As a passer-by, I have loaded the female master's cultivation system

Chapter 80 This is called the Fate of the Immortal Mansion

Chapter 80 This is called the Fate of the Immortal Mansion
This little guy has a small face, a delicate face, a pair of eyes, clear and bright, like a moon, his expression is very serious at this moment, and then she can only hear her continue to say in a soft voice: "I just saved you!"

When Xiao Qingpei heard this, he was naturally baffled.

Although he just practiced the method of traveling in the inner scene in the "Taiyin Cultivation of the Body Xuanjie Jing", his spiritual consciousness went to the Great Zhou Dynasty to find his disciple.But his consciousness, there is another half!

Although Xiao Qingpei did not dare to use this consciousness because of the power of the will of heaven and earth, so that he chose to seal himself, but if there is any disturbance, he can still be aware of it immediately.

What's more, when he traveled this time, he used those three "golden elixirs of honesty" to transform his body into a mountain state!
Don't say that someone wants to get close, even if you see through his real body and want to shoot him, it may not be able to break his defense.

After turning into a mountain, Xiao Qingpei had experienced being first carried away by the "Daoyang Spring", and then severely thrown to the ground, but after such a toss, he didn't suffer any injuries.

However, as soon as this thought passed, Xiao Qingpei changed his mind.

A child's thoughts cannot be thought in his usual way of thinking, so Xiao Qingpei turned his eyes, and when he found a nest of mosquitoes not far away, he instantly understood.

This saved his life, presumably it helped him drive away those mosquitoes, right?
Although those mosquitoes couldn't bite him, why would Xiao Qingpei explain it to a child here?So, he smiled, his tone was gentle, and he said sincerely: "Thank you very much!"

In order to show his seriousness, Xiao Qingpei even clasped his hands together and saluted briefly.

But Xiao Qingpei's move made this little guy's beautiful eyes bend, obviously very satisfied with Xiao Qingpei's attitude.

So, she patted Xiao Qingpei's shoulder with her small hand, and said seriously: "We will be good friends from now on!"


Xiao Qingpei has no objection, he doesn't have any purpose, he wants to get some benefits, but just to add some interesting memories to his long life.

After all, he could live hundreds of years now.

But what Xiao Qingpei didn't know was that the little guy in front of him could clearly sense his mentality of not seeking the slightest utilitarianism at this time.

So, after blinking those beautiful eyes, she said to Xiao Qingpei: "You seem to have something very strange on your body!"

She was talking about that talisman.

It was the one given to Xiao Qingpei by that ghost fairy.

This talisman was not really given to Xiao Qingpei, because they could take this talisman back at any time after their purpose was achieved.

It's like a magic weapon that Xiao Qingpei gave Wangyue Tianluan.

All have the right to use, not real ownership.

"Strange thing?" Xiao Qingpei subconsciously looked at him, but he suddenly realized that he had lost his mind.

This little guy used secret treasures in the "competition" with him before, but this time he came directly to him, and he didn't realize it until he retracted his inner body. This shows that this little guy has a lot of things with "supernatural means".

Maybe he will come to him this time, because some secret treasure in this little guy's hand has a reaction with something on him.

So, following this line of thought, Xiao Qingpei asked directly: "What is it? If you like it, then I can give it to you."

"Really?" This little guy couldn't help but be a little surprised. Although she can't use this kind of magic talisman because her realm is too high, she likes the feeling of being given something to her.

"Of course it's true." Xiao Qingpei nodded earnestly, taking it as a gift from Xiaoyu's abacus.

Before, that was the mentality of a big dog.

But now, since they are friends, the attitude is naturally different.

"I can't use it, but you just happen to need it!" The little guy said in a soft tone, then stretched out his little hand, and took out Xiao Qingpei's magic weapon.

This magic weapon is precisely the Fangyuan Bujue Hundred Treasure Bag, which Xiao Qingpei got from a Golden Core Realm in Yunxiao Palace when he went to "Duoyang Spring".

The main purpose of this magic weapon was to hold things, so Xiao Qingpei didn't put it away, but tied it around his waist like a money bag.

And that magic talisman was naturally included in it.

So, at this moment, Xiao Qingpei couldn't help being a little shocked when he saw that his magic weapon flew out a magic talisman just because the little guy stretched out his hand like this.

After all, in his cognition, this little guy should have no cultivation base at all!
However, Xiao Qingpei did not ask these words, but said: "Is there something strange about this talisman?"

But Xiao Qingpei has already recognized that this magic talisman is exactly the one given to him by that strange Golden Core Realm.

"Yes! This is obviously a cave, but it has been refined into a magic talisman. It's so strange!" The little guy said so, and then he swiped a few times on the magic talisman with his little finger.

But with this swipe, a strange look immediately appeared on that delicate little face, so she hurriedly returned the magic talisman to Xiao Qingpei, and at the same time said: "I only saw others do it like this before, but I want to come here. All the restrictions and seals inside should be lifted!"

She did this to throw the pot away.

Because when restoring the original appearance of this talisman, she already knew why she had to refine a cave into a talisman.

This cave has already developed consciousness, but due to lack of spirituality, it is a pity that the process of sublimation into the Immortal Mansion fell short.

Therefore, this thing is full of resentment now, and will continue to devour people's sense of existence.

However, in fact, refining it into a magic talisman is only a temporary solution, not the root cause, because this thing will continue to devour people's sense of existence.

Moreover, because it has not been refined, some restrictions will in turn strengthen the power that devours people's sense of existence.

But hearing what this little guy said, Xiao Qingpei couldn't help but think too much now.

"It's the elders in his family, have they ever had such a talisman?"

Thinking about it this way, he was more or less stunned.

Then, Xiao Qingpei looked at the talisman in his hand, and he obviously felt that something was different about it, because at this moment, there was black energy that was invisible to the naked eye, but very clear in the sense of consciousness, continuously emerging.

However, that's not the point.

Instead, Xiao Qingpei clearly felt that this talisman was constantly exuding a will that required spirituality.

This kind of will is too strong, far beyond the Xuanyue True Fire he possesses.


Xiao Qingpei's eyes inevitably became strange, because recently he just didn't know who to give the once-in-seven-day spirituality, after all, it's too much, sometimes too strong spirituality is not good, so he has always been restrained.

(End of this chapter)

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