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Chapter 659 Records are made to be broken

Chapter 659 Records are made to be broken
Of course, the reason why "Nuwa Mends the Sky" has achieved such excellent box office results in South Korea is partly because of the shocking special effects scenes, and more importantly because they feel that Nuwa is also from Korea!

In recent years, research and evidence that Li Hao, Tong Liya, etc. are of Korean ancestry have never stopped.

As for Nuwa being from Korea, that is the consensus of the entire Korea.

Therefore, in seven days, the number of viewers of "Nuwa Mending the Sky" in South Korea reached the 500 million mark.

In Japan, a country rich in animation movies and romantic action movies, "Spirited Away" ranks first in film history, with 308 billion yen. "Avatar", which has swept the world, has earned 156 billion yen in Japan. Previously, "Galaxy Crusade", which was a hit all over the world, took in a box office of 236 billion yen.

This time, "Nuwa Mend the Sky" earned ¥6.8 million on its first day of release in Japan. It did not win the daily box office championship, but lost to the "Dragon Ball" theatrical version, which received ¥9.62 million.

In Nanyang, it has completely become the back garden of Chinese-language films, and Hollywood movies have finally retreated from the Nanyang film market.

In the past, Hollywood movies could be released freely in Nanyang, and everyone was happy to play Hollywood movies. After all, they could make money.

But things are different now. Nanyang Cinema Line occupies an absolute dominant position in Nanyang. It has established theaters in the most prosperous places, with the best geographical location and the best first-class equipment.

After so many years of market development, Chinese-language films have become mainstream in Southeast Asia.

Li Hao, Haotian Media, etc. are also golden brands in Nanyang.

And because of cultural reasons, Nanyang has no resistance at all to special effects blockbusters involving Chinese mythological stories such as "Houyi Shoots the Sun" and "Nuwa Mends the Sky", and their love for them has far exceeded that of Hollywood movies.

Cinemas in major cities in Southeast Asia such as Hanoi, Bangkok, Yangon, Jakarta, and Singapore are crowded with audiences watching "Nuwa Mends the Sky." Although the populations of each country are small, the box office potential of the entire Southeast Asia is equally incredible. Look down upon.

In the European and American markets, many of them can't understand it, but they are interested in Chinese mythology. As soon as they entered the cinema, they were attracted by the epic scenes and enjoyed watching them.

After all, to be honest, Europe and the United States are tired of watching Hollywood movies. In addition, the special effects are becoming more and more inadequate, so many people are complaining that the special effects of Hollywood movies now are not even as good as "Avatar" more than ten years ago. "Movie.

"Nuwa Mends the Sky" is a novelty for European and American audiences, and then it is shocking.

In their impression, epic battles are about the [-] Spartans, The Mummy, Lord of the Rings, etc. As for disaster movies, they are about tsunamis, earthquakes, etc., and "Nuwa Mends the Sky" gives them a proper Huge shock.

This kind of shock is still greater than that of "Galaxy Expedition".

It is true that "Galaxy Crusade" is a hard science fiction blockbuster, but there are always a few hard science fiction movies in Europe and the United States every year, and there are always hard science fiction blockbusters in every few years.

But "Nuwa Mends the Sky" is different.

As if to say, there is only the previous "Hou Yi Shoots the Sun", but the scenes of "Hou Yi Shoots the Sun" are far inferior to "Nu Wa Mends the Sky".

In China, just when everyone has finished the seven-day National Day holiday and is preparing to start work.

Li Hao held a celebration banquet at Wanda Sophia Hotel.

After all, although it has only been released for seven days, "Nuwa Mends the Sky" has achieved impressive results, enough to hold a celebration party.

Li Hao finally appeared in public after seven days of not appearing in public.

This National Day, Li Hao has a great harvest both in his family and career. He is blessed with a son and has a great career.

The four Haotian film and television theme parks received more than 250 million visitors in seven days, which is an extremely astonishing figure.

In addition, "Nuwa Mend the Sky" was a box office hit and swept the entire world.

Li Hao was also in a good mood, with a bright smile on his face.

What no one else knew was that just this morning, the first day after the National Day holiday, he received a call. The superiors finally relented and allowed Haotian Media Group to hold a film festival on the 'Haotian Holiday Island', while other units Only the right to supervise and co-organize.The most difficult hurdle has been passed.

Next, all that remains is to communicate with filmmakers in other major film markets.

Of course, Li Hao did not plan to announce the news at this time. Instead, he would wait for some time and all the dust to settle before announcing the news.

There were a lot of guests, and likewise a lot of media.

"Director Li, are you confident that "Nuwa Mends the Sky" will break the box office record just set by "Galaxy Expedition"?" A reporter interviewed Li Hao.

Li Hao smiled and said: "Records are meant to be broken. If you can't break them this time, they will be broken next time."

To be honest, Li Hao is still confident that the box office record of "Galaxy Expedition" will be broken in the Chinese film market, but when it comes to the total box office, he has no confidence.

At present, the overseas box office looks good except for Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea, but Li Hao knows in his heart that this is actually just because of the shocking scenes with special effects, which attract the audience, but the staying power is probably not long-lasting, and it is not as good as "Galaxy Expedition".

This is the cultural difference.

"Nuwa Mends the Sky" actually contains a large part of Chinese culture. Europe and the United States and other regions do not know much about Chinese culture. After this popularity, it is probably difficult to become interested again.

Moreover, "Galaxy Expedition" has many international actors, but "Nuwa Mends the Sky" does not.

After everyone accepted some interviews, they entered the hall.

These links are already very familiar and there are no surprises.

Li Hao and other creative teams smashed two ice sculptures.

An ice sculpture represents the Chinese film market, and an ice sculpture represents the global box office.

As the ice sculptures were smashed, the guests generously applauded.

Just this year, celebrities in the entertainment industry suddenly discovered that they had to rely on Haotian Media as much as possible. Even if they could not join the Haotian system, they still had to maintain good relationships and not turn against each other.

Because the four Haotian Film and Television Theme Parks are so popular and profitable, celebrities are willing to be given relatively generous remuneration for performances, rather than being as demanding as other scenic spots.

And everyone has noticed that Haotian Media Group is getting stronger and stronger, and this big tree is getting bigger and bigger.

As for this year, although the wealth list once again raised Li Hao's net worth to the level of a 2000 billion billionaire, more people don't believe it.

Everyone knows that Li Hao is very rich, but no one knows how much he has. It is a mystery.

Especially before the National Day, Wang Sicong complained about the wealth list on Weibo. He said that Li Hao's net worth is definitely much more than his father, and the wealth list cannot be trusted.

Most people chose to believe Wang Sicong's words, thinking that Mr. Wang had relatively high-level contacts and could learn a lot of inside information that ordinary people could not access.

Wang Sicong thinks that Li Hao is richer, so this is definitely the case.

In the past ten years or so, there have been dozens of celebrities who have been ripped apart by Wang Sicong, but there are a few that Wang Sicong has never talked about.

Jingtian is one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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