I can talk to my internal organs

Chapter 319: A novice doctor’s introductory skills

Chapter 319: A novice doctor’s introductory skills
In the afternoon, Lu Jiu and others visited the intangible cultural heritage project.

The many unique inheritances of traditional Chinese medicine also opened Lu Jiu's eyes.

In addition to some treatment techniques, there are also many unique secret recipes.

For example, using poisonous insects to make medicine, using ores to make medicine, etc.

Many things are very therapeutic.

It's just that not many people know about it.

Of course, these things are also more difficult to pass down.

On the one hand, there are indeed very few people who know and can use it. On the other hand, there are not many opportunities for these inheritors to spread their own things.

When these inheritors grow old, it will be obvious that the inheritance will be broken down.

By then, some knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine may really just be displayed in museums as heritage.

In one afternoon, Lu Jiu learned a lot.

Although it didn't help him improve his medical skills, it did give him a little more awe.

Chinese medicine is far more profound and profound than what he grasps.

"Hello, you are Lu Jiu, right, and Dean Huang."

Just when everyone was about to leave after visiting, Grado suddenly appeared in front of Lu Jiu.

She looked at Lu Jiu and others with a smile, "My friend's students told me about you. They said you were very powerful. You could tell what disease they had just by looking at them casually."

When the people around heard her words, they all looked at Lu Jiu.

In traditional Chinese medicine, there is no distinction between inspection, hearing, inquiry, and diagnosis. The combination of the four diagnosis methods is a comprehensive examination method. However, relatively speaking, inspection is the best way to get started, while inspection requires a lot of practical experience.

Because complexion is a thing, different people, different ages, different times, and different states will have different feelings.

You can tell what kind of disease a patient has by just looking at the patient. In addition to being particularly good at watching Qi, you also need to learn to deduce from the details of the patient's performance what is going on in his body that leads to this moment. complexion.

There is more or less an element of speculation in this.

But those who can guess like this and dare to guess like this are basically people with some ability!

Lu Jiu was not too modest, "There is an element of luck, but you can really get a rough idea."

Grado seemed to appreciate Lu Jiu's confidence.

"Can I have the honor of visiting your hospital?"

When Lu Jiu heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Of course, but the teacher and I still have to stay in Jinling for a few days."

Grado smiled and said, "It's only a few days, I can wait, then let's add a contact information."

Lu Jiu said, "Okay."

Grado successfully scanned the code, added Lu Jiu's WeChat account, and took out a USB flash drive from his pocket, "Lu Jiu, this is my Five Elements Acupuncture Technique. The other copy was given to the Jinling Health Commission. This One copy is specially made for you."


Specially given to yourself?
This gift is quite heavy!
"Professor Grado, this..." Lu Jiu felt ashamed.

He had almost no interaction with this professor, so Lu Jiu felt uncomfortable giving him such a big gift when they met.

Grado smiled and said, "Take it. If more doctors in your hospital can learn the Five Elements Acupuncture, more patients will be able to be helped. I am happy to see such a thing."

"Of course, I also want to learn from your hospital. If possible, I would like to bring this model to Dehans. This is just like paying the tuition."

When Lu Jiu heard this, he looked at Huang Fusheng and saw him smiling and nodding, so he stopped refusing, "Professor Grado, thank you!"

Grado smiled and said, "You're welcome, I won't disturb you anymore, bye."

Lu Jiu nodded, "Let's go slowly."

Everyone was extremely envious when they saw the USB flash drive in Lu Jiu's hand.

Especially young doctors.

Although Grado has handed another copy to the Jinling Health Commission, it is completely unknown whether they can learn it or when they can learn it.Lu Jiu is different. If he wants, he can watch it now.

Lu Jiu, who was holding the USB flash drive, turned to look at Huang Fusheng and others, "Teacher, principal, how about you make a copy too?"

Since Grado agreed that he could teach Five Elements Acupuncture to others, Lu Jiu naturally couldn't forget Huang Fusheng and Shen Congwei.

Although their current jobs are in Jianghan, they each have hospitals.

Five Elements Acupuncture is also of great help to them.

"Okay, give me a copy when you return to your room after dinner." Huang Fusheng said with a smile.

"It just so happens that I also want to see the difference between Five Elements Acupuncture and Navel Acupuncture." Shen Congwei said with a smile.

Afterwards, several people went to the cafeteria to finish their meal, and then returned to the room to copy the materials.

Lu Jiu also took this opportunity to observe the Five Elements Acupuncture.

"The sky has five elements, which control the five positions, and produce cold, heat, dryness, dampness, and wind; humans have five stores, which transform the five qi, and produce joy, anger, thoughts, worries, and fears..."

"Five Elements Acupuncture is based on Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang have balance, mutual rooting, growth and decline, and transformation..."

"Wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, they are the interpretation of different states of qi in motion. They are divided into five qi, combined into one qi, and cycle back and forth, over and over again..."

The first sentence at the beginning of the video was extremely familiar to Lu Jiu.

This is obviously the text in the Huangdi Neijing.

Lu Jiu is not surprised that the theory of Five Elements Acupuncture has the shadow of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic.

After all, the treatment methods created by later generations of doctors are inseparable from it.

The first issue of Professor Grado's Five Elements Acupuncture teaching also completely covers the theoretical basis of Five Elements Acupuncture.

The main part also explains the yin and yang and the five elements, as well as the explanation of qi.

It was not difficult for Lu Jiu to understand, and it was even very simple.

Because Lu Jiu's acupuncture foundation is so solid, and he also understands the I Ching Bagua.

He has long been familiar with the concepts of Yin Yang and Five Elements.

Learning it at this moment is like Zhang Wuji, who has mastered the Nine Yang Magic Technique, learning the Great Shift of the Universe.

After reading four or five issues of Five Elements Acupuncture, Lu Jiu also began to try the acupuncture techniques of Five Elements Acupuncture.

The acupoint selection of the Five Elements acupuncture method is very clever. It uses the compatibility of the Wushu acupoints of the Six Yin Meridians and the Wushu acupoints of the Six Yang Meridians.

We all know that the acupoints belonging to the five internal organs each have five losing points, namely "Jing, Ying, Shu, Jing, and He", which correspond to "wood, fire, earth, metal, and water".

For example, the well point on the Taiyin Lung Meridian of the Hand is Shaoshang Point, and this point has the wood attribute.

Another example is that the well point on the Kidney Meridian of Foot Shaoyin is Yongquan point, which is also of wood attribute.

Through these fixed acupoints and corresponding attributes, various combinations can be made to treat many diseases.

As for the technique, it is the most secondary thing of Five Elements Acupuncture.

It can even be said that there is no method at all.

It treats diseases solely by selecting acupoints.

Since there are not many acupuncture points selected, the combination is not complicated, and even the acupuncture techniques are not very demanding.

This makes it much less difficult for those who are learning this acupuncture technique.

If the curative effect is good, then this acupuncture method can be used as an introductory skill for many doctors.

And as long as you understand Yin Yang and Five Elements, it is not too difficult to learn. This is perfect for training new doctors.

tsk tsk!
Now I really got something good!


(End of this chapter)

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