Chapter Eight

"When did this little guy come here?" Xiao Qingpei was surprised. Although he had only just entered the Foundation Establishment Realm, and his spiritual sense could only cover tens of feet around him, if someone ran to a place less than half a mile away from him, he would be able to sense it immediately.

But immediately, Xiao Qingpei didn't care about this.

After all, the task time is short.

And this alchemy gourd, he wanted it very much.With this gourd, he can practice safely.

Although the talent of "dead Taoist friends never die poor dao" has turned into a ghost, and with the blessing of "Heaven rewards those who work hard and receive minimum living allowances", the effect of his practice of the way of Taiyin has almost reached the point where it is like a god.

However, the risks inherent in this cannot be ignored.

However, even though Xiao Qingpei wanted to do this task, he didn't rush over, so he took a closer look first, and saw that this little guy was wearing loose clothes that didn't fit him well.

The clothes are a bit feminine, but judging from the black color of the whole body, they should be men's clothes.

Looking at its delicate face, it looks like a porcelain doll, but if a child looks too delicate, it is true that there is no distinction between male and female.

"Then it must be the 'he' in the mission!"

Xiao Qingpei finished observing, so he rushed over quickly, and when he approached, he did not forget to say hello in a friendly way: "Are you feeding the fish with your feet?"

The little guy also looked at Xiao Qingpei, his delicate face looked a little dazed at the moment.

But soon, the little guy came to his senses, so he curled his mouth and said, "You just feed the fish with your feet!"

"Then what are you doing?"

"Of course they are fishing!"

Xiao Qingpei: "..."

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the person who appeared in this system task, and it is really amazing that the style of painting is similar!
However, Xiao Qingpei didn't come to chat with this "the heroine villain's greatest help in the future", so he deliberately said: "This lake is not safe, so you should go home early!"

"What if I don't?" The little guy was somewhat rebellious.

"Then let's compete. If you win, you can do whatever you want here, but if you lose, then you have to admit defeat!" Xiao Qingpei laughed.

He didn't expect it to go so smoothly, and he thought he would have to make a detour.

"Okay! What do we compare?"

The little guy seemed extremely excited all of a sudden.

"We face this lake, and we can pee farther than anyone else." Xiao Qingpei said seriously, there was no way, the system required him to do his best, he thought about it, and only this was more suitable.


The little guy readily agreed, and then said excitedly: "Then which one of us will come first!"

After all, no one has ever competed with her like this!

"I suggested it, so I'll come first!" Xiao Qingpei wanted this fellow to retreat in spite of the difficulties, so he untied his waist rope facing the lake, and after a little cover, he felt comfortable against the wind.

Zhang away, the water splashed up and down, and the fish in the water fled in fright.

So, when Xiao Qingpei put on his belt and turned around, he saw that little guy was very shocked.

"I surrender!"

The little guy said with a frustrated face, because she knew that she couldn't make such a long distance like Xiao Qingpei!

However, this was one of the few failures in her life.

Therefore, after taking a deep look at Xiao Qingpei and remembering him, she said: "Next time I will come to you for a competition!"

But Xiao Qingpei ignored this little guy.

Because the system gave him a reward, maybe someone was there this time, so instead of throwing it directly in front of him like last time, this time it was placed in his black jade box.

So, Xiao Qingpei agreed perfunctorily, then turned and walked back.

What about "the heroine villain's greatest boost in the future", does that have anything to do with him?If it wasn't for this gourd, it wouldn't matter at all!

Therefore, Xiao Qingpei didn't see that the little guy he didn't care much about slowly faded away, and then disappeared all of a sudden.

And when the little guy left, it was as if light and shadow folded around the big lake, and suddenly in the woods not far from the lake, a young boy with a rebellious face appeared.

This young boy doesn't look very old, but his eyebrows are full of hostility.

At this time, the little boy was unconscious for some reason.

But soon, the young man slowly woke up and turned around, and he immediately looked around: "Where is that little girl? Even if you run fast, you dare to attack the young master! The young master likes you, that is your luck, you still dare to do it, next time I meet you, see if I don't let Mr. Wu break your leg first!"

Hearing the meaning of this little boy's words, he actually met that little guy before, and then he was knocked out by that little guy.


And at this time, after the little guy left, he immediately followed her "gamble" with Xiao Qingpei and obediently returned home.

In this place, there are no strange rocks, but there is a fierce spirit everywhere.

This is a Jedi.

Even if the divine consciousness has the power of the will of heaven and earth, and can manifest the golden core state of the "golden body" wherever the eyes can see, they dare not break into it easily.

Because of one carelessness, one's cultivation at the Golden Core Realm would be in vain.

Even in this desperate place, the ancestors who died in the Nascent Soul Realm!

However, where the little guy passed by, those fierce auras avoided by themselves, as if they had seen their natural enemies, and some even trembled as if they had life.

If this scene was known to outside monks, it would be unbelievable.

And if the monks from Chunyang Taiyi Palace saw it, they would all feel their scalps go numb, because they knew more things and secrets.

The little guy came bouncing around, and then he found a roll of jade.

This jade book is not an ordinary thing, but a spiritual treasure!
This is the supreme treasure above the magic weapon!
Because the magic weapon can be cultivated in the world, or it can be refined by monks who find the treasures of heaven and earth, so although it is a treasure, it is not a rare thing among monks.

However, this spiritual treasure can only be cultivated by the heaven and the earth, and there is a limit to the number of spiritual treasures in each place.

Therefore, the only place where Lingbao exists is the Chunyang Taiyi Palace!
None of the three super factions in the world, Yunxiao Palace, Tianren Mountain and Xianyao Mansion, are eligible to own a spirit treasure.

And this little fellow took out the Lingbao Jade Book, and using his index finger as a brush, he began to draw on the Lingbao.

Soon, even though this spirit treasure was unwilling in every possible way, Xiao Qingpei was still "drawn" by this little guy, and then this little guy didn't forget to add the words: Yudaoji, Fuyaotian, Postscript of the Last Immortal.
"Hmph, I must win next time! I won't lose to you again!" The little guy said with a serious face, using this to cover up her timidity before fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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