As a passer-by, I have loaded the female master's cultivation system

Chapter 83 Xianyou, haven't you heard that the villain died in Zhang Duo?

Chapter 83 Friends of the Immortal, Haven't You Heard that the Villain Dies from Talking Too Much?

Temporarily lent the magic weapon of Jianwan to Luo Xiaoyun, a little girl, to prevent her from being cheated, and also helped count the money, and then Xiao Qingpei went back.

He was still thinking about the cave.

After returning from a trip, Xiao Qingpei opened his eyes with his spiritual consciousness.

I made up my mind, it took less than an hour to come and go.Because of the arrival of that little guy, he forgot to make a rough calculation of the time.

"This method of walking around in the interior scene really has the taste of wandering in the void." Xiao Qingpei couldn't help but admire.

The place where he is now is far away from the Great Zhou Dynasty. After all, he "attracts" ghosts and cannot stay in the same place all the time.Otherwise, it would not be good news for the local area, nor would it be good news for Xiao Qingpei, because whoever walks by the river would not get his shoes wet?

And this constant change of places to "attract" ghosts can greatly reduce the risk of being exposed or being suspected by others.

Immediately, Xiao Qingpei continued what he hadn't done before.

He took out the talisman.

And at this moment, as soon as Xiao Qingpei took out the magic talisman, a strange look appeared on his face.

Because he felt that there was an idea in this talisman, and the voice of "thirsty for spirituality" was constantly spreading out.

"Does this count as fine?"

Xiao Qingpei thought for a while, and then he didn't get entangled in this place, because he was not in a hurry to check with his spiritual sense now, after all, this thing has a little sense of consciousness, who knows if there are other changes.

Therefore, Xiao Qingpei is going to "feed" spirituality first.

So he took out an ancient object.

This object was originally an old bamboo, which was accidentally preserved for six to seven hundred years, and then made into a bamboo figure by people, which has been passed down to this day.

In total, it has been nearly 900 years.

And the moment he saw this thing, Xiao Qingpei had already begun to outline the image of a ghost in his mind.

Not long after, an elegant green-robed monk appeared in front of Xiao Qingpei. This ghost didn't seem to be a little bit hideous and weird, on the contrary, it seemed to have a sense of true cultivation.

When the green-robed cultivator saw Xiao Qingpei, he smiled, and then cupped his fists in a salute: "Thank you fairy friend for giving me these seven days in this world. If Tao in his year can repay me, there will be a generous gift for me!"

After saying this, the green-robed monk turned and left.

His figure instantly blurred.

This made Xiao Qingpei hold back the words that had just come to his lips.

It was Xiao Qingpei who realized that he seemed to have "enlightened" something extraordinary.And unlike "Ku Ye Scholar Ghost" and "Grandma", this one can speak normally and has a clear mind!

"He thanked me for giving him seven days on earth?"

From this sentence, Xiao Qingpei heard more information at once.

"As for the name of this fairy friend, it should be a polite word, similar to a Taoist brother, but it can also be seen that this person is not a simple ghost."

"So, what is my second talent?"

Xiao Qingpei thought that these two talents were similar systems before, but now it seems that this second talent is actually the world law that he has mastered that involves life and death, yin and yang.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Qingpei will give up and continue thinking about this question.

He took out another ancient object, ready to "attract" the ghost again.After all, with the particularity of this ghost that claims to be "Tao" at present, after seven days, this ghost will probably dissipate on its own.

Xiao Qingpei's second talent is not said to be cooling down, but because the ghosts that are "attributed" have a high probability of wanting his life, so he has been cautious, "attracted" one, and then Solved, and then consider the next one.

The second "attracted" ghost was more "normal". He looked at Xiao Qingpei with a pale face, and left in a strange figure.

And in the next seven days, Xiao Qingpei felt an unprecedented increase in his cultivation, so that when these seven days passed, his cultivation was about to break through to the third level of Golden Core!

The reason why they haven't broken through is naturally still the same as before, the restrictions from the external environment.

Where he is now, the aura is extremely thin.

However, such restrictions are still easy to solve, so there is no need to mention them.

Xiao Qingpei didn't have a suitable pill in his hand, so he temporarily pressed his breakthrough intention, and instead took out the magic talisman that he had put aside for seven days, preparing to harvest "spirituality" with it.

Not long after, a pale figure appeared, but before he could get close to him, Xiao Qingpei made his move.

Under the wrapping of Xianli, the talisman penetrated the ghost in an instant.

[Today's luck envoys Xianfu to suppress ghosts, and Xianfu is happy to gain spirituality +1]

Seeing the text box representing his first talent appear in his field of vision, Xiao Qingpei was not at all surprised, and with the integration of this ray of spirituality, Xiao Qingpei also clearly felt that there was a slight change in this talisman.

To be precise, it was the hole in the talisman that had changed.

"But what about the other one? Logically speaking, could it have already dissipated?" It was Xiao Qingpei who remembered the ghost who was "attracted" first.

At this moment, Xiao Qingpei suddenly felt palpitations.

Immediately, he did not hesitate.

Standing still, simultaneously stimulate the power of the three "Golden Pills of Honesty".

In an instant, Xiao Qingpei turned into a mountain state.

At the same time, Xiao Qingpei felt a violent impact, but he was in a state of a mountain at this time, so even such an attack that could tear apart a Jindan realm in an instant did not hurt Xiao Qingpei, not even his clothes. damage.

"Sin friendly means!"

A sigh of admiration came, and a figure of a green-robed monk slowly appeared.

It was the ghost that was "attracted" first.

This ghost is the same as it was seen seven days ago, it has not changed a bit, and its smile is very gentle, but there is a clear killing intent in his eyes.

Xiao Qingpei didn't speak, because he couldn't speak in the mountain state.

It is no different from the real mountain!

"With the power to move the heavens and the earth, and the moment to connect the mountains, you can be honored by this hand alone. It's a pity, it's a pity, you shouldn't let me return to the world. I'm not like them. Their origin Humble, even if you return to the world, you will be foolish and ignorant, let you handle it. But I can take your life and name!"

The ghost went on to say, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, as if it was because of the close chance of winning.

Then, the ghost was gone.

A talisman smashed the core that had just manifested in an instant.

"Friend Xian, I think you haven't heard of it, the villain died because of talking too much..."

Xiao Qingpei said quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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