it comes back to kill Xiao Qingpei on the seventh day, representing the core of this kind of ghost.

After that, it will be hidden by this ghost, and it will be extremely difficult to find the core thing again.

[Today, the five-element sword energy is used to kill ghosts, and the five-element sword energy is happy to gain Taoism +1]

The customary "daily settlement" follows.

And after the settlement was completed, Xiao Qingpei obviously realized that his fur body was much stronger.Especially the tendency of the Five Elements Sword Qi to turn into Five Elements Sword Light has become extremely obvious.

"Two more times, or three times plus one, the sword qi ability of my outer body will be transformed into the sword light ability. I don't know if it can also brush everything?"

Xiao Qingpei couldn't help thinking this way.

But immediately, he stopped this thought, because the moon came out.

It's time for him to condense Taiyin Mingdan again.

Because his cultivation has broken through!
At this time, it is the second floor of Jindan!
Xuanyue appeared in the palm of his hand like a real flame jumping, and her spirituality was extremely strong. Although she was insane, at the moment she was summoned by Xiao Qingpei, there was an act of intimacy.

This is the reason why Xiao Qingpei fed Xuanyue Zhenhuo a lot of "spirituality plus one" during this period of time.

A Taiyin Fate Pill was condensed quickly, after all, it was convenient to collect the essence of the moon, and Xiao Qingpei had already condensed it many times.

Swallowing this Taiyin Life Pill, Xiao Qingpei instantly felt that his own vitality had become much stronger again.

Then, Xiao Qingpei was ready to continue practicing.

But at this moment, he suddenly noticed some movement. It was a talisman he had placed nearby, and it suddenly shook by itself.

This talisman was received when he participated in the Tianjiao Banquet.

But not all monks have it.

This is the Golden Core Realm that looks like the old man, specially given to him.

And the purpose of this talisman is to communicate.

In the past two years or so, this talisman has remained silent, Xiao Qingpei almost forgot about it, never thought that there would be a sudden movement at this moment.

Xiao Qingpei thought for a while, then waved his hand a little, and took this talisman into his hand.

Although the refining technique of this talisman is weird, and the whole body is gray and without aura, its grade is not low, so there is no need to find a puddle of water as an external force for forming a shape.

As the talisman flowed up a gray light, an old man's figure also appeared in Xiao Qingpei's field of vision.

"Little friend Wen Ye, I haven't contacted you for a while. The old man came up with a whim and wanted to hold a Tianyuan banquet. I wonder if you are interested in participating?" The old man's figure said with a smile.

This is exactly the ghost fairy from the beginning. After being silent for more than two years, these ghost fairy and weirdness finally couldn't help but move again.

And this time, it wasn't the tentative slapstick before.

"Excuse me, senior, don't you know what a Tianyuan Banquet is?" Xiao Qingpei asked.

Hearing Xiao Qingpei's question, the ghost immediately explained, after all, in these ghosts and weird cognitions, this Fuyaotian immortal cultivator called "Wen Ye" is very rare to be deceived at first sight.

This is also the reason why they specially gave Xiao Qingpei a magic talisman.

This talisman is very special, it is not easy to be detected, and it is even more difficult to be perceived. The most amazing thing is that no matter whether you have used this talisman or not, as long as you carry this talisman, then the existence of this monk will be completely eliminated.

The elimination of this sense of existence ignores the realm of cultivation.

In other words, even if a Taoist descended at this time, as long as he didn't come here specifically to stare at Xiao Qingpei, then even if he met Xiao Qingpei face to face, he would directly ignore Xiao Qingpei.

This talisman, so to speak, is a powerful secret treasure with special effects.

Even if it is ghost fairy and weird, there are only three magic symbols like this!
But now that Xiao Qingpei had given one, there were only two left.One is controlled by ghosts and immortals, and the other is held by weird groups.

Xiao Qingpei naturally didn't know the effect of this talisman, because out of scruples, he usually kept this talisman nearby when he was practicing.

And if he changed the place to "attract" the ghost, then he would put this talisman into the magic weapon and carry it with him.

"The so-called fate? Naturally, those who are destined will get it. This time, the old man and his friends have prepared a lot of opportunities. No matter they are mortals or monks, they can get these opportunities! Regardless of their background, they are all treated equally!" said the ghost fairy.

Of course, this is just superficial words, in fact they have other calculations.Because they're ready to manifest!

(End of this chapter)

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