I can talk to my internal organs

Chapter 361: 4 public opinions, rising popularity

Chapter 361 Public opinion is everywhere and the heat is rising

three days later.

Jinling New Times Square.

More than a dozen cameras are placed at various angles in the square.

There are panoramic and medium shots, covering almost everywhere, except, of course, the patient's privacy.

At the same time, there are a group of Internet celebrities squatting here, holding mobile phone stands there to shoot and communicate.

This joint diagnosis and treatment, under the deliberate guidance of the media, fermented very quickly.

Everyone is also looking forward to this public joint diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot led by traditional Chinese medicine.

Because in everyone’s understanding, diabetic foot not only carries the risk of death, but also has only one treatment method, amputation!

“Can Chinese medicine really cure diabetic foot?”

"I don't know, but since they have made joint diagnosis and treatment public, there must be a way. Otherwise, if we start such a big battle, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?"

"That's true, but how does Chinese medicine treat diabetic foot? I heard that most people with this disease have to have their legs amputated, either by cutting off the toes or the entire foot. Some people even cut off the calf. Yes, it’s terrifying.”

"Can't the hospital treat this disease?"

"That's right. I have a relative with diabetic foot disease. He seems to have to go to the hospital every once in a while, for almost a month at a time."

"I keep going to the hospital because it's not cured."

"Hey, not all hospitals are like this. People with diabetes need to take medicine all year round, not to mention diabetic foot. That thing is even scarier."

“Can Chinese medicine cure diabetes?”

"I saw people on the Internet saying that traditional Chinese medicine can cure diabetes, but I didn't see any of them in reality. Anyway, I saw people everywhere talking about traditional Chinese medicine."

"Have you ever seen a Chinese medicine doctor?"

"no, what happened?"

"...Uh, nothing."


In New Times Square, many people were already watching.

Even after three years of epidemic, not many people know the contribution that traditional Chinese medicine has made.

Therefore, while everyone is curious about TCM holding such open joint diagnosis and treatment, they also question whether TCM can work.

Time passed by, and soon, several ambulances drove over from a distance.

After these ambulances arrived at the location, they transported the patients to the medical tent one by one.

During the transportation process, many people also took photos of the legs and soles of some patients.

In particular, some Internet celebrities stretched the camera to a close-up. When the ulcerated parts of the soles of the feet appeared in front of the camera, it immediately caused discomfort to many netizens.

too disgusting.

There were holes in the soles of my feet, and there was pus and blood.

Many netizens have asked the anchor to stop doing close-ups, otherwise they will not even be able to eat breakfast.

However, because of these lenses, most people have seen what the conditions of the patients who were sent are like.

Play for real!

"Anchor, I'm a little curious. With this live broadcast, those patients will be watched all day long. Doesn't anyone care about privacy?"

"You must have signed the agreement. Just like if a doctor in the hospital wants to write a paper on the treatment of a disease, he will communicate with the patients who have the disease in advance to see if they are willing to cooperate. Then the hospital should be exempted from this aspect. The medical expenses."

"That's okay. If it were me, if I could cure the disease without paying any money, then it would be okay to just lie there and be watched."

"It's possible during the day, but probably not at night. And even if you give a camera, it's probably a close-up shot while you're waiting for the doctor to treat you. This kind of official live broadcast must avoid details. It's not as careful as the anchor's filming."

"Hey, look, they even brought a stove and a medicine jar. Are they going to fry Chinese medicine on the spot?"

"..." More and more patients and doctors arrived in the square.

The medical tent soon became lively.

The treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine are not that complicated, and acupuncture is not needed this time.

Therefore, you only need to prepare medicine jars and stoves, and then transport some Chinese medicine every day.

Oh, and I need to get a few more footbath basins.

Within a whole day, the medical tents in the square were filled with patients.

In fact, there are far more patients than these.

When the hospital proposed that patients cooperate with this joint diagnosis and treatment activity and that participating patients could have their medical expenses reduced, many patients agreed without hesitation.

Anyway, more than one of them was photographed, and under normal circumstances, many of them may not be able to appear on TV once in their lives.

By taking this opportunity, not only can the disease be cured and the patient pay less, but he can also appear on TV.

Who would say no?
Therefore, today’s batch of patients is just the first batch, and many more patients will sign the agreement in the future.

After the patients were all in place, the Chinese medicine practitioners from each hospital began to give the patients medicine to soak their feet according to Lu Jiu's internal and external treatment methods.

At the same time, major online video platforms also began to rush to report on the incident.

Official self-media in various cities began to spontaneously collect online videos without receiving any publicity notices, and reprocessed and posted them on their own accounts.

As a result, hundreds of media outlets on the Internet spoke out at the same time, instantly pushing this large-scale joint diagnosis and treatment event of traditional Chinese medicine in Jinling City to a hot search topic.

Out of curiosity, many people poured into the official live broadcast room of Jinling TV Station and watched the live broadcast.

Of course, when there are more people, quarrels will inevitably occur.

This is especially true for traditional Chinese medicine, a hot topic.

On many platforms, whenever Chinese medicine is discussed, controversy is inevitable.

Some people brag, some people criticize, and some people stand in a neutral position and are displeased with both sides.

But this time the noise became even more heated.

On many forums, there has been an upsurge in discussing whether traditional Chinese medicine can treat diabetic foot.

Zhihu is at the forefront.

Below this question, many well-known medical bloggers on Zhihu have already started to write lengthy articles.

Chinese medicine has not undergone double-blind experiments. Chinese medicine has not yet cured a single case of diabetic foot. Anyway, there are all kinds of citations and data, and the data are endless in English.

The whole answer is just two words.


The same is true for the next few floors, where Chinese medicine is almost made worthless between the lines.

The war on the Internet continues to rage, but in reality it is quite calm.

At least in Jinling City, major hospitals are still working step by step.

For the vast majority of doctors, the joint diagnosis and treatment provided by Chinese medicine has nothing to do with them.

There are even many Western doctors applauding it.

After all, everyone is a laborer. If Chinese medicine practitioners are capable and can share some of the pressure for them, why not do it?

Those who are really anxious are those who want to make a fortune from illness.

Once Chinese medicine can occupy a place in the field of diabetes, it will undoubtedly cut off the financial path for those who have been guarding this piece of cake.


(End of this chapter)

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