Chapter 78
The demon god ordered her as if she had never heard of it, her charming face was like a peach blossom, and she was full of smiles, her frivolous and ambiguous eyes were fixed on Xia Li, and her red eyes reflected the love from the goddess.

The round and plump chest with creamy skin is simply decorated with golden flower-like decorations, the glittering gold-like cosmic patterns spread on the arms, and the long white hair gently fluttering inside is the vast and boundless cosmic starry sky.

Hong A shook his head slightly to try to wake himself up, did he read something wrong just now?
Why is the look of this being summoned by the self-proclaimed Demon God so familiar?

Unlike the dull Emiya Shirou, he can clearly distinguish the girl's emotions, so he immediately felt that there was an indescribably absurd sense of humor in the scene.

He felt that the girl Matou Sakura changed colors seemed...wrong!It's about being interested in someone at the scene, with undisguised burning eyes, a hundred times stronger than Matou Sakura's emotion when looking at Shirou Emiya.

Red A followed the other person's line of sight, expecting to see a face that he hated very much, but unexpectedly saw Xia Li.

Red a: "..."

Is it his illusion?Or is Matou Sakura empathizing with each other?Anyway, he is not very sure. After becoming a guardian, his memory and feelings for the people and things in Fuyuki City have been obliterated very faintly.

Tohsaka Rin is also a girl, and she immediately understood what this very straight gaze meant.

Although her demeanor and temperament are very different from her sister Matou Ying, even her hair color has changed, but this is not the first time that her hair color has changed, and she accepted it after being shocked for a while.

Tohsaka Rin also followed the gaze of her sister "Matou Sakura". She thought she would see a nosy red-haired boy, but then she was stunned again because the person her sister was staring at was actually Xia Li.

Tohsaka Rin: "..."

She is a little mentally disturbed. Although she has little contact with Matou Sakura in school, girls are more emotionally mature than boys. She still vaguely feels the subtle difference in Matou Sakura's attitude towards Emiya Shirou.

Could it be her illusion?My sister Matou Sakura actually likes someone else?

But this is wrong!It wasn't long before Xia Li transferred to another school, how did they know each other!
"Hey, explain to me why Sakura is looking at you like that!"

Tohsaka Rin approached Xia Li quietly, and asked in a low voice annoyed, she urgently needed an explanation.

The approach of the young girl brought a breeze, implying a unique and fresh girly body fragrance, and the way she bared her teeth showed that she was in a hurry.

"You think she's your sister?"

Xia Li didn't turn his head, but asked a question like this. He looked at the white-haired figure in front of him solemnly.

This powerful fluctuation of magic power has far exceeded the level that ordinary followers can achieve, and is a follower of the gods.

Looking at the lines on Kamo's arm, Xia Li thought for a second, maybe it was a worse existence than the servants of the gods.

He knew that another hidden aspect of Kama was Mara, the sixth-day demon king in Buddhism. Under the normal state of love, the ratio of Kama to Mara was six to four.

But if the composition of Mara rises, then Kama will transform from the god of love to the demon king of love and desire. In this state, the power will soar rapidly and become one of the catastrophes that will destroy mankind.

However, Xia Li vaguely remembered that one of the preconditions for Kama to become the third beast was not only to find a human body suitable for the existence of the spirit base, but also to fish those outrageous creation gods in India.

Indian mythology is also quite outrageous, and the blessings I have given cannot be solved by myself, and a lot of weird things have happened.

It is because the Indian gods Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma are too outrageous, so they basically exist conceptually in the moon world, and they are usually invisible.

In the world of reincarnation of creation and death in the Fourth Lost Belt, because the god Arjuna absorbed almost all the powers of the gods, he gave the Indian gods in the pan-human history a collective sap, causing the three-phase gods to fall into a weak state.

This gave Mara a chance to slip out, which is really in line with the plot development of Indian mythology.

"What are you waiting for, go kill them, kill these magicians and Servants!"

Seeing that Kamo didn't act immediately, Barbatos became a little anxious and began to urge him. He didn't have any doubts about the strength of the great evil god he summoned.

After absorbing Gilgamesh, the evil of this world, and the power of the Holy Grail, Barbatos estimated that her spirit foundation has become stronger than ever, reaching the level of a god.

It is basically easy to deal with ordinary servants, and only the top existence among servants can barely compete with it.

Disturbed by the Demon God Pillar to appreciate Xia Li's face, Kamo glanced lightly at the existence hidden in the thick fog barrier. The girl's beautiful willow eyebrow slightly raised in one eye, and slightly lowered in the other eye.

A trembling and dangerous smile curled up at the corner of his mouth, this look was like a crumb of crumbs, very contemptuous and sneering.

This ugly pillar actually dares to order her, let it disappear into the universe later~
Anyway, without the cooperation of the Demon God Pillar, she can already take root in this universe.

When Kamo turned her mind, she noticed Solomon next to Xia Li. She frowned secretly. Fortunately, it was only an ordinary avatar, and the real body was hidden in the inherent barrier linking the universe.

It shouldn't attract human attention, but she really hates people interrupting the long-lost reunion.

But this is still not safe. The spiritual veins in the land should be used to drag the entire Fuyuki City into the inherent barrier.

Kama raised his white fingers to the sky, and in an instant, the entire Fuyuki City shook, and the white aurora shot straight into the sky from the ground.

Circles of pink halos above the sky gradually spread, and the entire sky was stained with pink rouge. The range covered by the pink halo of hundreds of meters, thousands of meters is rapidly expanding.

In the blink of an eye, the entire Fuyuki City was enveloped, Hong A's expression was startled, his eyes were quick, and his hands were quick to instantly project a fake spiral sword, and Fantasia Honkai launched it instantly with a longbow.

He wanted to interrupt the enemy's moves, but Kamo didn't care about the tickling attack at all, and stared at the flying arrows indifferently.

The pink love flame suddenly appeared, and the fake spiral sword was completely burned by the love flame in the middle of the flight.

"Are you Kamo!"

Seeing that Xia Li stared at her and asked, his tone was very affirmative.

Seeing that Xia Li took the initiative to talk to her, Kamo looked very happy with his eyes squinted into a crescent shape, and the corner of his mouth evoked a sweet smile full of spring girls, and replied very ambiguously and gently.

"That's right, I·is·you, very cute and lovely Kama-chan!~"

During the conversation, the barrier was covered so far, and the atmosphere above Fuyuki City seemed to have disappeared, and the vast and boundless starry sky of the universe could be seen very intuitively when looking up.

Although he was dragged into the body of the beast, Xia Li was still calm, because there was a big boss beside him, so he subconsciously turned his head to see Solomon.

Then something happened that made him suffocated and stunned. Solomon, who was standing near him before, disappeared, and he was nowhere to be seen!
"If you're looking for your own Caster, I just saw him escape by magic."

Looking at Xia Li's dull expression, Iskandar stood up and added an explanation.

no!Solomon, how can you collapse and sell yourself!
Outside the barrier of Fuyuki City, Solomon looked indifferently at the city covered by the barrier of beasts. The reason why he suddenly collapsed and fled was because of the reminder of the inherent skill revelation. If he continued to stay, he might be wiped out.

Since the apocalypse reminded him that this is the optimal route, it proves that Xia Li is not life-threatening.

(End of this chapter)

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