Chapter 12

"Yade, please don't say a few words."

The mysterious girl scolded, the magic dress in the birdcage in her hand is no big deal, it just likes to play tricks on people.

In particular, she still remembered that when she was a child, she was scared and cried by this grimacing Rubik's cube box pretending to be a ghost.

Although she wanted Yade to say a few words less, but judging from her soft and majestic voice, it can't make people feel intimidated at all.

"Hehehe, Grey, you like to speak for your master."

The magic box named Yade with a grimace, from its obvious laughter and nonchalant words, you can know that it didn't listen at all.

"Grey, you're here too."

The black long-haired man with a cigarette between his fingers breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, even Grey came along, otherwise he, a powerless magician, really didn't know what to do.

Do you feel that the combination of the words "powerless" and "magician" is inexplicably inconsistent?
After all, if a magician has a magic seal, or knows some magic, no matter what, he won't be powerless.

But Weber Velvet or El-Melloi II is such a person. Although he is a magic modern monarch of Sacrifice (Fes), his real combat effectiveness can only be said to be improved.

El-Melloi II, the strange magic dress in Grey's hand, didn't talk to him. He also knew the character of this strange grimacing box, and he liked to say some wicked things.

Obviously, he would be shaken by the angry Gray every time and couldn't stand it, but he refused to change after repeated admonitions.

Grey, a shy disciple, was hired by El-Melloi from a gravekeeper's village, er, it can't be said that he was forcibly forced by the other party.

It was originally to prepare for the Fifth Holy Grail War. As a grave keeper, Gray has excellent fighting ability against spirits, but I don't know why I am so afraid of ghosts.

He didn't expect to be involved in this ghost place before the Fifth Holy Grail War even started. He obviously remembered that he was in the Clock Tower.

"Grey, can you be sure that the outside is real, or an illusion created by magic?"

El-Mello took another sip of the cigarette in his hand to relieve his anxiety before asking calmly.

Although it feels very inexplicable, you still have to calm down and analyze the situation.

"Well, master, I don't feel the breath of ghosts, it's really just some ordinary humans outside."

Speaking of the scenery seen outside, Gray felt a little restless, and even his tone was a little worried.

She could vaguely feel that there was something extremely terrifying hidden in this seemingly peaceful village, and that feeling gave her a chill down her spine even more than seeing her most feared ghost.


As soon as Gray expressed his own worries, a blond girl walked in again outside the door, and the blond girl ended what Grey said.

"But it doesn't look modern here, does it?"

The girl with beautiful long blond hair and wearing a blue sweater dress holds elegant but blue eyes that reveal a dignified look.

Reinis El-Melloi Archizolti is the step-sister of El-Melloi II, and also a pleasure criminal who caused El-Melloi II a headache, not only because he has a psychological shadow on a certain golden and proud pleasure.

It was also because Reinis's character really gave him a headache, and it made him suffer a lot when they first met.

I didn't expect this righteous sister who was like a little devil to show such a dignified expression. Looking at the situation, I really can't be optimistic.

"Lynice, what did you observe?"

El-Melloi II asked silently, and at the same time gently extinguished the cigarette in his hand. After all, there are too many people, we still need to pay attention.

"Well, I was still preparing a pleasant afternoon tea, and I was in a hurry."

Reynis shrugged her shoulders in a very regretful tone, and then she showed a teasing smile.

"My dear brother, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Seeing his step-sister showing her devil's tail, El-Melloi II felt his stomach ache again, really why he was still trying to play tricks on people at this time!

"Listen to the good news first."

El-Melloi II sighed. He hoped that the good news brought by his righteous sister would relieve him of being teased and boost his morale.

"The good news is that there are only a few Puritans here, and they're just ordinary people with no magic powers."

"What's the bad news?"

El-Melloi II was not immediately happy, but immediately asked silently.

"The bad news is that this is Salem, and it seems to be the time of the Witch Trial."

Speaking of the information she learned, there was still a trace of shock in Reinis's eyes, and her tone sank.

"What? Is it the Salem where the witch trial happened? That happened in the 17th century!"

Immediately El-Melloi II couldn't sit still, and as a lecturer at the Clock Tower, he would of course learn about some of the weirder things that happened in history.

Some are true and some are false. He has also heard about the tragedy that happened in Salem, because there is no mysterious involvement in the conclusion of the Magic Association, so he has not studied it in depth.

"It seems that my lord brother is really a well-known mentor in the clock tower, and he even knows this."

Reinis smiled and praised, but the voice seemed to be teasing, so it was difficult for people to think that she was a compliment.

"So how about the details, brother can you guess it?"

"In the Salem Witch Trials, two girls suddenly fell ill with a strange disease, and they were believed to be witches, so they accused each other of witchcraft, and eventually killed about [-] people, and more people were implicated and persecuted."

"I don't know the details. After all, the conclusion in the Magic Association is that there is no mysterious intervention, so I didn't study it."

"I only know that the key person is a girl named Abigail."

El-Melloi II began to analyze based on previous information, but he didn't study American history, and he didn't know much about Salem's information and historical materials.

"Oh? There is no mysterious intervention, but I feel that this place is more like some kind of magic ceremony, and we are the chosen sacrifices."

Reinis softly uttered a horrible conjecture, because of her dirty experience in the clock tower, she was more inclined to conspiracy theories.

After all, unlike Olga Marie, who is from a famous family, she has learned about the conspiracy and struggle in the clock tower early on, and the food served without her sight is likely to be poisonous.

She has experienced this kind of thing over and over again, so much so that she has developed the habit of taking a drug test every time she eats.

"What you said is not impossible, then let's go find the source of the Salem Witch Trial, that girl named Abigail."

Just guessing here and there can't get the truth of the matter. El-Melloi II took a deep breath and planned to find the source of the incident to understand the situation.

Reinis also agreed very much. Seeing that the master had made a decision, Gray followed silently. The three of them walked together and asked the villagers if there was a girl named Abigail here.

Under the strange and amazed eyes of the villagers, El-Melloi II had no choice but to cast a magic that reduces the sense of existence, which was researched by the Magic Association to better hide the mystery in the secular world.


In front of a very ordinary two-story building, El-Melloi, Reinis and the others stopped.

"This is?"

Reinis suddenly felt her eyes heat up, and she touched her eyes in astonishment. Before she knew it, her eyes had turned red, looking extremely scary.

This is her innate perception-type magic eye, which cannot be controlled by herself. When exposed to magic power, her eyes will heat up, and her pupils will turn into a flame-like color.

"Wait! There is a powerful magic reaction here! Be careful!"

Reinis' face changed slightly and she immediately shouted a reminder.

"Oh? It seems that there is a magician with good perception."

With a soft sigh, Mordred didn't intend to hide her figure at all. She just transformed into a spirit body around Xia Li to observe the environment. She didn't expect that an unexpected visitor would come to her door so soon.

And the breath of one of them made her very familiar and uncomfortable, like King Arthur!

The red and white armor with sharp edges and corners appeared, and what appeared in front of El-Melloi II was a blond woman holding a dangerous magic sword.

She stared at Gray, who was hidden under the hood, with eyes full of unkindness, while pointing at her with the tip of the magic sword in her hand, and said in a dark and dangerous tone.

"How courageous! The counterfeit dares to appear in front of me, Mordred, I will cleanse those who blaspheme the king with my own sword!"

(End of this chapter)

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