Chapter 84 Excalibur
"Girl, can you follow?"

When Matou Sakura was confused and confused, a soft greeting came from her mind. Her voice was very similar to Matou Sakura's, but more crisp and confident.

"Who? Speak from my body..."

Matou Sakura was very surprised, she heard a voice that seemed to be her own even though there was no one around.

"Hehe, don't be too nervous, I'm not some evil god, you just treat me as your patron saint, back spirit or something like that."

"I can't show up for some reason, because I would be spotted by uh... very troublesome guys anyway."

The unknown goddess sighed helplessly, Kama's power has been fully deployed, and it is extremely disadvantageous to fight in her domain.

Speaking of it, it was the first time she had seen the Xia calendar, and it couldn't be said that it was the first time. Under the interference of God Vishnu, she obtained the form and memory of the spirit base from another self.

The reason why it is hidden in Matou Sakura's body is because this girl has a wonderful and inseparable fate with her, and they are very compatible in terms of spiritual foundation, so they can hide their aura very well.

To the current Kama, Matou Sakura is just a shadow that is ignored. Since it is a shadow, it is not so easy to detect what the shadow is hiding.

"God? Is there really a god in this world?"

Matou Sakura murmured in a low voice, with inexplicable emotions in her tone, if there is really a god in the world, why would her life be so miserable and painful.

As if sensing Matou Sakura's emotions, the unknown goddess fell silent. She is a kind-hearted goddess, at least the one who appeared this time is a kind side. Vishnu can't add fuel to the fire and cause trouble for herself.

She felt sorry for Matou Sakura's experience, and even had the illusion of empathy because of her high compatibility.

She knew what kind of trauma this taciturn girl had suffered in her heart, and there were scars under her delicate and sensitive heart.

"I'm very sorry about that, God can't control people now..."

The unknown goddess explained very dryly, and it was obvious that she was very embarrassed. The power of the gods may be very powerful in the eyes of humans, but they are the remnants of the old era that have been abandoned by the times.

The laws of physics covering the surface of the planet are an environment created for the intellectual body, and there is no space for the existence of gods and spirits.

"Strong and beautiful person, now that boy is falling into the abyss and needs your help, just like you once did."

Matou Sakura was a little silent when she heard this. If this is the case, why didn't anyone come to help her at that time?

A white-haired figure with a vague face flashed in her mind, although it was only a residual impression, something that should have been forgotten long ago, but now she suddenly remembered it.

At that time, someone was indeed helping him, but his strength was too weak to change anything.

Do you now have the power to change things?

Thinking of this, Matou Sakura suddenly felt a force that could not be ignored all over her body, and a golden U-shaped trident automatically appeared in her hand.

This is the sacred tool of Shiva, the god of destruction. I don't know that the information of this weapon automatically appeared in the mind of Kazuo Matou Sakura.

"It looks like you have figured it out, girl?"

The unknown goddess smiled gratifiedly, perhaps because of her influence, Matou Sakura felt that her mood was more active and relaxed than usual, and there was a strange emotion in her chest.

"If this is true..."

Looking at the golden trident in her hand, Matou Sakura's eyes were a little loose. Her character has always been to bear it silently. Even if she was bullied or bullied, she would just say nothing, because she had no one to confide in.

Now that the burden on her was gone, a sudden impulse to change something surged in her heart. Thinking of the back of that classmate just now, she had a strange and familiar emotion.

It's like seeing a senior, if it is a senior, you can't ignore it...

There was a flash of firmness in Matou Sakura's eyes, as if she had made some decision.

On the other side, Xia Li held the sword of vowed victory and ran on the top of the buildings in Fuyuki City, like a master of extreme parkour, concentrating his strength and jumping up from the edge of the balcony of the five-story building.

With the blessing of enhanced magic, he showed amazing jumping ability, leaping a distance of seven or eight meters in the air, jumping over like an antelope flying across.

Xia Li's eyes narrowed and he threw out the sword of vowed victory in advance, and an arrow with a faint golden light flew quickly, and then it was inserted into the concrete wall of the opposite building impartially.

He adjusted his posture and leaned forward the moment he landed. He rolled on his back several times on the balcony of the reinforced concrete building.

On the way, he pulled out the sword of vowed victory inserted in the cement of the balcony of the building. The series of actions can be described as neat, exciting and dangerous.

