Chapter 98 Martial Artists From Every World

Xia Li looked at the gray-haired and blue-eyed beautiful woman in a daze, as if she looked familiar.

However, she was not in a daze like Xia Li, and she put down Xia Li who was hugging her chest after standing firmly.

Xia Li came back to his senses and acted like a stream of kindness, taking advantage of the situation and stepping firmly on the ground.

"You suddenly fell from the sky just now, and to be honest, I was also taken aback."

She was wearing black gloves on both hands, and she looked at Xia Li with emerald green eyes and said lightly.

It was obvious that her tone was not consistent with what she said. She might be a little puzzled but not surprised.

"Haha... I don't know what's going on, maybe I was born to do bungee jumping..."

Xia Li said with some embarrassment and embarrassment, and then he quickly thanked the other party.

"By the way, thank you for saving me just now, otherwise I would have fallen to my death."

Only now did he have the opportunity to observe the whole appearance of this cheongsam-clad woman. His first impression of her was that she had a very slender figure. A streamlined figure was what many girls dreamed of.

Well, it's perfect if you exclude the boobs.

"It's nothing, it's just a trivial matter. Speaking of which, you are the same as me, were you suddenly pulled over by something?"

She nodded lightly and didn't care about what happened just now, but there was a trace of unsolvable doubt lingering between her brows.

It can be seen that this question has been bothering her for some time.

"You can say that, but I was pulled here to save others."

Xia Li nodded to confirm her statement, there is no need to hide this kind of thing, after all, everyone has clearly seen how he suddenly appeared.

These words caused a subtle change in her eyes, and she seemed to find something by taking a second look at Xia Li.

She didn't realize it until she was tricked. He seemed to be able to sense Xia Li's consciousness in advance?
"What's the matter? You seem a little puzzled?"

Xia Li asked a little strangely, because she was obviously silent for a while after he finished speaking.


She didn't say much, but just kept this doubt in her heart. There were too many puzzles and questions, and she couldn't deduce anything based on this clue alone.

"Since we all have the same experience, how about getting to know each other?"

Xia Li put his left hand in front of his chest and said with a smile, this is what he just learned from Ye Wen.

She glanced at Xia Li's hands-on salute and was a little surprised. She hadn't seen this way of greeting for some time.

"Okay, my servant, Fu Hua, is just a martial artist."

The gray-haired, blue-eyed woman named Fu Hua also presented the same salute and introduced in a very flat tone.

"...What, is there a problem?"

This time it was Xia Li's turn to look at her suspiciously, because his expression was so obvious that Fu Hua thought there was something wrong with his introduction.

"Xi Wu can jump so high?"

Xia Li's instinct was triggered. Although this woman named Fu Hua was telling the truth, she seemed to have deliberately omitted one sentence in ten sentences, which could easily lead to misjudgment.

And he always felt that she looked familiar, as if he had seen her before, as if in a well-drawn CG advertisement...

Fu Hua thought it was some kind of question, but it turned out to be this question, and this question is very complicated to explain, should she explain in detail what Taixu Sword Qi is?

"It's a long story, let's talk again when we have time."

Fu Hua politely refused, and Xia Li was also very emotional and did not continue to ask. After all, when you talk to someone you don't know well, unless you are a fool, you will disclose all your information.

"By the way, what kind of place is this?"

Looking at the unfamiliar environment around him, Xia Li asked instinctively.

Looking around, he found that they were all ancient wooden buildings, surrounding the earthen stone wall outside the courtyard, and the road surface was a path paved with countless stone slabs.

"It should be a film and television city in Shenzhou."

Seeing that he was still puzzled, Fu Hua stood up and said in plain words with a little affirmation.

"Huh? How are you so sure?"

Xia Li looked back at her and asked with some doubts, this tone seemed to be a bit mysterious?

Fu Hua frowned slightly when she heard the words, and sighed helplessly. It should be something that made her speechless.

"Because just before, there was a guy called a director who was very excited after chasing after him. He wanted me to play the heroine in his play."

"Haha... so that's the case, maybe you really have the potential to be a superstar?"

Such a funny thing made Xia Li laugh out loud, and then said to her in a somewhat joking tone.

At the same time, he looked Fu Hua up and down again, and couldn't help praising the director's vision in his heart. He had a beautiful and slender figure, and his appearance was also top-notch.

The most important thing is temperament. She has a unique temperament that an actor who graduated from an art school can't imitate no matter what.

With the advantages of Xiaoxianrou but without the disadvantages of Xiaoxianrou, no wonder the director fell in love with Fu Hua at a glance.

