As a passer-by, I have loaded the female master's cultivation system

Chapter 96 There is a problem with the realm, the ancestor has 2 hearts

Chapter 96 There is a problem with the realm, the ancestor has two hearts

Xiao Qingpei undoubtedly cherished his life, so he was still the same as before, only harvesting spirituality once every seven days.

The immortal way is long, it is better to be cautious.

And when he got acquainted with the five-colored Qingyun and five-colored cloud aura that he had just obtained, and then exchanged the "reversed blood scale" with others for the grass and tree immortal roots, the news from Zhou Porridge gradually spread.

After all, although this updated "heroine" has the status of a "heroine", her current status and strength are too low.

Therefore, even if she used all her strength, she could only let this news slowly spread to the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But at the beginning, no one took the news seriously.

The news from the disciples of Yunxiao Palace, Xianyao Mansion, and Tianren Mountain has at least some basis, so they can be convincing on the premise that they think they are exaggerating.

But Zhou Congee's "what is the heart of the supreme sword demon, follow the ruthless way" inevitably pushed Xiao Qingpei's "position" too high.

Is the word "Supreme" qualified to be touched by a Jindan Realm?
Even the Golden Core Realm of the Ancient Sword Wonderland is the same!
Because even those who have ascended to the Tao are not qualified to be called supreme.

Therefore, the news from Zhou Porridge can be spread to the Great Zhou Dynasty, so there are more people who are relatively gossipy.

However, compared to the disapproval of most monks, when this news reached the ears of the Yuanyingjing ancestors of the three sects, the three Yuanyingjing ancestors paid attention immediately.

Because of this news, it just explained why Xiao Qingpei was able to kill the Young Palace Master who was also the Ancient Sword Fairyland!
"The Heart of the Supreme Sword Demon?"

"Although I don't know what it means, but since there is the word "Supreme" as the prefix, it's no wonder that Xiao Qingpei has mastered such means, even the old man's secret method can't do anything about it."

In Yunxiao Palace, Zhuge Tianlei's gaze flickered slightly.

Then he thought for a while, and asked someone to summon a disciple of Qi Cultivation Realm.

Xiao Qingpei is no stranger to this Qi-Cultivation Realm disciple, because it was the Qi-Cultivation Female Cultivator who "informed" him to teach at the beginning.

On the surface, this cultivator is a disciple of Qi training realm in Yunni City of Yunxiao Palace, but in fact, he comes from a desperate place.

As soon as Zhuge Tianlei saw her, he said straight to the point: "Fairy Taiyin, you have been in Yunxiao Palace for almost five years. I don't know when you will leave Yunxiao Palace? The last time someone came from Chunyang Taiyi Palace, it's good that you have a good cultivation base." It’s lower, it’s only at the foundation-building stage, but it’s hard to say that the next time you come will only be at the foundation-building stage, maybe it will be at the Nascent Soul stage. At that time, I won’t be able to cover you up.”

Zhuge Tianlei said these words calmly, but if they spread, it would definitely cause a shocking sensation.

"Thank you for reminding me, ancestor. I didn't know that ancestor summoned me here just to say this, right? When ancestor awakened us and used us to condense the blood body of Taiyin, he didn't seem so courageous." The girl had a quiet demeanor. , Saying this at this time, two small dimples were exposed, which can be said to express the word "Liwo Qianqian" vividly.

"Of course not, the old man just wants to know, is the heart of the supreme sword demon from your Taiyin ancient cultivator's lineage?" Zhuge Tianlei asked.

"The Heart of the Supreme Sword Demon?"

When the girl heard this, she suddenly realized, because she knew all the rumors about Xiao Qingpei outside.

So she said: "It can be said that this has something to do with my Taiyin ancient cultivator lineage, but it can also be said that it has nothing to do with it. Because this is the real ancient sword fairy inheritance, it can be either the way of Taiyin or the way of pure Yang Yes. However, if you really embark on the ruthless way, then most likely there will be a Supreme Sword Demon."

After speaking of this, Rao couldn't help feeling a little heavy in his heart because of the true identity of this young girl.

The ruthless way, the supreme sword demon, uses all evil thoughts and malice in the world as nourishment, and when he draws his sword, he waits as if all living beings in the world are helping him.

With that kind of power, even if a Taoist came, he would have to be cut off with a single sword to destroy his lifetime Tao fruit!
"Fairy Taiyin, isn't this supreme sword demon very powerful?" Zhuge Tianlei couldn't help but shudder slightly when he heard the change in the girl's tone.

After all, he knew the details of this girl.

Although she is not a real Fairy Taiyin, this person has a very long history.Even the "Taiyin Yangming Xuanjie Jing" in the Five Books of Taiyin is partly written by this girl!

"Not only is it powerful, but once the Supreme Sword Demon is cultivated, those who have attained the Dao will be shunned." The girl did not hide it, because this Zhuge Tianlei is so far the only Nascent Soul Realm who has fallen to the Dao of Taiyin repair.

Moreover, this Zhuge Tianlei has also condensed the Taiyin blood body, so it can be said that Zhuge Tianlei has completely stood on the side of the Taiyin way.

The Taiyin blood body is a method similar to the incarnation outside the body.

But what is special is that this kind of incarnation outside the body is not to create a clone, or an incarnation, but a means to gather the scattered consciousness of oneself after the death of one's own body, so as to bring oneself back to life!
"This Xiao Qingpei is really a good opportunity, but it is just worthy of his talent." Zhuge Tianlei laughed when he heard this.

"Aren't the ancestors worried?"

"What are you worried about? With Xiao Qingpei in front, I can completely change my appearance after my ancestor is resurrected." Zhuge Tianlei laughed.

While smiling, Zhuge Tianlei suddenly said again: "Actually, the old man has always felt that Yu Jingxiao can win over."

"The ancestor said, the one from Xianyao Mansion?"

"Exactly, he is different from that old man Wen Poxiao. Moreover, Yu Jingxiao has been pondering some weird things recently, and even went to the place where the rumors of ghosts appeared. I think Yu Jingxiao is probably the same I have noticed something, and I am trying to find a way to stay out." Zhuge Tianlei said thoughtfully.

Fuyaotian currently has only a few Nascent Soul Realms that come and go, so what one of them is doing, as long as it is not deliberately hidden, can be easily discovered by other Nascent Soul Realms.

"He should have discovered the problem of the realm of cultivation." The girl said so.

"Why did Fairy Taiyin say such a thing?"

"Yu Jingxiao practiced the way of Taiyin in the early years, and later switched to the way of pure yang. It is normal for the ancestors not to know this, because this trace is not a special way of life like mine, so it is difficult to make a difference. Notice it." The woman said, "Although Yu Jingxiao didn't leave too many traces because he didn't practice the way of Taiyin deeply, he should have been in touch with the concept of the way of Taiyin a lot, so he can naturally I understand, it’s not as good as that.”

"What's more, a big realm, how can there be twelve layers?" Speaking of this, the girl's tone was somewhat mocking.

(End of this chapter)

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