Chapter 8 The Princess of Astronomy
Although Xia Li repeatedly explained that he was an ordinary person and there was no danger, Olga Marie, who was already panicked, did not believe him immediately.

After all, this place is really weird, it seems to be an inherent enchantment that can always exist, and has already eroded part of the real space.

Olga Marie now very much thinks that she has been involved in some devil's lair, and it is just a stress response to Xia Li.

Xia Li also noticed at this time that Olga Marie was very emotionally unstable. In order to prevent her from misfiring, she accidentally died in the hands of the future.

He had no choice but to shut his mouth quietly, maintain the French gesture of raising his hands, stabilize Olga Marie's emotions, and patiently wait for her to calm down before speaking.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a while, Xia Li and Olga Marie stared at each other, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Olga Marie looked at a summer calendar lying flat and captured by you, and she became confused and didn't know what to do. After all, her usual range of activities was the clock tower and her father's astronomy department.

Although it can touch the mysteries that ordinary people don't know, but generally speaking, she is a spoiled young lady who lacks paternal love. She is really unfamiliar with kidnappers and other threats!
The dirty and dark side in the clock tower is usually dealt with by her maid Tereza, so she is actually different from ordinary magicians who are cold-blooded and ruthless, and more like a vulgar person with emotions.

If he meets other magicians, Xia Li must see that the situation is not good and run away, or call Abi with his voice out loud. After all, magicians in Xingyue are generally abnormal, and killing people without blinking an eye for their own magic is the lightest thing.

It was also because he was familiar with the voice, and when he came up to sneak a peek, it turned out to be the director, so he dared to stand up and talk to him.

The facts were just as Xia Li had expected. Although Olga Marie was very vigilant at the first moment and threatened him not to approach him with a fierce look, she was at a loss when she really lay down.

In fact, she had never considered killing people in her heart. Seeing that Xia Li was so well-behaved and really threatening, she hesitated for a while before extinguishing the magic light bullet in her hand.

Even the low-level magic in her hands is afraid, probably she is not a magician, but an innocent commoner who was involved.

"Huh, do you believe me?"

After seeing Olga Marie's drums and flags subsided, and the magic formula on her fingertips disappearing, Xia Li could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

To be honest, holding the French posture all the time, my arms are really tired...

"Hmph, I'm the heir to the monarch of the Clock Tower's Astrophysical Department, how can I be afraid of common people like you?"

Although she was really nervous, Olga Marie still crossed her arms, slightly lifted her newly developed breasts, and said with an unnaturally arrogant face.

"But you looked really scared just now, and you were trembling nervously."

The little boss is also very cute, Xia Li couldn't help laughing when he recalled Olga Marie's embarrassment just now.

He just subconsciously wanted to tease Olga Marie, but what he didn't expect was that the future director would be so thin-skinned.

It was just a sentence, and Olga Marie reacted very strongly. She pointed at Xia Li like a cat with fried hair, her face was flushed and she looked really angry.

"You, you, what are you talking about! I told you not to tell anyone about this, did you hear me!"

Recalling how she lost her composure in front of a commoner before, Olga Marie felt very ashamed, how could she inherit the astronomy department, and how could she impress her father!
She has always been very strict with herself, just to make her father look at her more with her excellent grades.

But the performance just now gave her a blow, she is still far behind, how can such a bad performance inherit the astronomy department, it reminds her of the recent indifference of her father who didn't even say a word to her.

Olga Marie lost control of her emotions, biting her lip and feeling sad in her heart.

"Anyway, did you hear that!"

She put her hands on her waist and looked at Xia Li fiercely, her pale golden eyes were somewhat stubborn.

"I know I know!"

Xia Li could only nod his head immediately like a chicken pecking at rice. He could see that the director was really serious. If he continued to stimulate him, a magic missile might really kill him.

"Do you know where this place is?"

After calming down, Olga Marie's ears were still a little red, so she had to change the subject awkwardly, and asked about the summer calendar to see if she could learn any useful information.


Xia Li also truthfully revealed the real information.

Olga Marie blinked when she heard the words, and stayed where she was for a moment. She looked at Xia Li carefully, and couldn't help but ask after making sure she had heard correctly.

"Are you sure? This is Salem? But I'm clearly in the clock tower of the London Magic Association?"

"United States, Massachusetts, Salem, is this message clear enough?"

Xia Li knew that Olga Marie still couldn't believe it, so he had to report the place name again, anyway, she would understand when she saw those Puritans.

"Do you know what you're talking about?! Do you know how far it is from London, England to Salem, the United States? And it's such a large piece of land, it's impossible even with magic!"

Olga Marie immediately went crazy. Whether it was to suddenly move her to the United States, or to replace Salem near London, England, it was an extremely appalling and unbelievable magic trick.

If it's the former, it's okay, even the monarch of the clock tower can't do it, but there is also the second magician, Marshal of the Demon Dao, who is amazing but still understandable.

If it's the latter, it's really outrageous, and Xia Li's next sentence directly caused Olga Marie's brain to shut down.

"Although it's Salem, this is 1692."

After he finished speaking, he saw that Olga Marie's footsteps seemed a little unsteady, she was stepping on short high heels... maybe short low heels, she almost fell flat, and her face was faintly pale.

Not only the replacement in space, but also the replacement in time, this is something that violates human reason!
Perhaps Olga Marie didn't care about this concept at this time, but she knew that she was facing a big problem, and it was something that even her father or the monarchs of the Magic Association might find it difficult to solve.


Olga Marie still had a glimmer of hope, looking at Xia Li helplessly, hoping that he would say no.

"Uh, you can see for yourself when the time comes, you don't really believe me when I say empty words."

Looking at Olga Marie's hopeful eyes, Xia Li scratched his head and couldn't bear to break it.

At this time, Olga Marie, who had gradually relaxed her concentration, accidentally saw the bright red seal of the command spell on the back of Xia Li's hand while waving his hand. Her pupils constricted and she immediately cried out in shock.

"Wait! What's the mark on your hand?!"

(End of this chapter)

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