Chapter 40
Lu's Medical Center.

Zhang Yu and Qiao Ling both came for a follow-up visit.

Both of them are recovering pretty well, especially Zhang Yu, since he insisted on going to bed early and getting up early, plus exercising a little every day, his energy and spirit are completely different.

Needless to say, Qiao Ling changed her diet, increased the amount of rice, and when she came over without makeup, the skin on her face looked extraordinarily radiant, as if she had put on light makeup.

This is actually the performance after Qi and blood began to recover slowly.

At noon, Gong Huo came over for a follow-up visit, and brought books of various subjects along the way.

After Lu Jiu accepted it, he had a meal at noon, and in the afternoon, in his free time, he helped Gong Huo mark the key learning content.

Today is better than yesterday, two patients came in the afternoon.

One is a cold, and the other is an uncomfortable neck.

Neither of them had particularly serious symptoms, so Lu Jiu naturally resolved it quickly.

As Lu Jiu spent more and more time at the clinic, many familiar neighbors stopped looking for Lu Shan after they came to the door.

Everyone knows that Lu Jiu is now in charge of the medical clinic, and the old man is already retired.

And don't look at Lu Jiu's young age, many neighbors have some headaches, and he can solve them here.

In just over a week, Lu Jiu was recognized by many people.

He also acquired a lot of basic knowledge of Chinese medicine during this period.

Especially for the basics of acupuncture and moxibustion, almost half of the rewards are for this. Lu Jiu now gives acupuncture to patients, even with his eyes closed, he can hit the right acupoints. In addition, he has the skill of entraining qi, and many patients' minor ailments can be solved immediately.

It's a pity that Lu Jiu cured a few patients on the spot several times, but failed to activate the special skill reward, so far, his special skill is only burning the mountain fire.

Now Lu Shan basically no longer supervises Lu Jiu. He comes to the clinic for an order in the morning and goes for a walk in the park by himself in the afternoon.

Old age life is called a freedom.

Lu Jiu himself sticks to his post. If there is a patient, he will see it at the door. If there is no patient, he will check on the website to see if anyone needs help.

When I am bored, I practice acupuncture and read medical books, and my daily life is quite fulfilling.


The little bald jumped onto the table with the help of Lu Jiu's legs in two small jumps.

After more than a week of recuperation, this little guy has recovered quite well. Not only is the moss gone, but his physique has also improved, and now the hair all over his body has sprouted a lot.

Seeing it jumping up, Lu Jiu reached out and rubbed the cat's head gently, then continued to visit the Chinese Medicine House.

Recently, there has been a topic of discussion on the forum, that is, there is an atlas of Chinese medicine published by Fusang. The content is not complicated, but the knowledge in the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic is presented in the form of pictures, which undoubtedly lowers the threshold for learning Chinese medicine. Even some elementary school students can easily master some knowledge of Chinese medicine.

This made many netizens on the forum feel aggrieved.

There are no less than twenty related posts on the homepage of Medical Dao Jianghu alone.

"It's ridiculous. We are still arguing that Chinese medicine is unscientific. They have already begun to popularize Chinese medicine knowledge in elementary schools."


"A friendly reminder, this atlas of Han medicine has been published for three or four years, and it was only recently moved to the Internet by our side."


"Steal!! I knew how to steal when I was young, and it's as disgusting as those grandchildren on the peninsula."


"In the future, if we want to learn Chinese medicine, should we go to Fusang?"


"All devils know that Chinese medicine is a treasure."


"Quietly tell you that a hundred-year-old Chinese medicine company was recently acquired by Fusang, tsk tsk tsk, it's terrifying to think about it!"


In fact, it is not uncommon for Fusang to attach importance to Chinese medicine. During the Anti-Japanese War, they robbed Chinese medicine books.

Many ancient acupuncture and moxibustion books of the Lu family were lost during that period!

Of course, these were not the only things they robbed!
It's just that no matter how much this nation plunders, it seems that they can't learn the essence of Chinese culture.

They robbed Chinese medicine and changed its name to Han medicine, and took away the prescription and changed it to Han Fang, but they didn't understand the core of Chinese medicine.

Decades ago, Fusang implemented a policy of "abandoning medicine and saving medicine".

That's right, there are many people in Huaxia who want Chinese medicine to do this.

The reason why Fusang wants to abolish medicine and save medicine is because they think that the most important thing in Chinese medicine is Chinese medicine. As long as you know what medicine works and what kind of disease it can cure, it doesn't matter whether you have the theory of Chinese medicine or not.

