Chapter 511
"Director Li."

"Congratulations, Director Li."

"Now it has exceeded 70 billion in box office, maybe the cumulative box office will exceed [-] billion, becoming the first domestic film to exceed [-] billion in box office!"

"I think the only one who can break Director Li's box office record is you, Director Li!"

"Congratulations to Director Li for the box office success of his movie."

At the banquet after the press conference, Li Hao accepted everyone's compliments and dealt with them one by one.

Hundreds of reporters from more than a dozen large media outlets, more than a dozen theater chains, more than a dozen TV stations, representatives of various entertainment companies, large and small, and hundreds of celebrities were all gathered.

There were so many people coming that Li Hao had to deal with them one by one. He walked around and exchanged greetings with everyone.

“Don’t worry, Director Li, there will be no shortage of movies from Haotian Media in Pacific Cinemas!” the vice president of West Sichuan Film Group and general manager of Pacific Cinemas assured with a smile on his face.

The vice president of Henan Film Group, the vice president of Northern Hubei Yangtze Film Company, and the general manager of Happy Blue Ocean also gave a guaranteed ticket.

The quality of Haotian Media's movies is the most guaranteed, with at least two blockbuster movies every year, which is God for theater chains.

This not only has a considerable box office share, but most importantly, the cinema can obtain a large amount of non-ticket revenue.

This time, the two movies "Dou Po: The Finale" and "The Painting Girl" were both box office hits, making various movie theaters a lot of money.

The biggest source of profit for movie theaters has never been the box office split, but non-ticketing revenue.

Box office splitting may not even allow movie theaters to maintain profits. Movie theaters can be profitable mostly because of non-ticketing revenue.

For these theater chains, Haotian Media is the God of Wealth!

Just like this time, Haotian Media didn't invest much money in the promotion of "Dou Po: The Finale", but the theaters took the initiative to spend their money to promote it.

"Fighter: The Finale" has a box office of over 70 billion, and these theaters definitely deserve a lot of credit.

Li Hao is helpless. Seeing how hard these theater chains are working, they are determined to push the movie box office to 90 billion or even [-] billion.

But you have already said it, so you can’t slap yourself in the face! ?
"The movie plate is getting bigger and bigger. If you have money, everyone can make money together! We work together to make the cake bigger, so that everyone can eat more." Li Hao smiled.

He never likes to look at market share. Looking at market share is prone to internal friction. This is what we have to compete with when we have stocks.When the market is rising rapidly, it is more important to make the pie bigger.

Nowadays, the movie market is booming, and the number of moviegoers continues to hit records. In addition to the increasing number of movie theaters and screens, a very important reason is that good movies continue to appear, attracting audiences to the movie theaters, and cultivating the audience's imagination. Movie viewing habits and hobbies.

Otherwise, if the market is full of bad movies, it is estimated that the audience will not be willing to enter the cinema, but will stay at home and watch TV series or variety shows.

Nowadays, there are more and more forms of entertainment. Even the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala have been declining sharply. Watching movies is not the only form of entertainment for everyone.

Movies are developing rapidly, and TV series, variety shows, etc. are also developing rapidly!
The relationship between these theater chains and Haotian Media is very delicate, with both cooperation and competition.

Competition is reflected in the fact that Wanda Cinemas, a subsidiary of Haotian Media, has ranked first in box office output for more than ten years in a row. It is also the most profitable among the cinemas. The location may not necessarily be the best, but the equipment, environment and service level are definitely the best. Highest.

But apart from competition, there is more cooperation. This can be seen from Haotian Media's movie schedule. Major theaters are willing to arrange more movies for Haotian Media's movies.

"Director Li, congratulations on the box office success. It is expected to set a box office record!" Lu Wushuang held a cup filled with mineral water and congratulated Li Hao.

Even though they haven't seen each other for a while, Li Hao still feels amazed by Lu Wushuang.

Lu Wushuang is a very special being in Haotian Media, or in the entire entertainment industry.Ever since she starred as Chang'e in "Hou Yi Shoots the Sun", she has become popular all over the country with her outstanding appearance and unique temperament.Everyone thinks that Lu Wushuang is already a hot A-list female star.

However, Lu Wushuang rarely accepts interviews and rarely appears in the entertainment sector. Even if he does occasionally receive interviews, he thinks that he is not a star, but just an ordinary college student.

You will also look out of place if you attend Haotian Media's celebration banquet or other gatherings.

"Thank you." Li Hao smiled lightly: "How about it? Do you have any plans to act in a play this summer?"

Even though Lu Wushuang does not regard himself as a star, but with so many fans, he is naturally favored by the market. Even though he has high requirements for endorsements and continues to screen, he still has ten endorsements.

High-end cosmetics, smart homes, smartphones, cars, high-end clothing.
After one year, the income is also extremely considerable.

Lu Wushuang chuckled, directly eclipsing the female celebrities around him: "I plan to study hard and take the postgraduate entrance examination, we will talk about it later."

Li Hao nodded slightly.

He has always chosen to respect personal choices.

After all, being a star is not the only way out.

There are many people who have outstanding looks but are not interested in the entertainment industry.

Li Hao believed that Lu Wushuang had a strong learning ability and it was always good to learn more.

Isn't there a saying that says, 'All good-looking skins are the same, but interesting souls are unique'.

Lu Wushuang has outstanding looks, coupled with his own talent, he is truly one of a kind.

When chatting with everyone, Li Hao also felt that March is really the off-season for movies, and only 3 new movies are scheduled to be released in March.

Among these 20 movies, the only one worth watching is the Hollywood blockbuster "Moonfall".

Since the agreement was re-signed a few years ago, the number of Hollywood movies has increased. Coupled with some co-productions, the number of Hollywood movies released in the mainland a year is about forty.

There are eight major film companies in Hollywood, which have monopolized the entire Hollywood film business for decades.

Although there have been countless people who have tried to challenge and even replace them over the decades, no one has succeeded, and their status is still rock-solid.

Unless, of course, you commit suicide!
Even on a global scale, Hollywood giants have always been invincible, turning Europe, South America, Japan, South Korea, the Middle East, Africa, Australia, and Southeast Asia into their back gardens.

However, only in China, an increasingly fertile land, Hollywood blockbusters have repeatedly failed at the hands of local films.

At the beginning of this century, the films of Zhang Yimou, Feng Xiaogang, and Zhou Xingchi frequently exceeded [-] million yuan, grinding Hollywood blockbusters to the ground.

Later, the "Transformers" series became a hit, and the success of "Inception," "Kung Fu Panda" and "Avatar" made all Hollywood film companies extremely excited. They had the opportunity to aggressively attack the Chinese market.

However, we never expected that the glory did not come, but its proportion in the Chinese market continued to decline.

In fact, in just a few years, the aura of Hollywood movies has completely ceased to exist in China.

Therefore, "Moonfall", to be honest, did not attract much attention.

(End of this chapter)

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