Elf: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 698 [Interdimensional Space] and [Interdimensional Travel]

Hoopa got his wish.

Not only did it become a heterochromatic elf, it also became a unique heterochromatic elf.

The normal heterochromatic Hoopa will turn into gold, just like the Golden Magikarp. Whether it is the small Hoopa or the liberated Hoopa, it will be golden all over.

The different colors Hupa turns into are the colors of the rings changing.

Hupa's original golden ring turned into black and white.

The basic function of the ring is the same as before. Through the ring, Hupa can shuttle himself with others to achieve the effect of [teleportation] over long distances, and can also perform [fishing].

But get some reinforcements.

After merging with another Hupa and obtaining the liberated form, Hupa's ring had already been strengthened a lot, and now Hupa's ring has been further strengthened.

Take the shuttle function of the ring as an example. The previous Hupa's ring was inferior to Jirachi's use of small wishes to travel through space. Even if it becomes the liberated Hupa, it is not as good as Jirachi's use of small wishes.

After becoming the heterochromatic Hoopa, the shuttle ability of the Hoopa circle is already slightly stronger than Jirachi's little wish.

If blessed by Victini's infinite energy, Hupa's ring can even directly build a ring channel from the earth to the moon.

Unfortunately, this is Hupa's limit for now.

The distance between the earth, stars and the moon seems very far, but it is still not enough compared to the huge solar system, and it is even less than a drop in the bucket compared to the vast Milky Way.

In general, with the addition of Hoopa's ring, combined with Rayquaza's special flying ability and Jirachi's little wish, the three travel abilities are used alternately, and Mark's travel speed in the solar system has increased by about 30%. Enhanced, but still far from reaching the level of leaving the solar system.

As for [Laolao], similar to Jirachi's enhanced version of Little Wish, Hoopa's [Laolao] has become an enhanced version of [Laolao], which is a little stronger, but the strength is limited.

However, in addition to these basic improvements, the heterochromatic Hoopa also gains two special powers.

The black and white rings each have a power.

The black ring possesses the power of [different-dimensional space], and is also called "the treasure house of the demon god" by Hupa.

In fact, the so-called "Treasure House of the Demon God" contains no treasure at all. If Mark describes it, it is probably a space completely dominated by Hupa, or a world dominated by Hupa.

Through the black ring, Hupa can control the space controlled by it.

If they unfortunately enter Hupa's space, most elves will have no choice but to be slaughtered by Hupa like fish on a chopping board.

As for why Hupa calls the black ring's special ability the "Treasure House of the Demon God", it's because the current main function of this space is to store Hupa's signature.

Well, after becoming a heterochromatic Hupa, Hupa's obsession with signatures has not diminished, but has become more.

Mark was vaguely aware that this little guy Hupa might be up to something. Every time he asked little Hupa, he would hesitate, and if he asked again, Hupa would slip away through the ring.

Because there were a lot of things going on recently, he didn't ask too many questions.

The white ring possesses a power related to traveling through time and space - [Traveling through Different Dimensions].

【Dimensional shuttle】 can achieve the effect of traveling through time and space.

That’s right, travel through time and space.

Hupa's white ring has the power to travel through time and space, and can connect to other parallel times and spaces through the white ring.

In other words, when Mark goes to the headquarters of the Rainbow R organization in the future, he may no longer need to find the space-time coordinates of the headquarters of the Rainbow R organization.

The only problem is that Hupa's [Interdimensional Travel] is not very stable. Another old problem is that the parallel time and space at the Rainbow R organization headquarters has strong space-time interference.

Mark is not sure whether Hupa's [Interdimensional Travel] can take effect smoothly.

The reason why Mark delayed five days and took Hoopa in different parallel time and space was also because of saving Hoopa in these parallel time and space.

Every time a little Hoopa is rescued from a parallel time and space and absorbs the resentment and anger of the demon god Hoopa in that parallel time and space, Hupa's power will be enhanced to a certain extent.

Not only will the basic physical fitness become stronger, the total number of rings owned by Hupa will also increase by one or two, and the [different-dimensional space] and [different-dimensional shuttle] of the black and white rings will also be enhanced accordingly.

In fact, if Hupa hadn't absorbed the resentment and anger that was nearly saturated, Mark would have planned to delay for a few more days.

Yes, Hupa is currently unable to absorb the resentment and anger of the demon god Hupa without limit.

Although it is very easy to defeat Demon God Hupa, and there are no adverse reactions to absorbing Demon God Hupa's resentment and anger, the absence of adverse reactions does not mean that adverse reactions do not exist.

Little Hupa was not affected by resentment and anger. The foundation lies in the strength achieved through practical training and practice during this period.

But little Hupa's strength also has limits.

After continuously absorbing the resentment and anger of about fifty parallel time and spaces, Little Hupa's spirit has been basically saturated. Continuing to rescue and absorb resentment and anger will be harmful to Little Hupa.

If he wants to continue to absorb it, Little Hoopa must digest all this resentment and anger.

Mark's preliminary estimate is that this may take two to three months.

In short, two to three months is too long, and Mark obviously will not delay any longer.

In addition, it was also on the fifth day that Mark met a person whom he had lost contact with for a long time - young Mi Yang.

About two months ago.

The matter of young Mi Yang's parallel time and space No. 1 has been settled. Young Mi Yang has reached a reconciliation with his biological father Fleming who lives in parallel time and space No. 1.

Although he still disagrees with Flaming's approach, he has accepted his father's approach.

The adult world is not black and white, full of all kinds of compromises and helplessness.

Mark's example is in front of him, but he obviously can't do this.

In other words, normal people can't do it.

He cannot be like Mark, who can twist evil with his terrifying strength.

Nor can he be like Mark, who can crush evil into dust in an unreasonable way.

Therefore, he could only choose to compromise like other ordinary people.

He returned to Parallel World No. 1, accepted his father's arrangement, and became an affairs officer in the Republic of Shia. If nothing unexpected happens, he will gradually enter the Republic of Shia with the help of his father, Flaming. Power Center.

The short experience of working in government affairs allowed young Mi Yang to understand more things.

However, after all, I was still a little unwilling.

So, young Mi Yang gave up everything, chose to escape, and traveled around other parallel time and space with Xiao Mi Yang... (End of this chapter)

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