The results of it?
The medicine is gone, and the medicine is gone.

Because when the traditional Chinese medicine is actually handed over to people who don’t understand Chinese medicine, they will find out that it is clearly stated in the book that this medicine can cure the disease, why the patients can’t get better after taking the medicine, and some of them get worse, and even worse, they die after taking the medicine.

When a new disease appeared, they searched the textbooks and found that there was no prescription to cure the disease.

This kind of illness case that did not follow the book completely confused them all at once.

After such a round, many high-level executives in Fusang felt that this was not feasible, and it seemed that there was no use in abolishing medicine and saving medicine.

Therefore, more than ten years ago, Fusang finally picked up the syndrome differentiation and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine again.

To this day, the Chinese medical community is still talking about abolishing medicine and saving medicine. This is actually following the old path of Fusang, and it is a complete mistake.

That is naively thinking that Chinese medicine is the core of Chinese medicine.

In fact, the syndrome differentiation and treatment of TCM is the most important thing.

The four diagnostic methods, observation, hearing, questioning, eight cardinal principles, six meridians, etc., are the soul of Chinese medicine.

Many people think that it is medicine that cures a disease. As long as the ingredients of the medicine are effective, it doesn't matter who is taking the medicine.

But is this really the case?

The ingredients of a whole angelica root are the same, but their parts are different, their effects are different, their compatibility is different, their curative effect is also different, how to use it if you don't know the syndrome differentiation?

Besides, floating wheat does not have any active ingredients that can cure diseases, but when Chinese medicine uses it, does it take its rising and floating energy? Excuse me, if you don’t understand syndrome differentiation, how should you use it?

You don’t even know how to cure diseases and save lives, so how do you use medicine?How to save people?

It's a pity that many people don't understand this most basic thing, and they spread nonsense on the Internet all day long, and even some masters in the modern medical field said in public, "If Chinese medicine has always adhered to the old-fashioned four diagnoses and eight principles, and has not moved forward, it will always be questioned."

It is undeniable that this master has made outstanding contributions in the field of modern medicine, but his understanding of Chinese medicine is really shallow.

What are the four diagnosis and eight principles?
That is the core theoretical system of Chinese medicine, a system that has been tested for thousands of years and has not been eliminated.

What does it mean to drop this?
Do you still remember the whispers that Yingdi whispered to Ermao during the Cold War?
Hey Ermao, buddies, as long as you throw away the nuclear weapons, I will let you join our big family!

Then, the Ermao was lost, and then it was beaten up by Fatty, and it couldn't breathe anymore!
In the future, there will be no chance to breathe.

Chinese medicine is gone, Chinese medicine still has acupuncture, acupuncture is gone, Chinese medicine still has Gua Sha, cupping, and even massage and bone setting.

But if syndrome differentiation and treatment are gone, then Chinese medicine will really lie in the National Museum and become a completely sealed history.

Lu Jiu looked at the posts on the forum and couldn't speak for a long time. Today, Fusang has awakened. They realize what the soul of Chinese medicine is, and they are far ahead of China in the field of Chinese medicine education. As a descendant of Yanhuang and the inheritor of Chinese medicine, he feels a heavy responsibility.

It would be a disgrace to their generation if the things that the ancestors had led the world for thousands of years were snatched away by the little days.

After death, I am afraid that I will have no face to see my ancestors.

Damn, you have to learn something!
With a snap, Lu Jiu closed the notebook, picked up a treatise on Febrile Diseases, and began to study it carefully.

Little bald tilted his head to look at Lu Jiu's angry look, with a puzzled expression on his face. The next moment, his head suddenly looked outside the medical hall, as if he had discovered something.

Soon, a figure rushed in at the door of the medical hall, extremely fast.

"Doctor Lu, Doctor Lu..." It was a man who came and looked at Lu Jiu out of breath after running into the clinic, "Doctor Lu, please help my mother."

Lu Jiu looked up at the man, but he didn't seem to have this face in his memory, "What's wrong with your mother?"

Yang Chun said hurriedly, "My mother has been diagnosed with gallstones, and she is currently in the hospital for observation."

Lu Jiu remembered.

The aunt who came to see a doctor a week ago.

He was also surprised that he didn't come back for a follow-up visit after taking the medicine for three or four days, and the system never gave a reminder.

"Didn't I prescribe medicine, it didn't work?"

(End of this chapter)

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