Chapter 42 Wonderful duel
"How many hours have passed since Princess Weiyang listed Xie Yu's five major crimes?"

"Your Majesty doesn't want to read Xie Yu's handwriting?"

"Is the truth of the year really irrelevant to His Majesty?"

"Your eldest son of the emperor, your own flesh and blood, was put to death step by step. For you, can you really not take it to heart?"


This series of questions, like huge waves, surged towards Emperor Liang one after another.

This is the clarion call for Mei Changsu's counterattack.

"Presumptuous!" Emperor Liang was furious to the extreme, and shouted angrily, but immediately after, his eyes were a little erratic, he didn't dare to look at Mei Changsu, turned his head aside, and said in a low voice, "Presumptuous!"

After two consecutive presumptuous acts, Emperor Liang's aura turned from prosperity to decline, and his momentum plummeted. So far, the offensive and defensive positions have been changed, and the transition is perfect.

Mei Changsu's face was full of sadness, and he said, "I have read this handwriting."

"How was Shuai Lin killed?"

"How did the prince die unjustly in prison?"


"Every piece, every piece is written very clearly. I copied a copy by hand. Do you want to hear it, Your Majesty?"

Emperor Liang shook his body, waved his hands again and again with fear in his anxiety, "No, don't read it, I... I don't want to hear it."

Mei Changsu's gaze was like a knife, fixedly staring at Emperor Liang and said, "Your Majesty, do you not want to hear it, or are you afraid to hear it?"

"King Qi left a sentence before he was bestowed on death that 'the father does not know the son, and the son does not know the father'. Does Your Majesty know what this sentence means?"

"If Your Majesty knows King Qi, you will not doubt that he has the heart to seek the throne. If King Qi knows Your Majesty, you will not believe it until you die. You will kill him."

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, do you feel guilty when you learn that Lin Shuai and King Qi have a grievance today?"

Faced with Mei Changsu's questioning, Emperor Liang stood up abruptly, as if exhausting all his strength, he roared sternly and softly: "It's a fact that he embraces his own strength. He put aside all the people I sent, and only used King Qi's people."

"When he is out on an expedition, he always says that he will be out, and the military order is not accepted, how can I tolerate it?"

"There is also King Qi, who wins people's hearts in the court, talks wildly in the government, and even the ministers' memorabilia must say what King Qi wants. How can you let me tolerate it?"

"He is both a minister and a son, but he is above the court, and he repeatedly contradicts me. He is the world, the world."

"You said, is this world my world, or his Xiao Jingyu's world?"

Mei Changsu retorted without backing down: "The the world for the people of the world."

"If there are no people, where will the emperor come from? If there is no community, where will the monarch be?"

"Soldiers are in the bloody battlefield ahead, and you are far away in the capital, swiping the butcher's knife just because of a suspicion."

"In Your Majesty's heart, I am afraid that there is only the majestic imperial power, and how has there ever been a world? King Qi's reputation as a diligent and virtuous king is all derived from his political achievements. Whenever His Majesty has a different political opinion, he always speaks out in person. .”

"However, in His Majesty's eyes, his honesty and honesty can only be contradicted."

Speaking of this, Mei Changsu's eyes revealed a deep sorrow, his eyes were a little red, and his tone became much slower, saying word by word: "He drank that glass of poisoned wine in prison, how desolate his heart must be."

The rest of the crew were amazed.


It's wonderful!
Mei Changsu's gaze was as sharp as a knife, and he shouted angrily, "But even if it's for the love between father and son back then, and for Qi Wang's heart that he would rather die than turn back, is it so difficult to find out the truth of the year? Can't it be done?"

Emperor Liang's mood was already depressed at the moment, his lips were trembling, his old eyes were full of tears, and he seemed to have no energy at all, so he choked up and said, "It's not that I was born ruthless."

After speaking, he raised his finger to the dragon chair again, and said, "As long as you sit on this chair, people will change."

"Remember, no matter what happens to Jingyan, when he takes this position in the future, he will change. I can't give him the world he wanted back then, and neither can King Qi. He will always be there. No one can give it to him."

After speaking, Emperor Liang sat down on the ground.

Mei Changsu shook his head, looked at Emperor Liang with a pitiful look, and said, "Your Majesty has lost his position of supremacy and lost his heart, but not everyone is like this. As a father, you don't understand King Qi, let alone Jingyan."

Emperor Liang trembled all over. After a pause, he stood up with difficulty and said, "Okay, I agree to what you want."

"A retrial, a heavy sentence, and then I personally announce it to the world. It's fine, but there is one condition. No matter what, Jingyan is my son after all, but you are different. Chi Yan's blood has been shed too much."

"I... absolutely can't let Lin Shu, let you stand alive on the court, in front of me, in front of Tianxia people, do you understand?"

Hearing this, Mei Changsu's eyes were filled with sadness and relief, and said, "Okay, I promise."

Emperor Liang didn't seem to have expected Mei Changsu to agree so readily. He was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "What about Jingyan? He definitely won't want to do this. How can you persuade him?"

Mei Changsu said: "Your Majesty will definitely not let Lin Shu return to court, otherwise people in the world will always blame His Majesty for his faults. I have already thought of this, and Lin Shu is not asking for this."

"As for how to persuade Jingyan, that's my business. From now on, you and I don't have to see each other again."

After speaking, Mei Changsu turned around and walked outside.

"Wait...wait~~" Looking at Mei Changsu's back, Emperor Liang suddenly shouted.

Mei Changsu stopped, but did not turn around, waiting for Emperor Liang's next words.

Emperor Liang pursed his trembling lips, took two steps forward, with pleading eyes, and said in a choked voice, "You have to believe that I was deceived by villains."

"Plop!" Emperor Liang's knees softened and he knelt directly on the ground.

Li Hao, who was sitting in front of the monitor, saw this, and hurriedly shouted to the photographer with his headset: "Quick, take a close-up of Teacher Gu's face and eyes."

He was really very excited. Emperor Liang's shocking kneeling kneeling didn't exist in the script. It was completely performed by the two of them. Bao Guoan added it himself when his emotions were in place.

However, this kneeling is simply the finishing touch.

in the lens.

Seeing Emperor Liang's sudden kneeling, Mei Changsu's body also trembled slightly, his eyes did not have the slightest joy of the victor, but were full of sadness.

I don't know if it was for the kneeling of the Ninth Five Lord, or for the deceased King Qi and his father.

Emperor Liang knelt on the ground, with tears of remorse on his face, and said emotionally: "Your father has served Zuozhen for ten years, and your mother Jinyang is my own sister."

"I hugged you, took you to ride a horse, and accompanied you to fly a kite, do you... remember?"

When the line that he added by hugging the past was finished, his whole emotions collapsed instantly, and he knelt on the ground and began to cry loudly.

Mei Changsu's eye sockets also turned rosy, the muscles at the corners of his mouth trembled unconsciously, and his eyes were filled with an incomparably complicated expression.

Resentment, anger, pity, loss, comfort, relief...

Mei Changsu used his eyes to perfectly express many different emotions at the same time.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but when the words reached his lips, Mei Changsu swallowed them back, and finally, with heavy steps, he left the hall slowly.

At this moment, he couldn't see a trace of the joy of the winner, but was full of deep sadness.

There is no winner in this palace change.


"This 24-minute shot, one shot to the end, is over!" Li Hao shouted excitedly.

"Wonderful! It's amazing!"

"Teacher Bao and Hu Ge, the duel scene is so exciting, classic!"

The people around couldn't help applauding and cheering.

(End of this chapter)

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