Chapter 73 Orthodox Berserker
Xia Li also saw a tall figure standing in front of him. His red eyes were like muscles made of bronze, and his dark skin had a metallic luster.

With a height of [-] meters, it can be said that his development is a bit abnormal. Iskandar, who is [-] meters tall, looks like a child in front of him.

Not to mention Xia Li and Tohsaka Rin, compared with the guy in front of him, they are the same as those who came out of Lilliputian.

Holding a huge gray axe and sword, he stood barefoot and silent, wearing a somewhat primitive battle skirt on his lower body.

If you mistakenly think that he is some kind of abnormally developed primitive man with this attire, it is a big mistake.

Among the people present, only Xia Li and Hong A knew each other's real name, and maybe Solomon should be added.

Beside the dark and tall giant, there is also an insignificant, petite and pretty little girl. Because the height difference is too great, everyone's first gaze will involuntarily look at the tall giant, and subconsciously ignore her.

With long silver hair and red pupils, she is a cute and perfect little girl, wearing a purple dress and hat, with an innocent smile on her fair face.

"Hehe, it's our first time meeting, poor Masters, I'm Ilya, Ilyasphiel von Einzbern."

The cute and beautiful silver-haired little loli raised her purple dress with both hands and bowed politely, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

But what the tender and sweet loli voice said made everyone present feel a little uncomfortable, and there were sharp spikes hidden under the polite words.

Xia Li and Solomon's expressions did not change at all, they just watched each other's performance coldly.

Xia Li is confident and not worried. Solomon has persistent facial paralysis. Even if the world explodes next moment, it will not change anything. Of course, he will occasionally show a formulaic, very professional and polite smile.

But Rin Tohsaka was different. After checking the panel of Hercules with the master ability, she was startled and broke out in cold sweat.

"Almost all values ​​are in the A is this possible?!"

Looking at the tall and strong giant in front of her, she swallowed with difficulty, compared with the pitiful value of the red a that she summoned, it was a heaven and a hell.

I'm afraid that if you get close to her a few times, all the shit from her followers will be cut out.

Even Saber, who she has always considered the best, is completely inferior to Berserker in front of her eyes except for the Noble Phantasm, which makes her feel like her idol image has collapsed.

In fact, Arturia in a normal state can still break arms with Hercules, but now she is unable to exert her original strength due to the drag of Emiya Shirou.

call out!
While everyone was still watching, Hong A suddenly raised the black straight bow in his hand, and shot out an arrow like a red laser in an instant. Of course, it was not Hercules, but Illya beside him.

If it was an ordinary Holy Grail War, Red A would not attack Illya, because he knew it was useless.

Now the large-scale disappearance of human beings made him very anxious, and now he felt very angry when he saw Illya blocking the way. He was just expressing his dissatisfaction.

Even if it is a surprise attack, the attack will not be effective.

The tall and dark giant was like a guardian. He raised the rough gray ax and sword in his hand, captured the trajectory of the red arrow very accurately, and slapped it away with a light wave.

Facing the attack of arrows, Illya, who was as delicate and beautiful as a doll, didn't even blink her eyes, because she firmly believed that Berserker was the strongest!

Just like Jason firmly believes that Hercules is the strongest.

"It's not good to be so impatient~ This big brother with a very dark complexion."

Ilya still maintained a smile on her face, and the smile contained a hint of coldness.

"Hey, there are three Servants on our side, if we obediently get out of the way, we can pretend we didn't see them."

Rin Tohsaka stood up and wanted to negotiate. At the same time, she glared at Hong A fiercely with her eyes, as if she was very dissatisfied with his sudden attack.

Hong A curled his lips and turned his head without any intention of admitting his mistake. He knew the character of his cheap old lady better than Tohsaka Rin. What Tohsaka Rin said just now must be useless.

It is precisely because of the inability to negotiate, which is as smelly and hard as the stones in the hut, that's why Hong A became very angry after being blocked.

Because he knew that if he didn't repel Hercules, he wouldn't be able to rush to the scene, and every second would expand the range of victims.

And it's useless to talk about big things with his cheap old lady. Although she looks like a cute little girl, she has a cruel heart. She doesn't care about the lives of ordinary people in Fuyuki City like Red A.

"So what if there are three of them? Berserker is the strongest."

Illya smiled and didn't intend to retreat at all, she glanced lightly and didn't pay attention to the servants present at all.

"And didn't you start the fight first?"

She tilted her head slightly and showed a very wicked expression, as if she didn't block the way to provoke her first.

"Berserker, come on!"

The dark giant who had been standing silently moved, perfectly interpreting what it means to be as quiet as a virgin and move like a mad rabbit. He raised the rough gray ax and sword in his hand, and the muscles all over his body lit up with a red halo, which instantly swelled up like inflated eyes.


It let out a deafening roar like a ferocious beast, bowed slightly like a cheetah, its legs burst out with amazing power, and with a loud bang, it was ejected like a super electromagnetic gun.

The blown air currents blew Illya's long silver hair by her ears, and she leisurely and quietly watched Hercules' next performance.

"It's been a long time since I saw such a genuine Berserker!"

Seeing that Uncle B was about to show off his power, Xia Li sighed. There are not many Berserkers who can still maintain the setting of sacrificing reason in exchange for strength.

It can only be said that Uncle B suffered from being too early. Look at the messy Berserkers in Chaldea. Not only can they speak and think logically, but they are also very clear!

He looked at the smooth and delicate skin in front of him, and the delicate and lovely silver-haired little loli, who looked like a loli, but was actually an alchemy artificial human, and he was thinking about how to deal with it.

If you want to kill Uncle B in one go, you have to use the human cannon hovering over Fuyuki City. Although Uncle B holds the Twelve Trials, a treasure that can be revived, if you take excessive damage in one breath, it will consume your stored lives.

In the Atlantic Mystery Belt of Atlantis, Uncle B was attacked by Artemis, the real machine god sniper starfighter, who used orbital bombardment to shoot you, the gold that pierces the stars, and evaporated all twelve lives in one breath.

Human cannons can also achieve this effect, but the entire Fuyuki City will be bombed to the sky!
Seeming to have noticed Xia Li's gaze, Illya returned a polite and innocent smile. If those lolicons saw it, she would definitely have a nosebleed, and then shouted how cute it was.

Xia Li also waved his hand slightly, and politely responded to Illya's smile, which made her a little curious. It's unreasonable to be so calm under the threat of Berserker!
"Caster, what can you do to target these two."

Little did he know that Xia Li was already asking the Almighty Solomon for advice.

"The great hero of the Age of Gods is not easy to deal with, and his treasure is not easy to deal with, but it is easy to deal with her Master."

Solomon said calmly, he saw at a glance that Illya was the product of alchemy crystallization.

Xia Li scratched his head in confusion. It should be easy for all servants to deal with magicians, right?But the question now is, how to bypass Uncle B's defense?
Or did he get it wrong, and Solomon meant something else?
There was a violent clash of swords and axes, and Hercules' powerful and heavy attack almost knocked Arturia into the ground. Her petite body resisted the blow of the ax and sword, but her feet sank like a crater.

There was no other way, as both the skill level and the bow level around her were long-range, so she had no choice but to take the initiative to resist Hercules' attack.

(End of this chapter)

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