He had learned his lesson that when running on the ground, he would bump into someone, just like Matou Sakura he just bumped into, so now he was running on the roof like a parkour master.

That is to say, his magical power is almost inexhaustible, so that he can maintain such a long-term high-intensity enhanced magic. As the saying goes, it is the most tempered in actual combat.

During the high-intensity use of enhanced magic, Xia Li also realized some experiences. First of all, he felt that the effect of enhanced magic was the same as the internal force in the world of martial arts.

You can see farther when you use it on your eyes, and you can jump higher when you use it on your legs. If you can further strengthen precise parts, such as muscles or skin, will it become fleshy and able to hit?
He can't do such a fine level now, he can only forcefully increase the output of magic power by flying bricks, so he is full of magic power.

He felt that the whole world was slowing down, with the sound of the wind blowing in his ears, the traces of dirt in the residential buildings that were not cleaned frequently, and the lines on the leaves of the big trees in the distance could be clearly seen.

"Speaking of which, why is Matou Sakura stronger than me...?"

While running wildly all the way, Xia Li remembered the scene when he met Matou Sakura, and still frowned slightly in puzzlement. She was obviously a weak girl who didn't know any magic tricks, but why was he thrown away instead.

But now he doesn't have the heart of a famous detective to investigate, the most important thing is to rush to the big hole at the foot of Yuanzang Mountain.

"Four kilometers in 5 minutes, this speed is still too slow..."

Xia Li gritted his teeth and was very impatient. Even though this speed had surpassed the world sprint record he knew, the distance he jumped on the roof of the building just now far exceeded the world long jump record.

But he still felt that the speed was too slow. He just didn't know if there was an Olympic Games in Xingyue World. If there was, the world record should be different from what he knew, right?

After all, there is such a thing as a magician. Although magicians definitely don't bother to participate in any Olympic Games, let them appear in the live broadcast in front of the whole world, don't even think about it!
In the event plot, Chaldea held the Olympic Games, which is not something ordinary people can participate in. It is full of monsters, ghosts, gods and heroes.

"finally reached!"

Running all the way through the forest in the suburbs, Xia Li finally arrived at the foot of a mountain. He looked solemnly at the nearby Liudong Temple in front of him.

He knew that the inside of the mountain was actually a hollow, a place for magic rituals to place the Great Holy Grail. Although the floor of Liudong Temple was as hard as the invincible defense against Suzheng, even curry sticks and EA waves couldn't break it.

But today Xia Li is about to challenge. He clenched the sapphire-like hilt of the Sword of Promised Victory with both hands, raised the holy sword with the tip of the sword in front of his chest with a serious face.

"Holy Sword! Please give me the power to break the cage!"

Xia Li took a deep breath and shouted solemnly. He didn't know if he could activate the holy sword. Theoretically, the treasure was bound to the servant.

Unless you have the ability to forcibly seize the control of the treasure like Lancelot's knight does not die with bare hands, or Uncle B's Tianfeng Snatcher, otherwise you won't be able to use the treasure for you.

However, his summer calendar seems to have broken this rule. The sword of the oath of victory in his hand, the silver-white blade that originally exuded a faint golden light, suddenly burst into an extremely dazzling and brilliant golden light.

The entire blade is like a strengthened version of a fluorescent stick. In order to prevent the magic power from being insufficient, a command spell was used. A bright red command spell on the back of the hand slowly disappeared, and a huge amount of magic power was poured into the holy sword.

The heaviest ultimate fantasy cast by the planet, absorbing and transforming magic power into an extremely aggressive pseudo-spirit full of heat.


There was no wind, the holy sword in Xia Li's hands suddenly burst into a violent storm, and the aftermath swept through his black hair, and then he slowly aimed at Yuanzangshan and swung his hands down forcefully, the tip of the sword burst out with infinite golden brilliance.


In the true name of calling the holy sword, the torrent formed by the golden light turned into a beam of light that seemed to penetrate everything. The beam of light hundreds of meters long was like a sharp blade, burning and engulfing everything along the way. The soil was scorched, and the big trees were turned into ashes.

Then it inserted straight into the mountain body of Yuanzang Mountain, and there was an earth-shattering rumbling sound like thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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