The opening of the courtyard is a proficiency panel

Chapter 20 Steaming Steamed Buns, The Responses of Animals and Beasts Seeking Further Reading and In

Chapter 20 Steaming Steamed Buns, The Responses of Animals and Beasts Seeking Further Reading and Investment
It stands to reason that with a salary like the uncle's, even if he eats meat every day, the salary can still cover him.

But who made him an extinct family? He has no son, so he still has to consider for his own retirement.

Saving money for retirement is actually a sad story.

In the future, his house, money, etc. will belong to others, but he has no descendants, which means that Lao Yi's family will have no descendants in his generation.

But he has no choice but to cultivate candidates for the elderly in the compound, and the short-lived ghost Jia Dongxu has become his first choice.

When Lao Jia died, he asked Yi Zhonghai to help take care of Dongxu and his orphans and widows, and gave him a suitable excuse to directly accept Jia Dongxu as his apprentice.

At that time, Jia Dongxu was young, and there were only orphans and widows in his family, so he had to follow his arrangements.

Therefore, Yi Zhonghai planned this link in advance. Of course, he didn't plan for Lao Jia's accident.

It was after Lao Jia's death that he began to think about accepting Jia Dongxu as an apprentice, and let him take care of him in the meantime.

Under Yi Zhonghai's firm control, Jia Dongxu has only passed the exam as a first-level fitter, and he has to wait for a while to pass the second-level exam. Sometimes the family can't make it through, and he has to pay for it for a while. This is all a favor.

All of these were clearly calculated by Yi Zhonghai. As long as there were no problems with his retirement plan, there would be nothing Yi Zhonghai could care about in the compound.

Yi Zhonghai ate the cabbage, tofu and egg soup made by his aunt, and then crushed the steamed buns and soaked them in. It tasted delicious, but suddenly he smelled a strong aroma. Yi Zhonghai immediately recognized that smell as the aroma of Erhe noodles steamed buns.

This is the only bad thing in the compound. Whoever cooks something delicious can smell it very quickly, and then attract some envious and jealous beasts to find fault.

Yi Zhonghai took a deep breath and said, "Who is this steamed Erhemen steamed buns here again, and the conditions are so good."

The aunt said, "I'll go out and have a look."

There are not many families in the compound who can steam Erhe noodles steamed buns. The first mother went out and followed the scent, and saw that it was the old He's house. He Yuzhu lifted the lid of the pot, and the first mother saw the yellow and black Erhe noodles.

Sure enough, it was the old He's family, which was similar to what she had guessed, but the smell of the steamed buns was really delicious.

She wanted to ask for a few, but fortunately, she wanted face, and she couldn't get rid of the elder's face.

So he had no choice but to go back resentfully. Yi Zhonghai saw her coming back and said, "How is it? It's in the compound, which one is steaming Erhe noodles?"

"Old He's house."

"He Daqing's family?"

"Yes, the Erhe noodle steamed buns steamed by that idiot from the He family."

Hearing this, Yi Zhonghai swallowed immediately, he also wanted to eat steamed buns with Erhe noodles, but he also knew that He Daqing from the Intermediate Court was not easy to mess with, he was an idiot.

He Daqing can gain a firm foothold here in a courtyard house that is full of dangers and the neighbors are beasts. Can he not mix a little bit?
Before Yi Zhonghai remembers, Lao Jia was not there on that day. The mother-in-law of the Jia family, Jia Zhang, wanted to prostitute He Daqing to cook for him without paying him. Why would it be bad for the neighbors to give him his salary and spread the word?

In order to prevent Lao Jia from going to He Daqing in the middle of the night, Jia Zhang chose not to pay him.

Originally, if you were a good neighbor, He Daqing probably really didn't want the money.

But Jia Zhang's mouth was too stinky, as if He Daqing was supposed to cook for their family, it was his honor.

So, He Daqing reported Jia Zhang's that day, saying that she practiced feudal superstition at the funeral, threatened others by doing it, and defaulted on wages.

It belongs to the behavior of the old four possessions, is this okay?
Coupled with the severe crackdown that time, Jia Zhang was sent in for a while, and it was he and the deaf old lady who pleaded and pleaded, and then released Jia Zhang.

The Jiazhang family who was released was much more obedient, and no longer dared to fight directly with He Daqing, because she found that if she opened her mouth to scold the other party, he would really dare to rush up and slap her.

But what if she summoned Lao Jia?
He Daqing later reported her for engaging in feudal superstition, and had to be sent in. Jia Zhang only had those two brushes, stinky mouth, and summoned Lao Jia.

He Daqing restrained her so much that the Jia Zhang family didn't dare to confront He Daqing, but because of this, the relationship between the old He family and the Jia family has not been very good.

Even Yi Zhonghai didn't want to have any disputes with people like He Daqing, there was no way it would be too difficult.

The shadow of a famous tree knew that it was Old He's family who were steaming Erhe noodles steamed buns. Yi Zhonghai just sighed and didn't say anything.

The second uncle's house.

Liu Haizhong was eating the only fried egg on the dining table, the second child and the eldest child were watching helplessly, the third child hadn't been born yet.

Liu Haizhong is the only pillar of the family, so if there are any delicious and nutritious things, he will naturally be the first.

After all, it is a blacksmith, and that thing is a laborious job.

Liu Haizhong is now a fifth-level blacksmith, and his salary is not low. It is not easy to support the family.

So dare not waste money, it is not easy to keep eating a fried egg every day, as for the two young ones, in Liu Haizhong's heart, only the eldest will inherit his family business in the future, as for the second child, he just needs to survive starvation.

So Liu Guangqi, the eldest, can still eat cabbage and shredded potatoes, and still has a steamed corn bun in his hand, while the younger Liu Guangtian can only watch.

Treating him differently like this has already cast a shadow over the heart of the young Liu Guangtian, but he dare not say anything. It is already the greatest luck to be able to survive.

In the past, it's not that he didn't speak up, but every time his mother reprimanded him, or his father beat him up, and said he didn't understand the rules.

After a long time, Liu Guangtian also gradually understood his position in the family, and understood that silence is golden.

Quietly drinking his thin soup and pickled vegetables, at this moment, a strong fragrance came.

The second aunt asked suspiciously: "Who is this steaming the Erhe noodles steamed buns?"

Liu Haizhong said: "Who else can it be? It's not Lao Yi's house, it's Lao He's house, it's either Jia's house or Lao Xu's house, these are the only houses in the courtyard that have the conditions to steam Erhe noodles."

The old Xu family had only one son, Xu Damao, and Xu Fugui was a film projectionist in a rolling mill. With high salary and few jobs, it was a lucrative job. I don’t know how many people wanted to be this projectionist.

It is not surprising that his family can eat Erhe noodles steamed buns.

Needless to say, the Jia family, although Lao Jia is gone, but there is an old man Yi Zhonghai to take care of him, and Lao Yi's salary makes him greedy.

PS: Chapter 2 has already been credited to the account, please ask for a reward and ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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