And judging by Fu Hua's somewhat helpless expression, it should not be a simple invitation, but a very fanatical pursuit.

All of a sudden, Fu Hua seemed to have sensed something, and in a blink of an eye, he quickly hid. The speed was so fast that Xia Li didn't even know when he disappeared.

"Oops, that pestering director is coming, I'll hide for a while."

Xia Li looked left and right with a blank face, because he didn't notice anyone nearby?
After a while, he saw a vigorous man in white clothes running fast in the ancient city of film and television, and ran past him in an instant.

"he is……?!"

Although it only passed by in a flash, Xia Li was shocked when he saw his appearance. Did he run past some of the greatest kung fu stars in Hollywood just now?

When Xia Li wiped his eyes and wanted to take a closer look, the man in white that he was very familiar with disappeared from his vision in an instant.

At the same time, after a while, Xia Li also understood why he ran so fast, because there was a large group of people behind him, and the leader was panting and shouting loudly.

"Don't run away! I don't mean anything malicious, I just want to sign you to act in a play!"

“The treatment is negotiable!!!”

This seems to be the nagging director Fu Hua mentioned?
Xia Li looked at the elderly man, but the blazing flames in his eyes seemed to be the eruption of the Saint Seiya Cosmos. He looked emotional as if he had won the lottery, and after taking a few breaths, he chased after him.

Only Xia Li was left in a mess in the wind, watching the fanatical star-chaser director leave with a dazed expression.

"This is the director I was talking about who asked me to act."

I don't know when Fu Hua quietly appeared again, standing beside Xia Li and said in a flat tone.

"It seems that the director has a new target. Shall we catch up and see the situation?"

Xia Li felt as if he had grasped some key point. If the person who ran past just now was just similar in appearance, it would be fine. The key point is that he was 100% sure of the smooth movements, and he was also a martial arts practitioner.

If he was also forced to come here, then Xia Li vaguely guessed the key point. It seems that as long as he is a famous martial arts practitioner, he will be pulled to this world.

And the person who was going to pull him before should not be him, but Ye Wen who was teaching him boxing, but he was pulled over in place of Ye Wen.

As soon as Xia Li thought of this, he immediately planned to catch up to see the situation. Fu Hua didn't want to go at first, after all, she was still in the chaos of headless flies and didn't know what happened.

Except for Xia Li, who obviously had the same experience as her, she didn't know any more information.

Looking at the back of Xia Li chasing after her, Fu Hua thought for a while and also moved to follow. Even if he met the director who was pestering her, he could easily get away with his own skills.

On the other side, Huang Feihong woke up suddenly in a private house, and heard a cry for help coming from his ear.


He was shocked in his heart. As a warm-hearted hero, he immediately got up from the bed and planned to go to see what was going on.

Wearing a white Zhongshan gown, he pushed open the doors and windows anxiously. When he was passing the railing on the second floor, he was suddenly attracted by a group of strange-looking people in the living room below.

He looked down and his eyes were a little dull, because it was a few walkers dressed in feces yellow and Imperial Japanese Army uniforms, lying on the ground in a very indecent position and playing with their mobile phones.

"Who are you?"

Huang Feihong asked subconsciously, and countless question marks popped up in his heart.

Several Japanese soldiers playing with mobile phones heard the news, all looked up at Huang Feihong in the middle and upper coat on the second floor, with blood stains on his face, they looked at each other and shrugged, and then all lowered their heads to play the mobile game king The glory goes.

In the film and television city, Huang Feihong's outfit was not strange, so they didn't care about Huang Feihong's problems.

Just when Huang Feihong wanted to ask, there was another cry for help from outside the house. Huang Feihong didn't care about these Japanese soldiers who were playing tricks, and turned over from the railing on the second floor and jumped directly.

While landing a front flip with ease, he quickly ran after the sound source.

When he pushed open the door, he just bumped into the camera sliding on the track, and even the cameraman was affected by him, and one of them missed and fell to the ground.

In front of him was a group of people in strange costumes, some with microphones and some with spotlights, obviously they were filming.

Huang Feihong subconsciously stabilized the camera sliding in front of him. At this moment, the man in white suddenly broke into the sky and flew over a large group of crew members. Huang Feihong gave a secret praise when he saw this.

"Good work!"

And all these scenes happened to be captured by the camera in Huang Feihong's hand. Sitting in front of the screen and filming the anti-Japanese drama director, he looked at the scene in front of him and complained.

"What are you doing? You have filmed too many anti-Japanese dramas, so how come you still have light skills?"

(End of this chapter)

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